Spiritual Intelligence: The Global Cross-Cultural Intelligence Factor!
The Equation of (SQ) Spiritual Intelligence SQ=EQ + IQ

Spiritual Intelligence: The Global Cross-Cultural Intelligence Factor!

As the horizon of the 21st Century and beyond looks very bright as we embark upon the New Emerging Global Marketplace of the future today. There are a number of great opportunities that await the bright-eyed go-getters of the future who are willing to lead by example and not by being a boss. The Global Marketplace belongs to those who are willing and want to lead the New Global Emerging Marketplace to new and greater heights. In this Century and beyond we need leaders that are visionaries, confident, complementation, and courageous while journeying through the New Emerging Global Economy. These leaders of the New Emerging Marketplace are those who know themselves well and are not ashamed of mistakes nor avoidant of cooperative leadership either. They fit well into co-op leading roles where the leadership is not top-down but circular in circumference too. These leaders are very adaptive and know how to change their leadership style at the drop of a dime. They are almost chameleon-like in nature because they know what to do because of their ability to operate at a high distinctive intuitive rate of change. These new global leaders are very intuned with their spirituality or their inner directive to put it a better way. The new global leader is very strong in integrity, adaptive in character, loyal to causes, and very intuitive in their spirituality or "spiritual" intelligence. We know it as the world likes to call it as being our sixth sense. The new global leader is one who embraces their full spiritual intelligence and does not shy away from it, yet they are not overbearing with their spirituality either. They present the spiritual information as it needs to be for the group and then allow the group to occur its own educated informative decision for what's best for the whole of the sum instead of the sum of the whole. These new leaders are on a whole other different wavelength and dwell in another space and time. The new global leader is vastly different from that of a boss because bosses are unempathetic while global leaders a very empathetic to other people groups, cultures, tribes, and languages within the globalized context. Now we will deal with the differences between a boss and a leader.

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The image above gives us a clear picture of the differences between a boss and a leader. Another way of perceiving the difference between bosses and leaders is in the way that they see themselves as it pertains to their egos. A boss sees themselves as a 'master' or the 'head-honcho' but a leader sees themselves as a 'coach', 'consultant', or a 'mentor' as it pertains to their colleagues and peers. They see themselves totally different from that of a boss. A boss speaks in the language of "I will", "I'll do" or "I am" whereas a leader speaks in the language of "We", "We are" or "We're going to". The real way you are able to distinguish the separation between a boss and a leader is by the language that they use as well as the type of speech that they use among their groups, peers, individuals, and corporately too. In this hour that we are living in the boss is coming to a vast extinction while the new global leader is coming into its own and emerging out of the ash heaps of the old paradigm of the traditional way of corporate top-down leadership. There is a refreshing and renewing of real authentic leadership that is emerging out of the old paradigm shift that is seeking new and thriving leaders that can lead multicultural groups of people into victory and triumphantly into the 21st Century and beyond too. The other big way that you will be able to distinguish between bosses and leaders is that bosses are exclusive in their overall agenda while new global leaders are inclusive in their overall agenda perspective for the whole group involved. Because the new global leaders truly care about the whole of the sum while bosses still want to use others for their benefit and personal gain as the sum of the whole. These new emerging global leaders are those who have had encounters with spiritual awakenings on many different levels and this is why they will be set apart from their counterparts called bosses. Many of the new global leaders will emerge from unexpected sectors within the new global economic marketplace of today. These spiritual essence beings are going to challenge the status quo and are very willing to pay the necessary prices of ridicule, misunderstanding, and being made fun of in order to bring true synergistic balance into the leadership sphere of the global marketplace and beyond it too. These are what I would like to call as being 'spiritual' martyrs for a cause that is greater than them and really has nothing to do with them at all. It is what we like to call a Global Humanitarian Entrepreneur Group Movement initiative that cannot be stopped or halted. As one of my business partners, JR Rindger says all the time "It's An Idea Whose Time Has Come and Cannot Be Stopped!" These newfound leaders are led by much more than profits and gains but it is the "Inner Directive" or their "spiritual" nature that drives them to achieve new great heights both in leadership and in their own lives too. Because they have encountered something that is far greater than them and that demands something far more imperative than just dwelling in just CQ (Cultural Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), PQ (Physical Quotient), but requires a great deal of SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Now a whole lot of people have been developed and nurtured in all the other three sufficiently but not too many have been truly immersed into spiritual intelligence or spiritual quotient not without it being all spooky and of no interest to them at all even to others too. But these new future globalists are ready and well prepared to meet the challenges of the times. Because of the times and the hour demand it! Lastly, we are going to take into consideration and look at what it will take to lead within this new emerging globalized economy of the future today.

