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Erica lives in Sweden. Sex attacks on her started slowly enough that she dismissed them as dreams. ,” Erica wrote in July 2010 in the diary she keeps to log her dreams that “Half-awake, (I) see a dark long shadow circling me super-fast several times throughout perhaps two to three seconds “(I) Find myself immovable. Then several hands touch me over my body. (I) can’t move. Slightly uncomfortable. Relieved when it’s over.” This night time encounter disappeared with the light of the new day, and Erica’s mind pushed the events away – until it happened again four years later.

While living at a youth hostel on the Swedish east coast in the late summer of 2011, Erica felt a weight on top of her and waves of sexual pleasure. She said, “Since January 4 I’ve felt a weight on my body, an energy, like the body of a being thrusting into me and moving back and forth above me. First I felt pretty good as I thought my body somehow made itself feel it, but that spooky night really turned things around.”

That ‘spooky night’ was January 4, 2012, when during a sexual attack loud, painful sounds raked her ears, and she realized it wasn’t just her body producing these experiences; it was something else. “I now realize how foolish that is as I don’t know what this (entity) is,” she said. Pin-pricks began to plague her during the day and night, which elevated to the feeling of a knife blade being plunged into her body, although the attacks never left a mark.

On January 18, 2012 these feelings continued until she lay down for the night and her attacker crawled into bed with her. “When trying to fall asleep, an energy-like substance moved under or through me and I felt the energy of someone lying next to me while touching my shoulder,” she said.

Days later during a sexual assault, invisible hands grabbed her and Erica saw a vague, shadowy face looming above her. Erica tried threatening the entity, and praying for it to go away. Nothing helped. “It seemed to backfire because I felt something sharp against my throat in the bathroom and my breathing didn’t come naturally,” she said. “I yelled out loud to leave me alone. During my prayer I heard a chuckle, followed by a ‘hush.’” She doesn’t care what is attacking her; she just wants it to go away. “How can I make this stop?” she pleaded for answers. “Can this be a human being doing an astral projection to my location? Or is it more likely a spirit, demon, incubus?” (Jason Offutt, “Attacks of the incubus” from https://mysteriousuniverse.org/2013/01/attacks-of-the-incubus/, 3rd January, 2013)

Erica is one out of many who suffer from spiritual sex attack by a nocturnal being while you lay in bed. Medical anthropologist David J. Hufford (The Terror That Comes in the Night: An Experience-Centered Study of Supernatural Assault Traditions, University of Pennsylvania Press; Revised ed. Edition, 1989) believes that up to 15 percent of people "experience being assaulted in their sleep by an unknown entity at some point in their lives". The attacker can take the shape of known human figures, dead relatives, ghosts, demons, or weird human-animal hybrids. Often, the encounter is either fearful or blissful; it is a spiritual sex attack. But, we live in a time where due to scientific advancement we ignore these events, yet the experiences keep happening anyways.

Spiritual sex attacks are not “normal” experiences. These are sexual encounters that take place at night and in your dream or sleep state. The ancients Hittites often conceived of the night-time encounter as a sign that a person especially a man had received a divine visitation from a sex spirit visitor called succubae. The succuba is winged and has birdlike feet. C. Vermeule (ibid., 334) calls her a ‘Lasa’.

Charles Kachikoti, (“Zambia: Sleeping With Demons,” AllAfrica.com. 11th June, 2015 https://allafrica.com/stories/201506120214.html) reported that in June 2013, teachers at Nashongo and Makaba primary schools in Siavonga threatened to abandon the schools for fear of activities they attributed to witchcraft which is not. The teachers had complained of sleepless nights and bad dreams. The male teachers complained that they had been having sex with women they could not see. This had been happening to them for about three weeks. The same incidents were being experienced by female teachers. In fact, a female teacher of Makaba Primary School told him that while she slept next to her husband, an invisible man undressed her and had sex with her. He said when she woke up, she found herself naked and her nightdress and underwear were on the floor. Chief Sinadambwe of the Tonga-speaking people said when the woman asked her husband if he had intercourse with her late in the night, he expressed ignorance. “The husband started wondering who could have done that to his wife,” he said. We shall consider the reasons for such sex attacks or visitations and the solution for such attacks.

