“Spiritual hygiene ”..maintaining your energy or aura health,…
Prevent disease in the body....part 146

“Spiritual hygiene ”..maintaining your energy or aura health,… Prevent disease in the body....part 146

Meditation is basically a spiritual practice.

To be in meditation is to be in tune with the greater spiritual self, thus the entire practice is one consciously or unconsciously directed to development in spiritual ways. Therefore, it is best if you approach meditation in a positive, spiritual way…. Make sure your aura or spirit is being cleansed

Meditation improves focus

Would you love to add razor-edge focus to your life?

Meditation improves cognition and increases your ability to perform tasks requiring focus. 

One study tested a variety of different meditation types, including Transcendental Meditation, Vipassana, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation, Sufi Meditation and Hindu Meditation, and found that they all improve focus by varying degrees. I used to think coffee was the best way to get focused – now I just meditate.

Want to strengthen your relationships?

Meditation has been shown to better your ability to relate to others. How? It improves your ability to empathize, and it hones your ability to pick up on cues indicating how others are feeling. Meditation also increases your emotional stability, making you less likely to be influenced by any negative people in your life.

Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.


Solitude is very important for anything that is going on in your life. It allows you the time to be by yourself, to only focus on your own energy and no one else’s.

I hear this is why it is great to get up SUPER early (like 4 am) to be creative or stay up SUPER late because everyone’s sleeping & there are only your thoughts really floating around in the ether.

When we are alone is when we can think clearly, we can make decisions, we have the space to be who we want with no one else around judging or influencing.

If you don’t practice this because you have a family or roommates, I challenge you to take some time… even if it is only 10 mins a day to just be by yourself & see what comes up for you.


I have been adding this more and more to my weekly / daily routine and I have to say… EVERYONE SHOULD BE DOING THIS. It really starts my day great or ends my day in relaxation.

This goes hand and hand with solitude. It allows you that space to really let go of whatever is bothering you OR allows you to envision what you want. To do it in a creative way rather than a logical brain way.

Meditation by definition is:

To engage in contemplation or reflection.

Therefore, to slow down your thoughts, to take 10 minutes to really sink into yourself, your spirit, will benefit you in many ways. I challenge you to meditate for a week straight and see how your stress and energy levels are.

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Side note, meditation could also be seen as cooking for yourself, going to a yoga class, taking a walk outside.. the point is to bring your presence back to your body, back to the moment you are in.

Disclaimer: The information on this POST is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional advice. The opinions expressed within this article are the personal opinions of the author. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this article is for general information purposes / educational purposes only, and to ensure discussion or debate. 

Thank you …Awareness by definition is:

Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.

So when we put this into a spiritual context, we want to acknowledge our thoughts — are positive or negative, do I beat myself up for things, am I creating a world I don’t want to live, etc.

You could look at your daily life, are you running by your subconscious or are you aware of the things you do every day. This bottle of the 7 has a lot to do with reflecting & questioning.

Here are some things to ponder, maybe you have never thought of them before….

Why do I celebrate Thanksgiving, do I even know the true stories behind it?

Am I drinking coffee cause I think I need it, or do I need it?

What am I washing my hair with, does it have blue 2 or yellow 1 in it?

What do I do in my free time?

Why do I need to work a 9-5?

There are more questions we could think of to really start putting your awareness into the things you do every day. Once you start noticing the things you do unconsciously, then you can start to practice mindfulness & detachment.


Now this one may sound a little funny to be listed but by definition play is:

Engage in activity for enjoyment and recreation rather than a serious or practical purpose.

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Our lives are so serious, from the bills we have to pay to the responsibilities of children or others…. everyone is running on the “fight or flight” nervous system instead of in oxytocin. Well, guess what………..

You can NOT manifest or live a long life if you are always in that state.

Think back when you were a child or a teenager, what were the things you LOVED to do… was it riding your bike down a steep hill or walking in nature or painting. Maybe your play is working out or going for a run, something that shifts you out stress and into pleasure, into HAPPINESS.

Something you lose track of time with… this could be different for anyone. These are just some simple examples. But adding play to your daily life or even weekly can really add to your spiritual hygiene.


