The Spirit of Truth

The Spirit of Truth

Separating Feelings From Truths

By Fabe and Mona Loo, ATP Hawaii

It’s important to recognize that feelings are real, but feelings aren’t always the truth. For example, recently, one of our students asked if being gay or questioning one’s gender was a sin. We replied with Biblical truth.

“Male and female He created them.”?— Genesis 1:27

God gave us this truth from the beginning, and His truth is eternal. We understand that many young people struggle with their gender and sexuality because of what the world says, yet the truth remains.?

That’s part of the Holy Spirit’s work in us — to change the way we perceive things and to renovate our minds. Truth is still truth, no matter what a person thinks or feels.?

Feelings and emotions can drag us into darkness and depression. Continuing to ruminate over a hurtful or challenging situation creates an atmosphere of hopelessness that forces us into survival mode.?

While survival mode may make us feel better in the moment, it has no power to help us overcome the situation. We need something more.?

Consider when Peter walked on the water. While his focus was intently on Jesus, he overcame the wind and waves.?When he became distracted, his eyes wandered.?

He realized the power of the wind and waves and began to sink. However, Peter didn’t wait until he was completely overcome.

“As he began to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus stretched out His Hand and took hold of him.”?— Matthew 14:30

The truth is that Jesus is right here waiting for us to cry out to Him!??

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light."?— Matthew 11:29-30?

Many of our students are weary and heavy laden by the things life has thrown at them. Jesus tells us to trust in His yoke. A yoke is a piece of wood with two collars — one on each side.

Historically, it was used to train young oxen. The young (and smaller) ox was collared on one side of the yoke while the stronger, well-trained ox was collared on the other side. The experienced ox handled the brunt of the work.

All the younger one had to do was submit and yield to the wisdom and strength of the older ox. It wasn’t about the younger ox trying harder to accomplish the work. It was through submission and yielding that the ox’s will was shaped.

It’s the same with us.?Trying harder doesn’t lead to a changed perspective or a renovated mind. As 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, it's only through submission and yielding to the Holy Spirit that we can metamorphose into a New Creation.

We visit incarcerated youth each week because we love them, and Jesus loves them even more. It's precisely because we love them that we speak truth. This gives them the opportunity to make a choice between their fleeting feelings and God’s enduring truth and to cast their eyes on Jesus instead of this world.

Inspirational Insight

"If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever — the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you."?— John 14:15-17

We don’t have to figure it all out alone. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit advocates for us. He’s on our side and helps us to be who the Father wants us to be.

When we’re committed to cooperating with the Holy Spirit and truly submitting to Him, He changes the way we think and see situations and people.?He’s also able to change the atmosphere in our minds and hearts?as we choose to worship Him rather than ruminate on how the world makes us feel.

Editor’s Note: ATP Hawaii is a very special part of All Things Possible Ministries. Led by Fabe and Mona Loo, the ministry brings support and the love of Jesus Christ to troubled, incarcerated youth.

The Daily Inspirational Brief —?The DIB is a thoughtfully curated daily memo with special, uplifting commentary delivered each weekday. In addition to bringing you interesting and newsworthy articles, we offer?something you won’t find in most mainstream news:?HOPE.



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