Spirit Guides Expand Human Potential
Octavia Brooks
I help mental health providers start their own private practice with a full suite of free support services
What if you could get magical help to learn faster? Present yourself better in front of a crowd or on video? Receive comfort and love when you’re sad or lonely? Accomplish your goals?
Spirit guides expand human potential by showing us what it feels like to be more than we know ourselves to be. They heal our weaknesses. With their assistance, we can feel stronger, more capable, more confident. They give us new thoughts and feelings so we can question more and transform our perspective. They send inspiration, guidance and motivation to help us expand beyond our personal limitations. They provide companionship; with a guide by your side, you no longer need to feel alone, you are receiving comfort and support. Guides teach us better ways of doing things. For example, I am blessed to have guides who help my clients unravel very complicated curses and energy entanglements. As I watch them work I learn how to do more.
Spirit Guides expand human potential by giving you:
- Comfort and love – filling up any empty places inside
- Encouragement with human difficulties
- Confidence
- Protection
- Guidance on your path
- Ability to learn faster & handle more information
- Psychic perception
- Healing a weakness or amplify a strength you want to build
- Youthfulness – reclaiming your lost innocence
Have a better idea of what you want from a new Spirit Guide? Here is the link to the ritual for Calling in Guides. If you wish you knew all this when you were calling in guides at the beginning of this series, then do the ritual again and call a guide in for something specific. For example: standing your ground and speaking your truth, focusing better on your goals, or improving your relationship with money.
At the beginning of this Spirit Guides series, I left you with a cliff-hanger, sorry about that! (ha ha ha no I’m not!)
What does the Sun King do for me?
My whole body lit on fire when my Sun King guide arrived! I was shaking as I confirmed with my main guide that this was a positive force arriving. I was almost burning as brilliant sunlight poured through all the cells of my body. It felt like ecstasy. I knew I was being healed by his presence, and I felt my own being lifted up to a higher vibrational level.
After a new guide arrives and things settle down, I ask the guide why they came to me. The answer comes in pictures, sensations and inspirations; and the new relationship unfolds over a period of weeks or even longer.
The Sun King’s radiation gives my body and spirit healing and rejuvenation. He taught me what it feels like to have clear, clean, and reliable relationships with men (more unlearning from growing up with a narcissistic father). I find his humble power tremendously comforting. He is consistent, rising and setting every single day, tuning me into the natural rhythms of a relationship. I’ve shared his wisdom with many clients who are also learning about healthy male presence.
Within a few days I learned that the main reason he came to me is to help me strengthen my video and camera presence. When I recorded the videos for my online classes, I had to be “on” for many hours at a time. He channeled through me and gave me lots of energy, as well as a sense of humor and a grounded calm presence. The classes turned out to be super engaging. They are everything I wanted to give my students.
Summary About Spirit Guides
We can call in guides for our lives overall, or for specific reasons to expand our human potential. When they arrive, we may sense them physically, emotionally, by getting mental inspirations (clairsentience), or even hearing clear words (clairaudience). You can trust your guides as long as you make sure to call in only the highest ones. You’ll know they’re high-vibe if you get good results from taking their advice.
Like all relationships, it can take awhile to get the communication flowing. Their messages can come in many forms, such as coincidences, repeating patterns, what people say to you, thoughts, or body sensations. It’s really important to pay attention to subtle messages and take quick action. From these early steps, guides learn the best ways to get your attention and the relationship grows.
Thank you for the opportunity to share some of my knowledge and experiences with you.
PS – One of my animal guides helped me protect my heart and preserve my dignity, so I could stop letting myself be taken advantage of. Wolf would growl, so I learned to discern when I was over-giving or making excuses for someone and giving my energy away. When he growled, I paid more attention in that moment and made different choices that were healthier for me. I completed these lessons, so Wolf hasn’t needed to help me in awhile. I honor and respect the role he played for me while I was learning and increase my own human potential.
PPS – Guided Shamanic journeys make it much easier to meet your spirit guides and animal allies in person. In my class, Communicating with Spirit Guides, you can deepen your relationships and learn how your spirit guides and animal allies can extend your human potential.