Michael Talbot-Kelly
You are not a problem to solved so much as you are a mystery to be embraced
Ready for a quiz?
What the difference between a spiritual life and a meaningful life?
Time’s up.
The answer is ….hardly anything. They are essentially the same.
(Sorry about the trick quiz….you know how I am!)
A spiritual life involves asking yourself – Who and What am I?
A meaningful life asks – Who would I be if I was to discover who I really am?
You see, they are both delving into that deep question of self-discovery.
Both approaches want you to find ways to express who you really are.
How are you expressing your real self…to yourself? …to other people? in the work that you do?
If you are not finding ways to express your life in a purposeful way, you may be a little in retreat…you know…doing your own thing. Well, there are so many richer ways you can begin to share your true self.
Let’s back up a bit. If you’re saying…I don’t really know who I am. Fair enough. It’s a big question.
You can start by asking …What do I want?
Apply that question to all three areas—what do I want for myself? for my relationships with others? for my work?
You answers may include words like…vitality, connection, intimacy, prosperity. Then you may start to move towards those qualities …you will do things that bring you closer to those desired qualities.
And what will those qualities bring to your life?
Am I right? If you are able to feel more intimacy in your relationships, if you have a feeling of prosperity and you feel more vitality as you move from day to day….all of that, I’m sure, brings you to a place of Peace. You can breathe more deeply and appreciate your life more fully.
Turn to channel 2 for a second and you can also see that you can have that Peace right now…it’s always there for you whenever you tune into it. You can meditate and rest in that natural great peace…the one that is always there…just waiting for you to stop for a moment and tune into it.
So I see two kinds of Beauty…the one that is always there, always present…and the one that you can absorb into your life and then bring to the village.
I also see that there will be all kinds of obstacles on the way. to Freedom Mountain…whichever road we choose. But do you remember the importance of those obstacles? They are there…blocking your way…or sending you back into old patterns and/or addictions…they are there to help you go deeper. You will meet them through meditation and you will meet them working with a mentor or therapist. They are an essential part of the journey. You may have to confront them more than once…as often as it takes to finally see what they are lovingly bringing to you. Once that happens, they will slip away…no longer necessary. You got the message…you don’t need the sticking point anymore.
Then you are living a life that MATTERS! And you know what happens next…remember the pebble on the smooth surface of the lake? That sense of mattering will ripple out into all other areas of your life. …into your health, into your relationships, into your work…ripples of joy and authenticity.
You are expressing who you truly are and the world around you feels the beauty of that expression.
Like an aria sung from a balcony during lockdown…we are all touched and raised higher by a genuine expression of beauty and connection.
Dive into your meaningful life now!