The Spit Master Plan Vision Beyond

Here is a brief summary only, of points I’d liked tabled for consideration in the overall Master Planning process, some may have already be presented by others, so that just reinforces the need I feel: (I’m happy to elaborate if there is some interest in any of the concepts for discussion, as they as only concepts in draft)

Better Connectivity:

To include better integrated Public Transport, Road Networks, to alleviate current pressures and congestion to Main Beach, the Spit, the Gold Coast Highway and the Southport Road networks.

Improved Pedestrian and Bike access links, around the complete Broadwater to the Seaway Spit foreshore connections, allowing for good water viewing and additional access with other links currently in place, both north, south, east and west. This would means some greater vision shown by some established waterfront lots, to create and open up this to greater public access. Which ultimately will improve their visitations too to their establishments, by passing trade!

Alternative people moving transportations needed, such as cable cars from Southport Light Rail to the Spit and beyond- All creating and becoming one great linkage for all of those general transport methods mentioned. Alternatives such as cable cars, was mentioned by Phillip Follent, at the first KSG meeting and should be one new item for the agenda planning.

One Centre Piece I feel, to these suggestions is to create an Iconic direct road/bridge link to the Spit, so as to create alternative routes, network flows and public transport needs. I’m suggesting this connection be part of a Superyacht Development, which should offset some of the costs.

Please find attached one small section of a draft mud drawing of such a crossing and I’d be happy to show and add other sections of an overall plan to both North to Sth. Stradbroke/ Wave Break Island and South to the Sundale Bridge.

By coming directly off the M1/Smith Street road network, this will divert some traffic away from the already congressed Queen Street, Sundale Bridge and Main Beach areas. While providing greater relief and alternative ways around gaining access to events and visits to the Spit and Main Beach. Other suggested bridge crossings at Queen St to Main Beach, will only add to the current Sundale Bridge, Main Beach and Gold Coast Hwy intersections pressures currently experienced, hence the alternative bold plan to connect Smith Street directly to the Spit and the heart of this masterplan is the key and the loop needed. Funding can be a public private partnership linked to a Super Yacht Berth Resort low rise development, with both Local, State and Federal Business cases presented to help make this a reality.

Public Access and Safety:

Apart from the connectivity mentioned in the “Better Connectivity” heading above, it’s so important to give “Our City” the Lungs our residents need, so they can recharge their life batteries, whenever the need requires, with no restrictions and fears of safety issues.

Safety improvements need to be made in and around the Federation Walk and Doug Jennings Park, to ensure good visual surveillance over these public sites is improved. Fire safety too needs to be a key point to the improvements, to the areas relatively untouched on the spit. Areas that appear to be just sand dunes, to those uneducated in coast environments. Development of some of these areas should be avoided at all costs.

Allowing development only on those site set down in the State and Local Plans and to the heights that do not exceed the built form of three stories, while protecting those areas of sensitivity long into the future, for our future!

Create Event Spaces:

Allow for event spaces and viewing areas for the public for both on land and on water major events.

Please find attached one such event space that should already been provided to Council and or this forum. The White Eagle Point, was set down as one proposal for the Spit and Doug Jennings parkland. We need to also include event spaces for Polo and on water activities such as America Cup Sailing style events, Formula 1 Boats and more. Greater access to vantage point around the Broadwater, for viewing, which could also open up opportunities for air shows and more.

We should have at least two, on water Broadwater Stadiums, simply by maintaining the current on water one near SeaWorld and add a large centre piece stadium for larger events (see draft Plan attached in White markings). Some protected areas need to be set aside for environmental spaces, but this can be work through with assistance and consultation over time.

Environmental Sensitive Areas:

Some of these areas can be manmade, as nature has and can adapt to properly manage designed changes, if allowed to and been helped through with proper consultation.

This may seem very negative to some thinking, but I’ve seen sensitive areas work through these issues with success. Areas such as the Cairns Cable Way and now the new planned Cable Way at Tasmania’s Cradle Mountain, one of the most sensitive areas on this planet.

Our own areas such as South Stradbroke Island has great Bio Diversity and even the man made Wave Break Island has an important part to play in this overall plan, providing these environmental spaces we need to work with.

