Spiderman: No Way Home- Not a Review But An Experience

Spiderman: No Way Home- Not a Review But An Experience

After almost two years, I went to the theatre just because I was curious. Curious if I get to see the meme of three spidermen pointing at each other come true. I was curious if I would get to see Matt Murdock defend Spiderman. And sweet heavens, all you Spidey and Marvel fans are in for a big surprise.

I am so happy I went back to theatres to watch this epic movie, Woah. It was just a week ago when I saw Spiderman: Far from home on Netflix and I felt it’s good but a bit underwhelming as if something is missing.?

The same was the case with Spiderman: Homecoming though you had Tony stark in it, you could just forgive the underwhelming part.

In both movies, I felt as if something is missing and now when I saw the third part Spiderman: No way home, I realized why. Maybe the director wanted to make the third part all along, and leave the best for the end.

For the sake of better reading experiences, let me break my euphoria into well-titled paragraphs.

My first Theater experience after two years-

Had I gone to watch Sooryavanshi, it would have been an underwhelming experience. I am not saying it’s a bad movie, I am just saying I am okay watching it on Netflix. But Spiderman: No Way Home, damn! Had I missed watching it on the big screen, I would have missed a surreal experience. The experience of seeing dots of my childhood, teenage, and twenties coming together to form one incredible visual spectacle.?

I saw Daredevil-

After getting a Netflix subscription, Daredevil was one of the very first series I saw, and my goodness, I fell in awe of Matt Murdock, Foggy Nelson, Karen Page, and Wilson Fisk. Daredevil became one of my favorite superheroes. When Netflix and Marvel decided to part ways, I felt like a child messed up amid their divorce as they canceled Daredevil, throwing the superhero’s future in jeopardy.

But after these many years, I am watching Spiderman on the big screen, and the camera shifts to the lawyer defending Peter Parker, and holy shit it’s Charlie Cox as Matt Murdock.

For me, that moment was insane, as a fan I got an incredible fan service in the first few moments of the movie, and from here on it would only get better.

The Magic Spell of Stephen Strange-

Every movie Stephen Strange has been in has been nothing short of spectacular. Reason- his magic spells create the chaos we need. Just wow, I never knew him outside Marvel movies but yes I am a fan of Benedict Cumberbatch for his impeccable portrayal as Sherlock Holmes. Because he is playing Stephen Strange, why not watch it. But damn, from just being an unknown entity for me before MCU happened to be one of those superheroes that makes me curious, Doctor Strange has come a long way.?

I am eagerly waiting for Dr. Strange And The Multiverse Of Madness. Well, it wasn’t for Strange and his magic spell, the chaos in Spiderman: No Way Home wouldn’t have happened.?

Marvel and their Dark Twist-

You know one specific characteristic about MCU is you don’t expect dark twists from them, you don’t expect deaths. Yes, in the DCEU it happens but Marvel is common, it’s colorful and happy. Someone who has seen The Avengers, Avengers: Age Of Ultron wouldn’t expect something like Avengers: Infinity War. I still remember the sudden tragic impact it had, the whole theatre went numb and there was pin-drop silence.?

I Miss Aunt May-

That is what happens when Aunt May dies. I curse Peter for the stupidity he does. Common man she was like your mother and just to save some pathetic humans who were anyway dying you risked her life. You piece of shit! Almost in all three movies, it is his stupidities that invite trouble. And I was like this time you let Aunt May die. She was such an awesome human, like a mother and she died in your arms saying those immortal words- With great power comes great responsibility.

The kindness of Spiderman-

I don’t know but sometimes kindness feels so fucked up especially if it kills your loved ones. Sometimes doing good comes with the cost of our inner peace and that’s something I loathe. Spiderman goes through the same, he helps people at the cost of his happiness trying to live the moniker of your friendly neighborhood Spiderman who wants to save everyone. Maybe as a character as a human as a hero, he is written this way.

Spidermen Assemble-

Yes, as I said, the 3-spiderman meme finally comes true. There is Spiderman 1, Spider-Man 2, Spiderman 3. And after watching the movie, I believe Andrew Garfield> Tobey Maguire> Tom Holland is how I would rate them. Because Andrew Garfield stole the show in the scenes he was in.

And by the way, I always thought why does Spiderman need a suit made by Ironman, and what’s the purpose of web-shooters?

I got the perfect answer to these questions. Well, Tom Holland's version of Spiderman is stronger than Tobey’s and Andrew’s version because he got the suit of armor made by Ironman. And well the web-shooters, yes only Tobey can shoot webs through his body, Tom and Andrew have to do some extra hard work. Well, no issues as long as they are beating ass who cares.?

When I saw these three Spidermen assemble, for Spidey fans it was an Avengers assemble moment. And together they beat the crap out of all those villains of the past and present was a goosebump-inducing moment. And I hate Green Goblin! Bloody fucker.

What if there is a multiverse?

After seeing all of it, I was left wondering. Does a multiverse exist in our real life too? And if it does, do my alternate versions exist? Wouldn’t it be fun watching different versions of yourself?

Anyways let’s leave the multiverse out of the equation for a while because after an exciting turn of events, in the end, our Peter Parker is left alone, with no aunt May and no friends.

Are we all destined to be like that…


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