The spirit of One West Team is very strong in South America?
I've?been working at West for 19 years! In 2004, I decided to leave a career in IT to work in my area of passion,?Human Resources. I started as an HR intern at West in Brazil and, when I participated in the selection process, I?was sure this is where I wanted to be. Currently?I am an?HR Supervisor, responsible for Brazil and support to our teams?in Argentina and Colombia.?
Here in Brazil, I?have the opportunity?to?develop my career working in all?areas of HR including?talent?acquisition, development, benefits,?compensation and more.?
I am?proud to work at West because?the company values match my own?completely. I?cannot?express how?important?it is?for me to work at a?company where I can do the right?thing every day. One that does good?in the world. It means so much.???
The Culture of Quality and Safety are?our pillars and I have full confidence?in using a West product, because I?know all the processes and care we?provide from the purchase of raw?materials through to the final?product for the patient. I remember?when my sister had cancer, she had?to use a very expensive and crucial?drug in her treatment, packaged with?a Flip-Off? seal, and when I saw it, I?was excited and proud to say it was?made by us.?It's?very rewarding to?have the life of someone in your?family in your hands. And how good?it was to know that as our patient?she?would?be safe.?
The One West Team feeling is very?strong in Brazil, and across the whole?South American region. We have that?feeling –?it’s?of mutual respect and?collaboration. If we have a problem,?challenge or opportunity – then?it’s?a?shared one.?It’s?not only from HR or?the Operations area.?It's?ours, One?West Team, and we all work together?to fix it, achieve it or overcome it. We?trust each other, have great?communication and there’s lots of?autonomy. As a result, our?engagement levels are high.?
Brazil is a heavily unionized country.?Lots of organizations face many?challenges from poor union?relationships.?I'm?happy to say that?West?doesn’t?because we treat our?people so well, with respect and?transparency, which creates a?relationship of trust.?Team members?actively seek our help and support if?they are?facing challenges.?As well as?having great working relationships,?we provide a safe environment.?
Our leaders care about the people?development, and we seek to?prepare them for the future. That?generates a high number of our team?members that are moved or?promoted for internal?opportunities.?Many people who?hold leadership positions started as?interns just like me.?They’ve?grown?up at West.?
West's culture of giving is also very?strong in Brazil. In the recent food?drive campaign, we wanted to do?more than just achieve our goals. We?wanted to exceed them. Not only to?do our part in the global goal, but to help?our community and have that special?sense of teamwork.??
When I think back to when I joined, I?can see so much has changed. Our?facility is completely different.?Everything was basic back then.?Today?it’s?all state of the art.?Everything is incredibly clean. We?have amazing technology, systems,?and processes. In March we opened a?training auditorium.?It’s?like a hotel –?it’s?AMAZING. It feels like another?world, very modern and impressive.???
Today I feel that our culture is?stronger than I could have ever?imagined. Our results and everything?we do for the global organization?derive from the spirit of who?we are?together...?it's?a very special place to?work.?