SPIRITUAL (S01E03) - LIMESTONE BRANCH DISTILLERY: Yellowstone Park, Yellowstone Select
Doug Cuadrado
Food & Beverage Manager at Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts. Founder of Spiritual.
If you want to help and support Yellowstone National Park then drink Limestone Branch Distillery’s Yellowstone Bourbon whiskey! The flagship spirit of the distillery is indeed named after the first national park in the United States.
We feel that with all that talk about whiskey, we should perhaps explain what makes #bourbon so different, to let’s say #scotch. Bourbon is a straight whiskey and has a few requirements in order to be called this way: it should be made with grain mixture – the mash bill – that is at least 51% corn, it must be distilled to no more than 160 (US) proof (80% ABV), it must be aged in new, charred oak barrels for a minimum of two years – one important difference with scotch whisky – and most importantly, it has to be produced (anywhere) in the United States.
Yellowstone Select is a #quintessential Kentucky bourbon; a blend of four year and seven year aged spirits, it has everything you can expect from a top class whiskey: grain, caramel, vanilla… Corn accounts for 75% of the grain bill, with 13% for rye and 12% for malted barley; a recipe which comes straight from Paul and Stephen Beams’ grandfather. Barley malts quicker than other cereals because of its high content of enzymes, which is why there is always a portion of it in the mash bill – this applies to most whisk(e)ys made anywhere in the world. Each year, the Limestone Branch Distillery produces a Yellowstone #LimitedEdition too, which allows the team for full creativity and uniqueness, with an even smaller amount of barrels. To cement the relationship with the park, a portion of Yellowstone Select profits is donated to the National Parks Conservation Association (NPCA). We said it, if you want to support Yellowstone Park, drink Yellowstone Select bourbon whiskey!
Luckily, we have had most of our photos provided thanks to the distillery and its European ambassador Michele Reina. Without his help, we would have struggled to provide you with acceptable pictures. We could not wait to try the Yellowstone Select, and have enjoyed it quite a bit too – but we had to hold our horses to get some photos done!; there are some very surprising flavours, including one which we will reveal a little later! Limestone Branch Distillery’s bourbons are surely some to add to your bucket list!
This episode is our third – and first virtual – and we are grateful to Limestone Branch Distillery for having trusted us. With Spiritual, we create a documentary that allows wineries, breweries and distilleries to promote their works, products and people. If you own or work at a winery, brewery or distillery and would like to collaborate with us, then get in touch at info@dougthomas.co.uk!
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