The New Global Leaders of the Future Will Be Those Who Are True Leaders From Within!

Now as we look to discuss what the next century of leaders will look like and be like in the next century moving forward. We must discover new ways as Bill Gates started to edify, encourage, examine, and empower the education of these new leaders. As he said, so eloquently it will be those who can and will empower people to become more than what they are and can become in the next century ahead. The Leader of the next century will be those who not only can empower but they understand the empowerment within themselves in order for them to be able to empower others. They will not be afraid of anyone or anything trying to take anything from them because they understand the nature of their "Inner Directive" emphatically that they are not manipulated, intimidated, or narcissistic in nature. These are next-century future leaders who have dealt with their own dark side of leadership as in the book by Gary L. McIntosh and Samuel D. Rima in their book Overcoming The Dark Side Of Leadership: "How to Become an Effective Leader by Confronting Potential Failures" this is the only way for these next new century leaders to be able to lead in a way that is transparent and translucent of all ambiguity of any kind in their lives and in the lives of the organizations that they will be leading in the near future. According to McIntosh and Rima, "At times the dark side seems to leap on us unexpectedly. In reality, it has slowly crept up on us. The development of our dark side has been a lifetime in the making despite the fact that the assault by these powerful emotions, compulsions, and dysfunctions can be sudden." (McIntosh and Rima, 2007, pg. 28). For these leaders to be able to truly empower others they will have to deal with their own insecurities, insufficiencies, inadequacies, and delinquencies too. Because if these things are not properly and individually dealt with they can mean determent for the whole entire organization and ruin the life of a lot of good quality work that has been done and especially in those who are being developed as future leaders of the new century. The best way of knowing that you are truly leading well is by how well you have led yourself when no one else was or is looking at you. It is one thing to be able to stand in front of people and act like you are a good leader but in this new century, people will be able to discern whether or not you are a good leader or not just by the way you deal with yourself and your own self-talk. This is the reason why I mentioned being able to truly know your inner directive more than your outer directive as a potential future global leader of the new century. The leader of the new century will have to deal with some up close and personal things of what, why, and how they do what they do. This comes down to the intent of purpose and what is the ultimate plan to get us from point A to point B and so on. It will be no more about flying off the seat of your pants nor will I just do it the way it always has been done. To consider either one of these objectives will mean chaos and ruin for everyone involved within the organization. This kind of new leadership that I am referring to is more than highly educated through 'spiritual' intelligence and not from what pedigree your stem. It is going to come down to as the Shakespearean poet said, "To Thine Ownself Be True!" If we are going to be truly authentic new century leaders we cannot ill-afford to not be true to ourselves because for many of us it will mean destruction for us and the entire organization. One of the biggest things that the future leader will need to have dealt with within their own lives besides that pride will be the second most urging thing that all leaders suffer from which is selfishness. Per McIntosh and Rima state, ["Though we are all aware of the selfishness underlying many of our choices, it is never easy to admit and is something we work hard as leaders to hide. Like a hungry shark being careful to keep its telltale dorsal fin just below the surface so as not to reveal its location to a potentially gratifying meal, we become adept at keeping our selfishness carefully submerged so as not to reveal our true motives. But just as the famished shark will eventually break the surface in an explosion of fins, blood, and boiling water, so selfishness will ultimately result in chaos in our leadership."] (McIntosh and Rima, 2007, pg. 61). In order for us as potential future new century leaders to handle and deal with any of these effectively, there are the 5 T's of Leadership that must be considered to be able to avoid these damaging things to a leader of the New Emerging Global Marketplace. These 5 Imperative T elements have shown up in my own life as a spiritual leader and now as becoming a future global leader too.