1.     The Reasons for Spiritual Sex Attacks

David Hufford (Hufford, D., 2010 Visionary spiritual experiences in an enchanted world, Anthropology and Humanism, 35(2): 142-158) and Psychiatrists like David Lukoff (Lukoff, D. (2007). Visionary spiritual experiences, Southern Medical Journal, 100(6), 635-641) both agree that these are extraordinary, but “normal” events can be attributed to visionary spiritual experiences. In the same vein, in clinical circles, such experiences are attributed to what several psychologists call REM intrusion or REM engorgement. Since nothing-happens-for-nothing, it is necessary to identify certain reason for these sexual attacks. In spiritual sex you are being raped or molested by an unseen force or someone with human face. This type of unwanted sexual advancement and activity is wrong and cannot just be explained away by science.

A.   Satanic In-roads

satan will send sexual demons of lust, perversion or fantasy to try to open sexual doors or create sexual in-roads in your life. The purpose is to send a sexual temptation along to get you to fall into sexual sin. The incubus (will take the face and form of a man) or succubus (will take the face and form of a woman) to try to sexually arouse you in your dream.

In fact, sometimes certain persons have physically sensed a form or sensual touch or caresses as if it were a physical person. When this spirit attaches itself to you, its job is to send perverted sexual thoughts into your mind. This is why some persons can’t stay off pornography. If you let your mind dwell on these thoughts or you have a family history with lust and sexual perversion, then they try to rebuild the stronghold, activate the foundation and open the gates.

B.    Physical Attractiveness

According to Charles Kachikoti, (“Zambia: Sleeping With Demons,” AllAfrica.com. 11th June, 2015 https://allafrica.com/stories/201506120214.html) said “The demons that strayed into sexual relationships with women of Old Testament times are now openly sleeping with many humans today.” Several persons are having strong sexual attachments to spirits. Modern language refers to these sex visitors as “spooky” which they claim is normal and blissful. 

Today spirits are sexually invading the human realm more brazenly, showing that the end of all things approaches. If you are sexually attracted to spirits, or sexually aroused by images in mirrors, psychiatrists would claim you are suffering from spectrophilia: a sexual attraction to ghosts or spirits which has afflicted many celebrities, you are actually in bondage and need release.

Beauty or handsomeness goes a long way to define a person's sexual appeal. The prettier a person is, the higher her tendency to attract more human and spiritual. Even angels couldn't resist the beauty of human maidens on earth as they came down to choose wives for themselves. Sexual encounter in dream is partly because you are appealing to the eyes of someone who wants to at least take something from you that can’t have physically either due to your principles or marriage. Unlike in physical relationships where someone seeks your consent spiritual sex attackers don't seek your consent as they force themselves on you when your spiritual defenses are weak and you are fast asleep.

Demonic entities have lurked around Lana who is from Croatia since she was six years old. Lana, now 20, said “Some look like regular human, except their eyes are empowered with some type of strange energy. Some have black wings, some blue skin and blue wings – those are the ugliest, or they can be pure darkness.” “… Demons spotted me and so I early became a victim of an incubus spirit.” As an adult Lana sat in her room undressing for bed, not thinking of anything in particular, when vulgar images began to seep into her mind. The images quickly became sexual. “I felt like somebody was watching me,” Lana said. “I felt the strange urge not to put my clothes on so I sat like that on my bed hoping those feeling would go away.”

Lana’s breath came in short, clipped bursts as she tried to control her racing thoughts; thoughts she began to understand weren’t her own. “Demonic manipulation was so big,” she said. “Then, one by one, vulgar questions started popping in my mind. I believe the demon was trying to seduce me by talking dirty. I fell for the game, but it felt extremely wrong.” A force Lana is convinced was an incubus suddenly threw her backward onto the bed and forced itself inside her. “Next thing I know I was being raped in my bed, very violently, not knowing how to chase that demonic manipulation away,” she said. “That night he raped me once more. It was very strange and I felt all the power he had over my mind and my body.”

A few days after her first sexual assault, she saw her demon attacker. “He showed himself to me in human form. He looked very handsome,” she said. “I know that’s just his way of disguising himself.” This entity has since visited her many times. She knows when it is coming because she can feel it, “like something is about to change.” “Sometimes I am very afraid of him, sometimes I just react hysterically towards him and tell him to go away,” she said. “Every time after I say such thing, he sexually assaults me really violently.”