I have always liked to write, to express myself this way (and with painting) but journaling really allows you to see your thoughts on paper rather than imaginative in your brain.

I used to only journal around & things to manifest or intentions) but now I have added it to my daily practice after I meditate or I write down my dreams in the morning.

This is very important in growth. Growing yourself, growing your business. The most influential people carry journals around because when you have an idea or something synchronistic happens, it is important to WRITE IT DOWN.

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It might not make sense to you at that moment but maybe down the road, it will. Even if you are in a crappy mood, or have anxiety about something, journaling it out allows the energy to move through you on to paper.

Want to add word or two?


Cleansing not by bathing or washing but more a spiritual sense, an emotional sense, a mental sense.

Some ways I like to cleanse myself is by smudging sage ALL OVER my aura, my body. This has a lot to do with your energetic body.

Energetic or subtle body definition is:

Describes the various layers of vibrating energy that make up a human being beyond the obvious physical layer.

Another way I like to cleanse is a reiki session or breath-work. Even yoga is great to way cleanse yourself, going to counseling could mentally cleanse you.

Wearing crystals is another way — selenite as being the best for that! But as a daily practice, I’d say the smudging is the best way to go.


I was just listening to something today, and they said: “movement is the key to life.” Think about that….

If everything is VIBRATING, if everything is moving, change is constant, your blood if flowing your heart is ALWAYS pumping, the Earth is always rotating,

NOTHING IS STILL. Even when we want to meditate and “still our mind” your spirit is traveling to other realms.

Movement is key. It shifts your mood, it gets it out of your head, gets you out of your emotions. It allows your organs and blood to flow.

When thinking about movement, it could be working out, strength training. It could be dancing, riding your bike, taking a walk. I love saying “it is time to move today” instead of working out… that just makes me feel like more BLAH.

Practice this everyday & your oxytocin will go up, it’s proven

Your comment ….? 


This is another one that might throw you off guard because when we think of spirit or spiritual, the physical body doesn’t really come to mind. Let’s look at it this way…..

EVERYTHING on this Earth has a vibration. You and I have one, the rocks outside, the trees, the animals, even the metal on our cars do too. Okay now think about the food you eat……

Is it always take out or at a restaurant?

Do you buy frozen meals and cook those?

Do you eat a lot of processed food like spaghetti or bread?

Do you eat vegetables or fruit ever?

If you buy something boxed, how do HIGH do you think the vibration is? I eat something at a restaurant, how fresh do you think it is?

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I am making you think because we have been trained to just do convenience that it is hurting our health OVERALL.

When you buy vegetables from the produce section (not bagged ones) they came straight from MOTHER EARTH. They didn’t have to get processed or head to a factory to get bagged SO the vibration of them is super DUPER high. Such a great thing to do for your spiritual hygiene.

Now if you eat something out of a box or frozen… it probably has preservatives, it probably was harvested last year and then you put that into your marvelous body vessel and it goes, HUH WHAT DO I DO WITH THIS? It almost doesn’t even know how to digest these types of things.

These days we so deeply understand physical hygiene to support our health and the health of those around us. Wash your hands. Six feet apart.

Coughing? Stay home.

We’ve gone to great measures on this front. Masks are becoming more fashionable. Hand sanitizer is at the front of every store. The social distanced air-hug is the new awkward goodbye.

Dayal Ram

Managing Director at DAYALIZE

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We are physical hygiene warriors. But what about the health of our spirit? Are you also practicing your spiritual hygiene? Don’t be that kid. Make your hygiene a priority for the benefit of yourself and everyone around you! Connect to your intuition – “It was just a hunch,” “I had a gut feeling,” ?“A mother’s intuition always knows,” ?“I don’t know how I knew, I just knew,” ?“I get a bad vibe from him,” “I was JUST thinking about you before you called!” Our intuition happens outside of logic, reasoning or even feeling. We often attach logic or feeling to our intuitions in order to make better sense of them, but this deep inner knowing happens on such an instinctual level that it’s sometimes easy to ignore this source of wisdom all together. And it’s especially hard, or even impossible, to connect to our intuition when we’re in that stressed fight-or-flight mode. Even more reason to make time to shift into the parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode every day!?



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