The Spirit of Prophecy cannot lie.
The Spirit of Prophecy cannot lie
For the prophecy cannot lie, that vision awaits it's appointed time; it hastens to the end, if it seems slow, wait for it, it will surely come and not delay. (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
The Lord has ministered to me several times by His word and through various circumstances of life. There's when the Lord can give you a word ( a sure word of prophecy), this can be while you're meditating in the bible, listening to a sermon, a vision or dream, or through a prophet and you find out that the circumstances around you are the exact opposite, yet God has spoken and we know that He cannot lie.
In such situations brethren; No matter what you see, no matter how you feel; stay anchored on God's word.
For the spirit of prophecy is the testimony of Jesus, which is divine truth; it cannot lie.
Stay Blessed.