The entity has spoken to her, as well. “He said he is a demon from water, that I need to do what he tells me to do, that I’m not allowed to break this connection, that he won’t hurt me, that he’ll kill any person I end up in relationship with,” she said. “The most interesting thing he told me few days ago is I asked him why do demons of his kind chase women?” The demon told her, “There’s no heaven without your beauty; there’s no heaven without angels.”“I hope one day he breaks the bond, and leaves me alone. I am tired of his attacks,” she said.

C.   Sex Spells

A sex spell works to activate sensual and sexual attraction to someone. A sex spell is a demonic portal of entry into a person’s life. Xara Matsaguo, a specialist spell-caster helps cast sex spells for people for free on her website. The aim is to make people become erotically attracted to each other. A sex spell stimulates sexual arousal in its victim. When a sex sell is cast on you, true love feelings are not the thing but sexual push and pull towards people that results in uncontrolled sexual passion because a sexual spirit of torture is released into you. Venus the goddess of lust and passion is often involved by wiccans for this ceremony.

D.   Habits & Lifestyle

Our ways refer to our lifestyle, habits and activities. These habits and lifestyles have the capacity to open up our lies to sex attacks and night-time sex visitors. Without an opening in the soul, an open door that allows demons to float in and out of a person's being at will, such spirit sex encounters would not materialize.

More often than not, it turns out that the spiritual sexual attacks are actually caused, either knowingly or unknowingly, by the victim through careless daily, yet, habits and ignorance. Such practices of heavy metal music, rock-n-roll, pornography, masturbation, visiting massage palours with opposite sex attendants, etc can open gates to sexual attacks. The kind of movies we watch and even music we listen to can open us up to these visitations.

The aggregate effect of certain social platforms is to break down the walls of the soul so that all that consumers are enslaved without awareness of such slavery. In the end, they will obey every base urge without resistance. The sexual or pornographic images on the screen of the phone, tablet or PC have excited many adventurers but deceptively lured them into a demonic spell. Reality is that many strangers we are meeting exclusively on the Internet and engage in e-romance relationships strike up night-time sexual encounters as many are either demons or demon agents without your knowledge.

Our world has a spiritual-physical connection. We can’t run away from the fact that most things that take place in our world have deep spiritual roots and connections. The source of the inspiration of a project will definitely be the spirit that drives it. The spirit that drives it will influence all those who patronize or participate in the project

Clothing & Fashion

Karl, the famous German clothes designer on Paris Fashion Show in 2002 displayed his latest “Chanel” designs: all black flowing gowns with almost silk like fabric that hugs the body. When the News24 presenter asked him where he got the inspiration, he said from a book hidden 3000 feet inside the ocean.

Movie & Music - Many movies have depicted sex between human beings and spirits, which is now no longer fiction but reality. Not only that several movie and music superstars have reached stardom after such moments of sex affairs with spirits.

  • American singer and rapper Kesha Rose Sebert in September 2012 told Ryan Seacrest on his KIIS FM radio show that her new song Supernatural was "about experiences with the supernatural... but in a sexy way." She too spoke of sex with a ghost which left her womanhood haunted.
  • Coco Austin in 2012 year claimed on the talk show Naughty But Nice that a "perverted ghost" groped her.
  • Lucy Liu -- acted in The Elementary star and Charlie's Angel In 1999, actress Lucy Liu had sex with a heavenly figure. Or so she claimed in an interview with US Weekly. She’s not shy about what happened, either. She was laying down on the couch for a nap, and felt an unknown presence on top of her. What followed was a pleasurable spell of lovemaking. “It was sheer bliss. I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away.”
  • Comedy legend Dan Aykroyd in a 2013 interview with Esquire, he reported cuddling with a male ghost in his bed.
  • Actress Paz De La Huerta who has featured in television shows like Boardwalk Empire and movies like Enter the Void, told the New York Times in 2011 about a sex encounter with the ghost of Elvis Presley on a visit to Graceland.
  • Lady Gaga called her ghost Ryan, and travels with him everywhere she goes
  • Actress Natasha Blasick of Paranormal Activity 2 in April 2015 appeared on the British talk show This Morning, describing two separate sexual encounters with a ghost which she described as beautiful and harmless.

