The Spiritual Realm of Money
??Mathew P. Thomas, MBA??
I offer BUSINESS/LEADERSHIP COACHING & TRAINING : Leading Entrepreneurs to Become 7-Figure Business Leaders | Author | 13+ Years in Full-Time Business | #Fortune 250 Background | #Automotive | #Healthcare | #Mentoring
I have come to realize that money is more than just physical. In fact, in today’s world, it’s proven that it’s not physical at all as we are embarking upon a cashless society.
It’s an idea.
Rabbi Daniel Lapin has an eye-opening book called “Business Secrets from the Bible”. He talks about many spiritual laws on money.
Money represents life as you had to trade hours of your life to work to gain money.
But it goes much deeper than that. It’s spiritual. Because when money is exchanged there is an intent behind it.
When the giver of the funds releases their funds with the intention to be used for something particular, the giver is expecting the receiver to use it for the same intent.
When the receiver receives the money, knowing the intent of the giver, he/she confirms that they are aligned on that intent.
If the funds are used with that same intent the transaction would be considered right and holy on the spiritual level.
But if the receiver has utilized the funds contrary to the intent that was agreed upon, it is wrong and it’s called “misappropriation of funds” in the physical realm and “evil” in the spiritual realm.
God has a visceral response to those that handle money unethically:
Dishonest scales are an abomination to the LORD, But a just weight is His delight. - Proverbs 11:1
When I charge premium rates, I must deliver the value that the rate commands. If not, more than any client complaints, I fear God for overcharging someone.
At the same time, to have balanced scales, I cannot undercharge someone as I would be giving away the wisdom that He has shared with me without a value put on it.
The scales must balance. If there’s anything other than a balanced scale, the spirit of Mammon would be operating in it.
This is why we all must be very careful of having money grip our hearts because our lives can easily become one with it.
This is why Jesus said, “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” - Matt 6:24
In the 47 years of my life, no one can say that I have been dishonest with money. Many of you have done business with me as a client or as a contractor.
We as Kingdom citizens, need to hold Christians accountable for misappropriating money and have them account for it, for they are falsely representing themselves to the Body of Christ.
I know of many Christians who profess they are Christians up front and then take advantage of other people. It displays a poor witness to our faith causing people to have an aversion to becoming Christians.
Give people who did wrong with money the opportunity to make things right. If they do not take the opportunity to do so, they must be called out.
As believers, do not allow spiritual laws to be broken right in front of your eyes and let them slide. If you allow it to happen, YOU will be held accountable along with the other person also.
In Kingdom Business, transactions are made not only physically but spiritually as well. It must be kept holy to have balanced scales, free of mammon, so it is a covenant between two or more parties that is pleasing to the Lord.
When we have this realization, our businesses can take on a trajectory on a whole new level, changing the world in these last days, so His Kingdom can expand to the ends of the earth.
We are the generation to do so. Let’s make a difference TODAY!