Spider Webbing the Infinite Universe
Have you ever looked at maps of cities? When the first people colonized America they of course built roads. At first for horse & buggy and then cars & trucks. So the inner cites made roads in all 360 degrees and as towns & communities grew the circles of roads interconnected outwardly. An ever expanding spider web of roads. Well that is what Jehovah Elohim the Astronaut King and God Father of Jesus Christ is planning to do with the Infinite Universe.
If you believe like us of Christ that Time is Eternal & Space is Infinite then you know that we must someday find the metaphorical "Other Side of the Infinite Universe." That is because this living universe of trillions of stars will eventually burn out. So our God Father is sending some of us out to find another Living Universe within the Infinite! And it will be a spider web of the most incredible feats. We must use AI combined with Quantum Consciousness, which is Us. And we will have the technology to fly space craft with a never ending supply of fuel, foods, navigation tech billions of years more advanced than ours now and entertainment galore.
We will fly for eons of time to find our Fathers Next Home! Rejoice! As the Bible Prophecy of sinners being Cast out into the infinite darkness of space for their sins has a Flip Coin Side. Some but Not All will be given a chance to redeem their sins and volunteer to be guinea pigs for humanity! AND if you, we, they find the new home for our Eternal Civilization we will be a kind of Christopher Columbus Hero's.
Sure! I'm talking about eons of time, unfathomable to some minds, but for us who know that Christ is Risen from the Dead we know that Time is Forever and Life will be Too! We have more than faith we have science and a positive attitude, and we have a King who is of the most sound of mind. God the Father of Jesus is really just a humble Farmer, a Fisherman, a Hunter and most important He is a King. He knows that he could use AI for all that, but better to send a full spectrum, and know that He has given us the ability to serve Humanity in the most humbling of deeds.
And in the process of seeking the infinite we may enhance the Invention, Discover, and Innovation of Super-Worm-holes in Dark Space that will allow us to do what our science fiction speaks of, that is fly at speeds much faster than light speed. We will hurry and find a place in infinity where a new era of Big Bang Universe can be Born---For Us who are Saved by the Grace of Lord Jesus Christ thru His Fathers Blessings! Amen