Spiritually Curious?

Spiritually Curious?

Do you ponder the meaning of life, trying to understand why you are here, what happens when you die? Or are you more closeted about your spiritual curiosity, keeping conversations superficial, swerving from anything too cosmic?

After spending most of my life searching for answers to Life’s Big Questions, I still find it challenging to define what it means to be spiritual. As a spiritual teacher for over four decades, I’m hesitant about some of the answers I used to swear by. I need rock-solid evidence and undeniable personal experience. Plus, said answers must pass my adept they-just-feel-right meter.

Blind faith, someone else’s journey, spiritual bypass techniques or lofty concepts that feel good for the moment just don’t do it for me.

So, here’s what I have learned, albeit the hard way, about what spirituality, living from a true spiritual place, really means. Admittedly, I hope these words inspire to release that closeted part of you. Trust me, it’s worth it.

What the Heck is Spirituality?

Let’s start by seeing how the wise, all-knowing dictionary defines spirituality:?Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.

Duh, right?

My definition is a bit wordier: ?Spirituality is being in touch with your intuition, your inner wisdom, your true power, and your unique purpose in being alive. It is your deepest intention to know who you really are and to live life experiencing this higher consciousness truth. True spirituality means evolving and transforming into a fully conscious, authentic, empowered, trusting, loving, being.

Notice I use the word “experience” since being spiritual is not something you can do from a theoretical or intellectual place. Spirituality does not happen from reading books or doing so-called spiritual things. It’s an inside job, being, not doing or having.

Truth is, no one can teach you how to be spiritual. Nobody can tell you what you should or shouldn’t do in order to find your inner soul. You can be taught nice spiritual concepts and guidelines until you are blue in the face, but true spirituality is not something you memorize.

In the long run, acting-as-if and faking-it-until-you-make-it is more damaging than allowing spirituality to unfold in its own time.

Spiritual Notions

Most spiritual thought endorses believing in a higher power, giving it various names, attributing conscious awareness to the universe. Spirituality advocates that connecting with this energy gives life a sense of meaning and coherence.

Spirituality is distinguished from religion, arguing that is it possible to be spiritual without endorsing any particular dogma. It is also feasible to be spiritual and not deny science or common sense.?

Many assume that spirituality consists of some sort of practice: Meditation, prayer, yoga, connecting with nature. Yet, some who consider themselves spiritual have no particular practice.

It is not unusual to think spirituality means something mystical, transcendent, unexplainable. Previously, these types of woowoo experiences would be the brunt of jokes or sci-fi film plots but are now more-or-less accepted.

The meaning of spirituality has expanded over time. During the last few decades when people started attending various spiritually based programs, read volumes of metaphysical books, understood the basics of quantum physics and applied Law of Attraction techniques, it grew exponentially. Organized religion lost quite a few members due to this influx and the applicable answers spirituality provided.

For most people, spirituality arrives when they unexpectedly sense, experience or just know there is something beyond this physical existence. Perhaps something happened that proved their human perception was not all there was. A near death or an out of body experience, an undeniable spirit visitation, a spine-tingling feeling of being part of a greater whole, a premonition that comes true. Many who arrive at a spiritual place have experienced visions that manifest, an answer arrives, a prophetic dream reveals itself, a past life memory emerges.

They knew without a doubt that there was more to them than just a body and a brain, getting them past skepticism and doubt.

Having tasted all of the above, even with my left-brained incredulity in tow, those moments were irrefutable.

What happens?

Now the next logical question is what happens from being on a spiritual path? Are there results? Inner shifts? Is it something you should spend time striving for to help you grow and evolve?

I say yes to all of the above. And more. My life did a 180 from all my spiritual experiences. How could it not?

Your crucial life assignment is to remember, experientially, that you are a spirit in a body. Consciously or subconsciously, everyone in their own unique ways, is attempting to get in touch with their spirit. It may not look like they are, but eventually, all paths lead there.

To illustrate what spiritual looks like, I’m sharing some of what I have learned from witnessing others awaken to their slumbering spiritual nature, as well as in my own life.

True spirituality is the purest expression of your authentic being, being not doing. Although this may sound counterintuitive, spirituality only happens when you are not busy trying to be spiritual. It takes as long as it takes and is well worth the journey.

Please don’t have preconceived ideas as to what it looks like to be spiritual; there is nothing etched in stone. Also, you can’t, nor should you try to fake any of these qualities or judge yourself or others from these descriptions. Instead, use them to inspire you along your spiritual journey. Or to start one.

Spiritual people trust themselves. They are attuned to their higher consciousness, their intuition, knowing from their heart what they need to do and trust it. Yes, sometimes they feel doubt, but can recognize that it is just fear talking and choose to not believe it.

They take action based on this higher knowing, even if they don’t know why. They trust that all will be revealed. Eventually.

Spiritual people live in gratitude. They feel grateful for all that has occurred in life. They have no resentment or hostility. If they are not ready to feel grateful, they allow themselves to get there when they are ready.