In the summer of 2013, the movie “sex to spirit” was released in which people where being taught the act of tantra. Leyla Martins one of the facilitators called it awakening the spirit whether its light or dark, the experience is termed beautiful. Heike Behrend and Ute Luig, Spirit Possession: Modernity and Power in Africa (1999) said the behaviour of the spirits they researched into has similarities with dynamics of gay activities. What you patronise is what patronises you in return.

E.    Lust

Amnon filled with lust sexually attacked Tamar (2 Samuel 13: 1 -20). Lust is a desire for illegal pleasure. Lust is the willingness to meet a natural and legal need or desire in an illicit or sinful way. It could just be for the fun of sexual gratification/enjoyment. So, spiritual sex attacks can be called 'hit and run' type because it does not occur always. Sometimes, the victim only gets attacked once or twice in life. The attacker is only interested in sexually strip the ravaging beauty of the human victim, just to satisfy his/her sexual urge or momentary lustful appetite. He attacks the lady in her sleep and satisfies himself sexually with her. After that, he simply goes his way and does not come back to bother the lady again

2.     The Release from Spirit Sex Attacks

Amorous sexual relationships were permissible among the Hittites. Practices like sex with a dead person, and homosexuality were permitted. Among the Hittites, a man might initiate sexual relations with a horse or a mule with no guilt attached, but must not with an ox, a sheep, a pig or a dog.

Research into spectrophilia has been attempted, but the intellect cannot comprehend spiritual issues. Writing about research into this phenomenon in her article A Brief Investigation Into Human-Ghost Intercourse on May 21, 2014, Katie Heaney says: "Sometimes, it's just better to stop looking before you find an answer."In psychiatry the names “incubus” and “succubus” are commonly used to identify persons with dreams of being sexually harassed. But the truth is this isn’t a psychological problem, these are real human or spiritual beings that sexually visit their victims.

If you have suffered demonic sex, the only means for you to be set free from that is the power of Jesus Christ. He came to set the captives free; He came to destroy the work of Satan in people's lives. He who will not allow Jesus Christ to destroy the work of Satan in his life will be destroyed by the work of Lucifer. He who will not allow the Lamb of God to take away his sins will be taken away by sin--and die before time. This is sexual slavery, and no matter how strong the grip of its chains, the power of Christ can set the bound person free Acts 10:38). You do not have to spend your life sleeping with demons and be stuck in the mud. Jesus Christ, is the bondage breaker.


Spirit sex is real. It requires some psychic work in order to open your mind. Many persons have experienced actually being physically touched by a spirit being or person. The feeling is just like that of being touched by a human hand. You do not have to live in that bondage anymore. Jesus came to set you free. Acts10:38: "how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.


1.     Every spiritual negative relationship I break in Jesus name

2.     Every foundation or covenant I renounce in Jesus name

3.     Every astral or human projection into my sexual life, I bind in Jesus name

4.     Shout the blood of Jesus. I cover myself against spiritual sex attacks

5.     I sanctify my mind and body against sexual pollutants and pollution 

Tracy Bluteau


6 年

I had several dreams within dreams, I'm dreaming but I can see my room as it is and there isomething demonic that is touching me I get thrown around the bed and it tells me not to open my eyesnd what really freaked me out was that my cat was hissing on the side of my bed. Have had dream I had a baby and I was running around old building trying to get away from weird creatures and I have dreams where I feel something touching mend I hear voices I don't know what this means it is really scsnd I have anixety from it I'm oing to sage myself and my room and say prayer?


Student at University of Idaho

6 年

I would really like to talk to you. Is this possible? My email is [email protected]

Will Marple

Principal Engineer @ Black Airplane | Full Stack Dev (Laravel, Go, Vue, React) | Pioneering AI-Augmented Development

7 年

Why would you break any covenant or foundation? I have made a covenant with my spouse?


Thanks for this honest research that is also biblical in perspective. As a pastor we continue to find these things happening with people in a rather increasing manner. Believers should forsake the kinds of videos, films, books, talks, etc. that they indulge with in order to close the door against such sexual perversions. A resolute stance in the name of Jesus and cleansing by the blood of Jesus will help, just as you have written. God bless.



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