Spirituality or Morality?

Spirituality or Morality?

The Secret of Life

Which one do you follow, morality or spirituality? Who defines the rules? Why do we find people with a spiritual mindset not following morality? Which one is best? Let's dive deeper into the secret of life.

In a world of chaos and greed, you will find different kinds of people: some with a positive mindset, some with a negative mindset, and some who remain neutral. People also behave differently according to time, place, and circumstances. We cannot actually label people as good or bad. On top of that, there are millions of past lives and future lives for a living entity. This concept is wonderfully and precisely explained in the timeless wisdom of the life manual, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita. If you read it, you will realize that it explains all the important and useful concepts of life. Now, coming to our argument about having multiple lives, it is clear that people behave differently on the timescale. It is harmless to accept this truth, which helps us to understand the deeper and finer aspects of life.

Understanding Morality and Spirituality

If you are confused between the two words, morality and spirituality, it is important to read history and try to understand the concepts that evolved over time. The surprising thing is that these concepts differ by religion, place, community, or country. However, Shrimad Bhagavad Gita is eternal wisdom, time-immemorial, and always enlightening. It is absolute and not relative, meaning it is applicable to all people irrespective of mundane titles. It subtly explains this concept. Since Lord Krishna is a god and the well-wisher of all living entities (as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita Chapter 5, verse 29), he always advises us to transcend the pains of this material world. He is the original creator, maintainer, and destroyer. Under his guidance, various demigods play different roles to take care of this material world.

Shrimad Bhagavad Gita explains the world being governed by three modes: goodness, passion, and ignorance. If you analyze carefully, the mode of goodness actually resembles the aspects of morality. A person under the influence of this mode behaves truthfully, is nice to all living entities, helps and guides people to uplift their lives, and keeps his/her life pure (devoid of material contaminations like illicit sex). You will find some people in this world who actually practice the principles of morality wholeheartedly. The mode of goodness helps society maintain peace and prosperity in terms of enough foodstuff, a healthy life, and sustainable living. It is the best amongst the three gunas. The other two gunas, the mode of passion (working hard to achieve the goal or fruits) and the mode of ignorance (degraded lifestyle similar to animals), do not help human beings transcend or uplift their lives. Instead, they further entangle living entities to stay in this painful world or go to the hellish planets. On the other hand, practicing morality can award you higher planets like heaven (Swargaloka). But it cannot be considered the highest goal.

The Spiritual World

There are various higher planets (six planets above earth) that can be achieved by practicing morality or goodness. However, outside the material world, there is a spiritual world that is three times bigger than the material creation as per Shrimad Bhagavat Purana. In total, there are innumerable planets, material worlds, and spiritual planets. You may be wondering, what is there in the spiritual world? The answer is quite interesting. As mentioned in Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and Shrimad Bhagavat Purana, the spiritual world is a place where you do not have to go through the real problems of life: birth, old age, disease, and death. You are free from all anxiety and problems. You actually enjoy in association with God and His associates. You have all three transcendental features of the soul, which are Sat (eternal), Chit (full of knowledge), and Anand (transcendental pleasure). Once you reach the spiritual world, you do not have to come back to the material world (which is full of miseries) unless you desire so.

The Goal of Spirituality

To follow spirituality means to have a goal to achieve the spiritual world. It is to get rid of the problems in a sustainable manner. The best part is, we can feel the spark of the spiritual world or spirituality when we chant God's name, listen to the pastimes of God, sing for God, or help others on the path of spirituality. However, unless we get rid of the desire to falsely enjoy in this world, we cannot achieve a permanent ticket to the spiritual abode. Sometimes, people out of ignorance ask the question, will I get pizza in the spiritual world? The answer is quite simple. You will get unlimited foodstuff or delicacies, but unlike the material world, you do not have to strive hard to achieve it. Every need is taken care of in the spiritual world, and your happiness is ever-increasing there. Hence, you do not have to be content with the limited goal.

Morality and Spirituality: A Comparison

If you are wondering which one is actually to be pursued, mode of goodness (morality) or spirituality? The answer is, spirituality actually contains morality. You will find highly elevated spiritualists having all good qualities like happiness, helpfulness, being a well-wisher of the whole world, cleanliness (inner as well as outer), and a pure life devoid of any material contamination like uncontrolled sense enjoyment (which is harmful for individuals and others). The spiritually elevated people are actually a boon to society. They just stay here for the benefit of others. They burn their life to give fragrance to others.

In a nutshell, a spiritualist cannot be called a spiritualist unless they follow basic morality. However, the reverse is not true. You will find many people who are moral but not spiritual. They practice moral principles but do not pursue the ultimate goal of life. Nevertheless, we should not condemn moralists since that is the least expected from human beings to keep society clean and motivated. Sometimes, we may find people on the path of spirituality not having moral values. They are people who are actually at the practice stage and have not achieved the basic level of spirituality (morality). Hence, we should always strive for spirituality by accepting the first step, morality. If you find some spiritual leader not having moral principles, please reject him/her. Do not follow the wrong people. Always take guidance from spiritually elevated people and work for the welfare of the whole society/world.

Hope you liked this article.

Stay tuned for more such articles. We will try to understand more such aspects of life.

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