Spiritual trip experience with Black Holes
Spiritual trip experience with Black Holes
By Laith Mahmood Muhammad Al Azawe, PsyD and Parapsychologist
Baghdad, Iraq, Email [email protected]
Greetings my dear friends… I write to you today about my personal and spiritual experience since 2002, and which is regarding Black Holes. Both my emotions and feelings have me writing this today, for purpose of public benefit from the information it presents. I believe that the universe a very broad is more than we think, I wrote it in my spiritual experience about black holes it as corridors of other universes.
I hope of the scientists do pay attention to those who have scientific information through spiritual experiences real. Possible involved those experiences in various scientific research for purpose of providing very important information of others and whose is not clear to the researchers, so, I hope from the scientists of attention to this aspect for purpose of general interest, I hope it will captivate your attention.
My special spiritual experience with Black Holes:
On Friday 20 of September 2002, my spiritual experience regarding Black Holes took place after the Friday prayer; and I shall ask regarding it: what are Black Holes? How are they? Where are they? What is inside of them? How do they affect us? Where do they lead? Among other questions… Through internal motivation, a true spiritual transport occurred in order to discover and obtain the answers to the mentioned questions that I have asked to my mind and myself and which my soul has completed by moving to the appropriate place; taking into consideration that this was not done through sleep or dreams, but that it was an honest spiritual vision.
That very fast transportation took place in a single moment that is measured by the amount of time it takes for the body to spin around itself once and very quickly, opposing the direction of the clock… until I reached the door to the black holes, which I felt through my senses and my spiritual consciousness as a reaction to their components (it is a spiritual and sweet sense that you feel when meditating honestly upon creatures). I looked through the door of the hole to the outside, seeing a light that went by in extreme speed. It had entered the gravity area of the black hole, which caused the pulling of that light to the interior of the hole in a speed that is faster than the light itself, following which the latter disappeared inside of it somewhere.
Then, I looked around the black hole, and found that it was between two parallel edges distant as if they join two worlds together. As I saw, it could be considered as an access and exit gate from and to other planes.
In addition, the type of space separating them in a parallel way is a place of repulsion and unattractiveness to each other, same as the similarity in poles when it comes to magnets. I also saw other holes as long as these two edges, both similar and different according to the type of the edges taken from different perspectives.
The beginning of the black hole consists of a black color shaped in a loopy, spiral, helical and outstretched way. It is split into connected and separated loops with invisible barriers. Its walls are as if they are mixed with gases that turn into gelatinous liquids, and it seems hard to be able to put a hand through it. These holes are divided in three parts: the loop color of the first part of the hole is similar to a dark coffee color. As to the second part’s color, it is more like clear greenish coffee; while the third loop’s color is very clear and resembles the while of the sun.
The substance attracted to the interior of the black hole enters in the step that regards the first loop in a spiral way and at an extreme speed which kills every living being if present on this substance because of the speed of friction that causes an augmentation in the temperature of more than one million degrees; and therefore the color of the substance changes in the second step due to the annihilation of all senses on it. The third steps of the third loop ends in a shape and color that is appropriate to the other plane from the other attached side.
I have sketched all of them in the form of illustration about Black hole loops, since their actual content is highly accurate and complex:
Form of illustration about Black hole loops
Thank you and hoping it information might be useful. Appreciation and respect and best wishes for all.
Special spiritual experience with Black Holes
By Laith Mahmood Muhammad Al Azawe, PsyD and Parapsychologist
Baghdad Iraq, Email: [email protected]
I discussed below was with Ms. Judy Gardiner in 2013 about my experience, She is author, researcher in the Rhine Research Center, IASD, The Psychohistory Forum (Clio's Psyche Journal).
Greetings my dear friends… I write to you today about my personal and spiritual experience that I haven’t related since 2002, and which is regarding Black Holes. Both my emotions and feelings have me writing this today, with the purpose of public benefit from the information it presents. I hope it will captivate your attention.
My special spiritual experience with Black Holes:
Laith: On Friday 20 of September 2002, my spiritual experience regarding Black Holes took place after the Friday prayer; and I shall ask regarding it: what are Black Holes? How are they? Where are they? What is inside of them? How do they affect us? Where do they lead?
Among other questions…Through internal motivation, a true spiritual transport occurred in order to discover and obtain the answers to the mentioned questions that I have asked to my mind and myself and which my soul has completed by moving to the appropriate place; taking into consideration that this was not done through sleep or dreams, but that it was an honest spiritual vision, as God wills.
Judy: ?Attached is an excerpt describing non-ordinary states of consciousness from “The Holotropic Mind,” by Stanislov Grof, M.D.