Some sand formed Islands of late need to possibly be relocated and more such island planned for other areas of the Broadwater, north of Wave Break. Some could even double as event viewing spaces, parking areas and resource recovery processing, as was one example shown in the draft proposal attached. So as to maintain and keep the Broadwater and our Beaches protected from storm events and flooding. A permanent sand recovery sites should be identified and possible even a dredging barge connection points located at areas such as current marine stadium near the boat ramp at the Voluntary Marine Rescue. So sand can be pumped along our northern beaches when required. EDMP did do some work on this proposal for a permanent pipe laid for such a use and this should be looked at as a long term solution to our Beach replenishment requirements.

M1 on Water:

We need to maintain and improve some of our channels, particularly the western channel past Charis Seafoods to Runaway Bay, Paradise Pt, Sanctuary Cove and Hope Island, as a secondary smaller boat, under 80 foot, channel while making a larger M1 Channel to link up the Marine Precinct, our northern partners at Jacobs Well and beyond to Moreton Bay.

Super Yachts Preferred and Greater Economic Benefit:

The Gold Coast would be much better off focusing on our strengths in the Super Yacht Industry both Power and Sail and a presentation was forthcoming at the August KSG meeting.

By having best practice facilities, a good Dive site in the north, aligned with events and even an Executive Airport to service this all, would have greater economic long term benefits for our city.

We should look to capturing, a good dive site for the north of the coast, more major Sailing and Power events like the America's Cup and the recent Off-Shore Power races.

This will bring the Coast, real and true economic outcomes!

It would set us apart from other cities and provide something unique and the envy of the world-wide Superyacht and Dive Site industries in the “Luxury Marine” playgrounds. So, give us some of that standout infrastructure needed to support those high-end return industries, like Business Tourism does. Along with a properly located executive airport to service these needs. That would make the Coast unique and the first fully integrated outcome worldwide. With our own Pilot Boat to service the Coast arriving Super Yachts.

High end business luxury is what's needed, not the false imitation image portrayed for the Coast for so many years. We need some real vision, that gives the Coast a standout image that suits our lifestyle, of all things 'elegant in motion' that works for our environment. Bringing those high-end investors to the Coast with big wallets and big visions, for balance sustainable development that works with our natural waterways and environment. We need more projects and a firm policy position on quadruple bottom-line developments. Not those develop at all costs policies we currently run and are currently expect to be pushed down our throats.

The Jeff Leigh Smith project that was floated back when this Cruise Ship Terminal was first raised, was a good basis to start with, but got lost in the debate of the Cruise Ships debacle. Those reports have proven to show the economic benefits of such a boutique superyacht port, punching far above its weight in comparison to any questionable Cruise Ship Terminal benefits for our Coast. Our waterways authority should be taking the lead on this and getting us the port needs to support such a super yacht port. The lost visitations of super yacht crews and their owner’s boats is measurable, if they look hard enough!

I’m on the record with reports to council in 2006/2007, showing the economic benefit of these and what a good Executive Airport would bring our city. Both the Marine Super Yachts and Executive Airport benefits of having them both and with the comparable returns equal or if not better outcomes than the current Marine Industry precinct has for the Coast today.

Please investigate and spend our rate payer money more wisely, while getting us the best bang for our buck, is what good vision is about?

Isn't this what you want to see more of, for the Coast and for your lifestyle?

Possible Relocation of Commercial Fishing Base:

Some more consideration should be given to relocating the Commercial Fishing Precinct from the Spit, to include Pete Seafood as well.

To either a new Super Yacht Resort precinct and or even across from the Grand Hotel Waterfront and dinning precinct, just as another possibility. Making this area opened to a seafood precinct style experience, like those of the Sydney Seafood Market.

Dive Site Needed for Gold Coast:

Former Councillor John Wayne had a local task force set up in his time in Council from 2008 -12. Where he lobbied heavily for four sets of diving stairs at the seaway wall, three are in place I believe and for a Naval Vessel to be sunk as a dive site for the northern Gold Coast. At one stage the Darwin us lost to Tasmania, but it appears this may be back on the vessels now available. In the meantime when the announcement was made that the Darwin was going to Tasmania, I made contact with our friends in Ft Lauderdale. They immediately gave me the contact person who could assist us, if a US vessel was available. I’d be happy to provide these contact in more detail if required. (attached a copy of correspondence and reply from the Premier’s office re Dive Site Options).

That’s it from me for the present, as some feedback and input in brief. I’m happy to sit down with any group to discuss proactively and positively for a greater GC.

“Let’s Build it Right the First Time, with Vision, while bringing our Community along with the Dream.”

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