Spiritual people feel connected with all. Even if they don’t agree, even if they are polar opposites, they are open to all viewpoints and graciously allow others theirs.

Spiritual people look inside when something upsets them. They understand that events are magnetized to help them evolve by facing what they are in denial of about themselves. They are able to take responsibility, not from guilt, but from understanding how life works. They don’t feel like victims since they know everything is chosen to remember who they really are.

Spiritual people awaken to self-love. When living from a spiritual place, you don’t need approval or validation from outside sources. Self-care is a natural by-product.

Spiritual people align with authenticity. They have a high sense of integrity in all areas of life. That means being truthful and real, staying committed to their values. This attracts miraculous, unexpected things.

Spiritual people are mindful. They have learned to be aware of their subconscious mind, recognize negative thoughts and know when they are triggered by old, untrue beliefs and programs. They practice not being reactive, observing and staying calm and connected in any circumstance.

Spiritual people are patient. There is no goal post or diploma, and spiritual awakening takes as long as it takes. ?

Spiritual people see wholeness. Most religions, philosophies and the world divides things into spiritual vs. material, right vs. wrong, good vs. evil, creating a dichotomy in life. Spiritual people know that division is from fear, false beliefs and personal triggers.

They know that love is all there is. Love is the highest-level spiritual truth and the primary goal of a spiritual journey. They are committed to resolve whatever is in the way of that goal, knowing that is their ultimate life purpose.

Spiritual people know that everything balances out. There is no concern with revenge since the law of karma, cause and effect, will balance things out. Yet they are committed to balance out what they have done even if they don’t know what it is.

Spiritual people trust life’s divine timeline. They might be working hard to attain a goal, seeking that perfect relationship, struggling to find peace, but they know that when the time is right all will appear.

They look back from a higher perspective and understand the perfection of all that has happened to get them ready.

Spiritual people don’t appear different than anyone else. No orange robes or dangling peace symbol necklaces. In fact, some of the most spiritual people don’t flaunt it at all or label themselves in any way. They just quietly go about their life.

Spiritual people are past guilt. They know that God, Higher Power or the Universe will never condemn or punish them since guilt is a human construct. They are the only one judging themselves.

They know that anything they have done that they feel guilty about was mutually chosen for the growth opportunities for all involved. And they willingly clean up anything they do feel guilty about to release self-sabotage.

Spiritual people live purposefully. They know their spirit chose to be here with certain things to do, to accomplish, to contribute. They chose the basic blueprint of their life, understanding the bigger picture. They know that there are no coincidences or accidents.?

They may not know precisely what their life purpose is, but they are committed to allowing it to unfold. ?They know that the primary factor in their purpose is to clean up, balance out and complete situations.

Spiritual people take action. They don’t sit in a cave pondering their naval. They know when to step forward, what to do, when situations are going counter to love. That might include activism, taking a stand, helping society and the world, all done from love.

Spiritual people feel compassion. They trust others’ chosen journey. Rather than feeling pity (seeing others as victims) or empathy (sharing the same unresolved pain and needing others to know that), they offer heart-felt support.

Spiritual people trust the process of life. They know that everything happens for a spiritual lesson, and they wait patiently to find out why. They know that mistakes or failures helped them develop inner strength, learn about themselves and clean up something.

Spiritual people know there are no losses only unrecognized gains. Things go away as a way to learn about not needing externals to bring happiness and fulfillment. They know they have everything within them right now. They allow themselves to feel their human sadness and spiritual joy simultaneously.

Spiritual people have a playful, joyful attitude. Heaviness is gone. Feelings of duty are gone. They know that their body is a vehicle to experience physical life and also a place to play, honoring and enjoying this physical existence.

Spiritual people feel unconditional love. They know that feeling love without requirements is their biggest lesson, and they don’t try to fake it. They also know that full self-acceptance is just as important. ?

Spiritual people don’t need to be right. They feel no need to prove anything or try to fearfully manipulate or control life. They are allowing, accepting and trusting. If they notice themselves needing to be right, they recognize that a fear was triggered exposing their own inner doubt.

Spiritual people live in the moment. Because they have resolved what previously yanked them into the past or fantasize about the future, they experience being fully present.

Spiritual people know God or Infinite Wisdom from within. They know they are connected to a Higher Power so there is no need to seek this connection outside of themselves

Let yourself remember that you already are a spiritual person. You’re in the process of getting back in touch with who you really are every minute. By removing what is in the way -- fears, programming, false beliefs and deservingness issues – you will reawaken to your You-ness.

Plus, you’re already in touch with your spirituality even if you don’t realize it. Your spirit?tries to reach you in the dream state, during intuitive flashes, when feeling a quiet knowing wisdom, or from meaningful coincidences.

Living from a pure and authentic spiritual place provides the deepest joy, inner peace, true deservingness, heart-felt empowerment and opens the door for you to live your true purpose.

If you feel ready to break through false, fear-based programming so you can fully experience yourself and unfold your own spirituality, reach out. I would love to be part of your journey of awakening.