? “Beyond the Brain: Birth, Death, and Transcendence in Psychotherapy” also by Grof discusses the nature of reality, dimensions of the human psyche and much more. “Beyond the Brain” challenges the existing neurophysiological models of the brain.
? “Transcending the Speed of Light: Consciousness, Quantum Physics and the Fifth Dimension” by Marc Seifer, Ph.D. again delves into consciousness.
According to a critic, Siefer writes that consciousness is the fifth fundamental force and travels faster than the speed of light but his use of scientific concepts to explain by analogy parapsychological phenomena is questionable.
Judy: I mention the above 3 books because I had a dream about a gyroscope* that pointed me to each of them.
Judy: What is inside of a Black Hole?
Judy: Psychologically
Your question about what is inside of Black Holes and how they affect us resonates with Montague Ullman’s theory that the dream contains an enormously condensed information mass of our personal universe. He referred to this as the black hole of the psyche. Even though your experience was not a dream, a transcendental state might have taken on a dreamlike quality after Friday prayer that day. If we are all connected and we’re all made of star stuff, then this black hole would symbolically contain your psyche along with that of humanity. You were truly fortunate to have had this experience.
Laith: Likely, it was only my vision within the experiment.
Judy: Scientifically
What a black hole contains is a daunting question. I’d start with globular clusters, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, remnants of ancient supernova explosions from the time when clusters were young, then progress to inquiries about our own universe and possibly other universes.
Laith: I saw inside a black hole is not no such thing exists in constant inside, they had gone to the other side of the universe other.
Laith: That very fast transportation took place in a single moment that is
measured by the amount of time it takes for the body to spin around
itself once and very quickly, opposing the direction of the clock…
until I reached the door to the black holes, which I felt through my senses and my spiritual consciousness as a reaction to their components (it is a spiritual and sweet sense that you feel when meditating honestly upon creatures).
Judy: I will try to connect facets of your experience to my meager knowledge of science as a result of having researched my own dreams. The gyroscope* I mentioned is an apparatus consisting of a rotating wheel mounted so that its axis can turn freely in certain or all directions, and capable of maintaining the same absolute direction in space in spite of movements of the mountings and surrounding parts. It is used to maintain equilibrium, determine direction, etc. A gyroscope can remain upright while spinning due to its angular momentum
This portion of your experience sounds like atomic spin and angular momentum – quantum physics way beyond my level of knowledge. Check this out, Laith. It also has a cute cartoon.
Judy: I’m not sure what you mean by “creatures.” Can you explain?
Laith: I mean, all the creatures of the universe which is meditation in the spiritual sessions.
Judy: Hypothetically, you may have been spinning counter-clockwise and in your experience, generating enough energy to stop the Earth from moving for a microsecond. It’s obvious that one human being will not succeed in stopping the Earth in even the smallest unit of time. (Planck time – (10?43 seconds) but this did lead me to think about angular momentum as it may relate to your experience.
As you describe the pulling of light in the next section, you might consider orbital angular momentum of light, a property of electromagnetic waves.
Your experience might involve features of black hole angular momentum, quantum entanglement and teleportation, and higher dimensional spacetimes, but I’m just offering ideas which are, at best, guesswork. Properties of quantum entanglement and teleportation have been studied in the background of stationary and rotating curved spacetimes with extra dimensions.
Also was
Laith: I looked through the door of the hole to the outside, seeing a light that went by in extreme speed. It had entered the gravity area of the black hole, which caused the pulling of that light to the interior of the hole in a speed that is faster than the light itself, following which the latter disappeared inside of it somewhere, God knows.
Judy: By latter, do you mean the light had disappeared inside of the hole?
Laith: Yes of course, which the latter disappeared inside of it somewhere.
Judy: If so, as you may know, physics has long held that nothing escapes from a black hole, but a controversial study argues that nearly all of the information that falls into one comes back out.[i] That is,with the exception of light. Physicist Stephen Hawking describes information escaping from a black hole as mangled, reminiscent of the disjointed and jumbled fragments in our consciousness. Your experience seems different as you were receiving what appears to be information that is whole, not fragmented and uncharacteristic of normal consciousness.
Laith: Then, I looked around the black hole, and found that it was between two parallel edges distant as if they join two worlds together. As I saw, it could be considered as an access and exit gate from and to other planes.
Judy: Refer to Michio Kaku’s Parallel Worlds https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parallel_Worlds_%28book%29#Summary
Kaku theorizes on the possibility that parallel universes may be right next to us which mirrors your experience and the concept that our universe may be one in an endless multiverse. Perhaps the “other planes” you refer to could be mulitverses. Kaku also explores black holes, time machines, and multidimensional space.
