SPINAL STENOSIS ... L5-L6, YES, it sucks PAIN: you are done killing me slowly !!
MY story at age 54.. a life experienced body that has seen it all.. MOTO-X / quad racing, jumped out of an airplane, weightlifting for 3+ decades (yup, HGH/roids), MT biking, roller coaster and "BIG SHOT" on top of the Vegas Stratosphere along with every roller coaster at King's Point, Disney, 6 Flags, Universal, jet skiing the waves of the West end of the Cape Cod canal, Harley's with altered low travel REAR suspension (potholes), decades of ice hockey (I will say that I got knocked on my ass one time and I felt better), unicycle as a kid (short rides, very short rides), skiing (I suck), roller blading, heavy construction, car accidents (hit a pole at...well, "they" say 115 mph, I beg to differ :), a little weekend stock car racing in Florida, bungee jumping... and, yes overweight which I'm working on. You get the picture... I've done all I can to, which appears almost purposely, really "F" my back up.
However, while being absolutely reckless with my body right up to the present, I want to clearly state that I have never had a major BACK injury.
It appears that my pain (hunched over, can't tie my shoes, can't sleep without an OTC med on most nights, feeling like I'm compressed and have to go the bathroom 24/7/365, so bad I can't climb into or out of a car without tears, spasms so bad on a MT bike that I would rather go over the handlebars and land on my head, pass on working out.. and other things)... you feel my pain ?
X-rays, Chiropractors, OT/PT, weightloss, stretching, OTC meds, acupuncture, ultrasounds, MRI, pain management, ORTHO/Neuro consults, home inversion table, NO excess sugar (causes back pain), probiotics (helps digestion, relieves sciatic swelling), been there, done that, walk more/sit less... 5 times over... I've looked at it all.
MY DIAGNOSIS: degenerative disks, narrowing, bone spurs, etcetera... up to L3 and down into my Sacrum... radiating pain across my "belt line" and RT leg.
I have a consult next week to have a minor surgery done... "hone" out my L5/6 passage ways so my sciatic has more wiggle room.
Then I did one thing MORE, and it changed everything... to the point that I am seriously thinking about cancelling the surgery and going back to abusing my body a bit more..
I now take Apple Cider Vinegar 3x's a day rather 2. YUP, that's all I did.
Seriously, how stupid am I ? Years ago, when I started ACV for other health supplementing reasons, I noticed many changes... but I just never stuck with it. 6 Months ago, when the pain got worse, I revisited my regiment. I started rethinking and taking the ACV daily (chilled btw, followed by a shot of natural lemon juice... there is NO other way) and again, changes for the better. two months ago, I went to 3 swigs a day... PAIN GREATLY REDUCED .....................................GREATLY REDUCED.
I'll say it again, GREATLY REDUCED... NOT gone, but compared to what I've been living with for a decade... this is EUPHORIA !!!
I have lived for the last two months... LIFE IS GOOD !!!
If you suffer from back pain... I'm telling you... TRY THIS ! The internet is full of articles on ACV and pain management...
NOTE: nobody paid me to write this, I am NOT selling anything... just an article I wish somebody else had wrote 10 years ago so that I could have read it and had a more comfortable last decade of my own... although, If I have another kid, I might name it "BRAGGS".
?If your back is constantly killing you slowly... you understand...
How Does Apple Cider Vinegar Relieve Arthritis Pain?
NOTE: copied from web
- Mineral deficiencies can exacerbate joint pain. Apple Cider Vinegar contains the calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus your body needs to dull that pain.
- The magnesium in apple cider vinegar helps bones absorb calcium, which is essential to bone strength.
- Apple cider vinegar also contains antioxidants, beta-carotene, and acetic acid. Anti-oxidants block the damaging effects of free radicals, preventing the cell and tissue damage characteristic of degenerative conditions like arthritis.
- It is rich in enzymes and acids that promote proper digestion and the absorption of the nutrients essential to healthy joints.
- Arthritis pain is partially caused by metabolic waste that is stored in connective tissues. The pectin, acetic acid, and mallic acid in apple cider vinegar help absorb toxins and flush them out of the body.
- When consumed, apple cider vinegar reduces the pain and stiffness of arthritis by dissolving the acid crystals that build up in the joints.
- Once it is processed, apple cider vinegar leaves behind an alkaline residue that helps balance the body’s pH.
- NOTE: my blood work, physicals, and other tests show me to be extremely healthy, including the enamel on my teeth from possible ACV use... and I'm running a very HIGH ph level (8.5+)