The 5 Imperative T's to Developing as A New Global Leader are:

  1. Transformation
  2. Transfiguration
  3. Transition
  4. Translation
  5. Transcendence

We are going to deal with each one of these in a short brief synopsis of how they relate to the new global leader of the future today. In how understanding the way each of these fit and flow one into the other in order to bring about stability and balance within the life of a potential future leader. Let's take a closer look at each one of them now.

  1. Transformation: a thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. This is one's ability to be able to adapt to difficult change under extreme circumstances and being able to appear cool under pressure. This is that inner directive that we have been mentioning throughout this article. Being so changed from within that you are comfortable in your own skin so to speak.
  2. Transfiguration: a complete change of form or appearance into a more beautiful or spiritual state. Now, this is more dealing with or speaking to the "Outer Directive" because of what has taken place on the inside than on the outside of your being. This is dwelling at almost a high state of euphoria of one's own self that they are not in competition or trying to appease anyone but they are truly one with their own spirituality in a content way.
  3. Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another. This is the capability to be able to transfer in and out of both transformation and Transfiguration simultaneously at will while being able to transition with very little effort or energy. It is being able to do so with synergistic harmonious contentment without disturbing the environment in which you inhabit or dwell.
  4. Translation: the process of moving something from one place to another. Now, this here is being able to dwell in a very high state of euphoria and be able to freely at will within one's own mind and being to see themselves functioning and operating at a higher capacity of lifestyle. This is being able to harness all of the previous T's within the sphere of translation while moving in and out seamlessly without much effort or strain upon the individual. While making the group and audience to be able to flow with you almost in unison as with no effort at all.
  5. Transcendence: existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. This brings us to our ultimate level of the 5 T's which is Transcendence. These are having the capabilities to develop transhumanism while dwelling or living at every human being's highest state which is the "Spiritual" state or intelligence. All of us might not have nor possess the same CQ (Cultural Quotient), EQ (Emotional Quotient), PQ (Physical Quotient), and SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Now all of us who are human beings differ at different CQ, EQ, and PQ levels but all of us every living breathing human being dwell at the same capacity level of SQ (Spiritual Quotient). Because all of us as human beings possess spiritual intelligence knows no limitations or boundaries either. We all acquired and have the same type of spirit. Now notice we did not mention spirituality but "Spirit".

These 5 Imperative T's to developing and mentoring serious class global leadership will have to entail most if not all of these dimensions of the 5 Imperative T's to leadership. The best way to develop all of them is through and solely by mind tapping into the spiritual intelligence of our spirit being that was given to every living human being at birth. Where we, as human beings have faltered and failed at, is trying to make it into a spirituality thing when it is not it is a "Spirit" thing, and 'spirit' has very little to do with spirituality but has everything to do with what, why, and how you and I were made. We all were made out of and by the same "Spirit" being. We have turned the essence of "Spirit" into a religion, a denomination, a cult, and everything else you can think of which again has nothing to do with spirituality at all. But has everything to do with what you are made out of and that is "Spirit" nothing more and nothing less. When we truly come to the realization of that fact then we can truly and sincerely move to greater and higher heights as 'One' humanity. Not based upon race, color, creed, religion, sex, language, and tribe but as the community of all of humanity is as one "Spirit" and not 'spirituality' or spiritualism. Because of God, The Creator, the Divine Being, the All Existing One, Higher Being, Higher Intelligence or Higher Power whatever you want to call them. They all exist as One "Spirit" not separate from one another, not in competition, and not trying to outdo the other but

dwell as "One Spirit". We hope this has helped you and will lead you to a greater discovery of who you are as a "One Spirit" being. Blessings and Peace to all!

To Our Future,

The Global Intelligence Group powered by

Culture Connecting Culture

Company Website: Spiritual Intelligence System Services

Our Global Referral Network: Global Viral Referral Vertical Marketing Network

Founder/President: Stephen Underwood


Gary L. McIntosh, Samuel D. Rima, (2007). Overcoming The Dark Side Of Leadership: How to Become An Effective Leader by Confronting Potential Failures, Rev. Ed., (pgs. 28 & 61), Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Publishing Group.


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