As the speed of light is a constant in the vacuum of space, there is an outer edge to what is observable from Earth. Perhaps that outer edge was one of the parallel edges you mention.
Laith: They are two of the parallel edges (outer edge and inner edge) and they have start and end.
Judy: Laith, see if this image helps. It’s actually the infinity sign which is a mathematical symbol, also known as the Lemniscate loop.
That outer edge observable from Earth is defined by the objects within 14 billion years away (how old the universe is estimated to be), which is the time it would take for the light from these distant objects to reach us here on Earth. In this sense, the objects that are the farthest away from us are literally some of the earliest stars and galaxies in the young universe. it's quite likely that the stars we're observing are no longer burning and the ones that have formed from the gases expelled during the supernova of the previous stars are in another place entirely.
Laith: I have sketched all of them in the form of illustration about Black hole loops, since their actual content is highly accurate and complex:
Form of illustration about Black hole loops
Judy: Very nice, Laith. Illustrations always help.
Laith: In addition, the type of space separating them in a parallel way is a place of repulsion and unattractiveness to each other, same as the similarity in poles when it comes to magnets. I also saw other holes as long as these two edges, both similar and different according to the type of the edges taken from different perspectives.
Judy: Sounds like the universal laws of Gravity and Repulsion Particles https://www.grantchronicles.com/astro09.htm
Where the charge differential causing attraction, overwhelms the repulsion due to just crowding. Subatomic particle repulsion works efficiently only when the charge on all subatomic particles are equal, not with a subatomic particle conglomerate holding slight individual subatomic particles variations in charges.
Laith: The beginning of the black hole consists of a black color shaped in a loopy, spiral, helical and outstretched way. It is split into connected and separated loops with invisible barriers. Its walls are as if they are mixed with gases that turn into gelatinous liquids, and it seems hard to be able to put a hand through it. These holes are divided in three parts: the loop color of the first part of the hole is similar to a dark coffee color. As to the second part’s color, it is more like clear greenish coffee; while the third loop’s color is very clear and resembles the while of the sun…
Judy: Looks like some research on gases that turn into gelatinous liquids might help you. Again research is required. First would be to find whatever, if any, gases have been found on Mars. Next, would be to research gases that transform to liquid as you describe. This is a lot of work and concentration but if you want to talk to Space scientists, it’s better to have some background as to what you’re trying to describe.
Go to Google Images if you haven’t already. Search Black Hole and perhaps you’ll see some of what you describe. The loops you mention might be what look like spirals on Google.
Many astronomers believe that black holes cause radio galaxies to emit radio waves by creating a source of energy from incoming gas that accelerates electrons to light speed and generates strong magnetic fields within the galaxies. I have interest in gases as many have come through my dreams but I’ll save that for later.
Laith: The substance attracted to the interior of the black hole enters in the step that regards the first loop in a spiral way and at an extreme speed which kills every living being if present on this substance because of the speed of friction that causes an augmentation in the temperature of more than one million degrees; and therefore the color of the substance changes in the second step due to the annihilation of all senses on it. The third steps of the third loop ends in a shape and color that is appropriate to the other plane from the other attached side.
Judy: I believe the above section might relate to thermal dynamic entropies – disorders in a physical system. Entropy, a central concept of thermodynamics is the branch of physics dealing with heat. In 2000 I had a dream which led to a paranormal experience in 2003 centering on black holes. It might connect in part so will share if you’re interested.
Laith: Yes of course and I hope for that.
Judy: How did you react to the killing of every living being?
Laith: It was my vision a futuristic of forms of matter, in fact, I felt that the scientific progress of space technology is still not advanced enough.
Judy: Was it purely informational? Or did it come as a warning? Were you frightened?
Laith: Is as a warning and a clarify to space scientists to make sure to choose the right ingredients in the manufacture of material technology can cross the black holes for explore in the future.
Judy: Do you have an idea as to what the ingredients might be?
Judy: Did that portion of the experience galvanize you to share it?
Laith: Yes, I hope share any scientist or scientific institution specializing in this field.
Judy: Do you have any ideas as to what the substance is?
Laith: Possible be black holes is a gated entry and exit between galaxies, it is possible we to travel through these holes, so, I hope in the future from NASA to industry vehicle that resist the fastest compression strength of light and the very high temperatures, that do not affect as by such variables that occur in the black holes when the passing into within.
Laith: Thanking you and hoping that this information might be of use to you and appreciation and respect to all of you and best wishes as God wills.
[1] McKee, M, New Scientist. 10:17 13 March 2006. Space. Black holes: The ultimate quantum computers?