The Spirit and Power of Elijah Recognizes and Releases Other Ministries
The Spirit and Power of Elijah Recognises and Releases Other Ministries
David W Palmer
John the Baptist operated in the spirit and power of Elijah; his ministry was indispensable in preparing for and releasing Jesus’s ministry. Today, we look at just how important this was for Jesus then, and will be for us now.
(Matthew 3:13–17 DKJV) Then Jesus came from Galilee to Jordan to John to be baptized by him (John). {14} But John tried to prevent him, saying, “I need to be baptized by (under) you, and are you coming to me?” {15} And Jesus answering said to him, “Allow it now, for it is right for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed him. {16} And when Jesus had been baptized, he went up straightaway out of the water; and, behold, the heavens were opened for him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him. {17} And behold a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”
Follow Jesus’s example in submission
First, God used John to baptize Jesus. Initially John was reluctant, but Jesus assured him that is was necessary.
We can all learn from Jesus’s example in this. He submitted himself under the ministry of the man God was using at the time—a man operating under the spirit and power of Elijah. Because of Jesus’s humble, worshipful submission to John’s ministry—and we note that John was an unusual, flesh and blood, fallible man—he benefitted in several vital ways:
An open heaven
An outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit on him
Hearing God’s audible voice
Receiving assurance, acceptance, and identity from his Father
Receiving public recognition and prophetic confirmation from John (John 1:29–36)
His first disciples (John 1:37)
These truly are awesome advantages; they come to those who begin their ministry by submitting to the leader God directs them to—the man or woman He is using at the time. This simply cannot be overstated. Submission is not always enjoyable; but if it’s the person God is using, and if it is the person God directs you to, then despite any flaws in them, the fruits of your submission will come directly from God.
Jesus’s lifestyle was one of submission. Apart from the temple incident when he was 12 y.o., he remained under submission to his parents for 30 years before stepping out. Why? Because they were the parents God assigned to him. Next, he submitted himself under John’s ministry until his heavenly Father endorsed him. Then, and only then, did he step out into being led solely by the Holy Spirit. The progression of his submission went from parents to his God-assigned leader to the Holy Spirit. Never at any time was Jesus not under submission.
This process of submission to God’s appointed overseer is vital in the development and gracious release of any ministry. For example, Rosanna and I remained under submission to senior pastors, and served under them in churches for thirty years before going into full-time itinerant ministry. However, we are still very much connected to and under the covering of our home church.
In Jesus’s case, after the thirty years of submission to God’s human agents, he transferred his submission directly to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit filled him at his baptism. Jesus then followed the Holy Spirit’s leading into the wilderness for 40 days of prayer, fasting, and spiritual combat. Now that is submission (See: Mat. 4:1, Mark 1:12–13, Luke 4:1).
We note here that it would be far easier to ignore a directive from the Holy Spirit (someone invisible and intangible) than from a physical person who is in your face—especially when he leads you to fast and pray in the wilderness for 40 days. I believe God is constantly assessing our submission to see when we are ready to submit fully to the leading of his Spirit.
Receive prophetic affirmation and empowerment
The second necessary help that Jesus received from John the Baptist was that John pointed to Jesus’s ministry, declaring his mission and his identity:
(John 1:29–34 EMTV) “… Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world! {30} This is the One about whom I said, ‘After me comes a Man who ranks before me, because He was before me.’ {31} I did not know Him; but that He should be made manifest to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water.” {32} And John testified, saying, “I have beheld the Spirit coming down from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. {33} I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, ‘Upon whom you see the Spirit descending and abiding on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ {34} And I have seen and have testified that this is the Son of God.”
By revelation, John the Baptist affirmed Jesus’s ministry and proclaimed his empowerment in the Holy Spirit in the Father’s name. This is a very important aspect of the prophetic ministry that operates under the spirit and power of Elijah. We all need supernatural affirmation and confirmation of our ministry, our gifts, and our assignments from God.
If you launch out in ministry before receiving this vital empowerment, you will have more difficulty fending off the enemy’s attacks and accusations; he will constantly challenge your call and authority. If you do not have confirmation from the Elijah-type of prophetic ministry, you will find yourself defending in your own strength. Your strength is subject to depletion. Whereas, waiting on God’s call, affirmation, and release through other recognized ministries, empowers you with a confidence that provides supernatural peace amid the onslaughts. In addition, you will have the full support of the person who recognized, affirmed, and proclaimed your ministry.
Release prophetic affirmation and empowerment
Those of us who are called into this by God, and who are mature enough to withstand spiritual challenges, need to take the responsibility to wait on God so we can release this ministry onto others as he directs:
(John 1:35–37 EMTV) Again, the next day, John stood with two of his disciples. {36} And looking at Jesus as He was walking, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” {37} The two disciples heard him speaking, and they followed Jesus.
Amazingly, John released some of his disciples to follow Jesus. Again, receiving the gift of ready-discipled followers is of inestimable importance. If we rush off prematurely in our own strength, we will have to find our own disciples. This process is littered with dangers; you don’t really know what you are getting in unfamiliar people. You may have to begin your ministry-team trusting people that are relatively new converts, are unknown to you, or who are unproven. These are all risk factors. And worst of all, you will no doubt reap the negative impact you have sown into the ministry of your leader by leaving before receiving his confirmation; those you are endeavoring to disciple may leave you prematurely.
In the same way that John released disciples to follow their own Jesus call, we need to do the same for those for whom he temporarily entrusts the discipleship process to us. In other words, consider it a privilege to release people under your covering when the Holy Spirit prompts. It’s like a tick of approval, as if to say, “well done, you have made them ready for me to take them on now.”
We note that John continually pointed to Jesus in all he did and all he said. John baptized him, recognized, proclaimed, and affirmed his identity and calling. He also released some of his disciples to follow Jesus. If none of this were necessary for Jesus, the Holy Spirit would not have orchestrated it and included it in God’s word.
From this, we see that this is a vital part of ministering in the spirit and power of Elijah today. First, we need to be recipients of this prophetic ministry as Jesus was. Second, we need to serve Jesus in this way as we prepare for his [second] coming. We can do this by recognizing, affirming, and proclaiming his ministry as we see it coming to maturity in others. One of the most challenging examples John set for us is to release some of those we are discipling to follow others in whom we recognize Jesus’s ministry emerging.
I encourage you to begin doing this today if you haven’t already.