Spiritual Coaches - Your Empathy Isn't Helping You
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Spiritual Coaches - Your Empathy Isn't Helping You

I train a lot of spiritual coaches and they are all empaths - they feel what other people feel. This has an energetic attached to it as well that impacts your business. As an empath, you have unique challenges and benefits in business.

It's a great gift in some ways and in others, it can hold you back.

Here are some of the symptoms that empathic spiritual coaches experience:

Feeling Drained – you give away all your energy to your clients and have nothing left to live your own life

Over-Investing In Client Outcomes – you’re more attached to your clients getting to their goals than they are – this results in power imbalances and you manipulating rather than motivating them to do their work

Panic/Pivot – throwing new ideas against the wall and then not giving them enough time to succeed before pivoting again – usually because if it doesn't work immediately the thought is “The Universe isn’t in support of this idea”

Underearning – through underpricing, doing too many trades, not prospecting or advertising consistently, not closing enough sales, making just enough money to get by, etc.

Bright Shiny Syndrome – you add new products and services, you seek out joint venture partners, you’re constantly doing something new – to the point of exhaustion

Resistance to Hiring a Team – it just seems too hard and you doubt they’d do anything you gave them right anyway, so your coaching business suffers from a lack of attention to the crucial things

Not Knowing Your Numbers/Tracking Your Finances – you leave your accounting to the last minute, you don’t have a monthly budget, you have no idea how many calls it takes to make a sale, etc. When you lose track of your numbers, money loses track of you.

Overworking – even when you’re not seeing clients, you work yourself until you drop. This leaves you exhausted and not even wanting any clients to come in. And you manifest extremely effectively from this space, so no clients come in and the ones who have scheduled appointments cancel.

Resisting Being The Boss – you really wish someone else would just run the business so you didn’t have to, so you resist taking on the mantle of leadership. You do what needs doing, but you don't do the important strategic work that makes the difference between success and failure.

Inability To Commit – you’re in an on-again, off-again relationship with your business where you can’t seem to stay focused consistently and this shows in your marketing. It's common knowledge that consistency is key to being seen online, so failing to commit results in failing in general.

Impostor Syndrome – you feel like you’re not good enough (even though you know you’re amazing – it’s still not good enough), so you don’t feel worthy to charge higher prices that would allow you to make a full living fulfilling your mission.

Fear of Losing Your Freedom – the thought of a full calendar makes you want to run for the hills, and being too visible brings up memories of being killed for your gifts in past lives, so you stay small to stay safe.

Analysis Paralysis – you spend too much time thinking about and planning out every detail – so much so that you fail to launch. This is a resistance pattern to a fear of being seen/attacked.

And there are many more...

I help spiritual coaches break free from their limiting patterns to run on purpose, authentic 6 and 7 figure businesses.

If you have (or want to have) a spiritual coaching business and want to eliminate your self-sabotage patterns and dial in an energetic pattern for success, sign up for a call with me. https://kellesparta.com/discovery-call

Keith J. McNally

I specialize in facilitating discussion by bringing like-minded people together to create real impact | Amazon New Release Best Seller | Walking the Path - A Leader's Journey | GoFundMe

10 个月

Interesting thoughts.


