Spider -- a teacher
Sathyamurthy Subramanian
Banking & Payment Professional (SWIFT, RTP, ACH, FEDWIRE, ISO20022, SEPA, TARGET 2), FX treasury management, and trade finance. Trainer in Banking and Soft skills. Registered Independent Director (IICA)
In our school, we have read about, King Bruce and Spider. The story goes as under
Once upon a time there was a King in Scotland named Robert Bruce. They were attacked by England and defected although Bruce was brave and wise. He lost to England for 6 times. After fighting every battle, the Scottish team was left with nothing except running to save their life.
In the end, the Scottish army was scattered, and the King could do nothing but run and hide. He ran and hid in the woods and in the lonely places among the mountains. He was wandering alone in the garden, growing weaker and losing hopes day by day.
One day, it suddenly started raining heavily. Looking for a shelter, King Bruce found an empty cave. As the King lay on the cold ground thinking to give up, he suddenly saw a spider spinning her web in the cave. The spider was trying hard to spin her thread from one end of the cave to another. But, she kept falling as the thread was short and thin. King Bruce counted that the Spider tried six times to make her thread stick to the wall of the cave,but lost all every time. He felt extremely sad for the spider.
But the strong spider did not lose hope even after failing six times. She finally succeeded in the seventh time. This time she tried to spin the thread from the other side of the cave. King Bruce was surprised by this. Watching this tiny creature trying, again and again, gave the King new hope and new strength. He cried and said, “If a little spider can bravely do it without losing hope, then I can also do it.” With this, the King decided to raise his army once more.
When the rain stopped, he came out of the cave and said, “I shall try the seventh time”.
The rest of the story we all know.
The moral of the story is “Never Give up”
Although the spider is a very small creature, it teaches many lessons for success in modern world.
1. No one Like spider and its web. At home we will clean it up every now and then. The Spiders will never give up and try to build their web again and again and do not expect anyone’s approval or flattery. They have recognized their own mastery and chosen to weave life with dexterity, purpose, & beauty!
For all the times when we are devoid of recognition and seek external appreciation and resulted in pain and disappointment. The lesson taught by Spider is to do your job for your satisfaction and all other things will fall in placed on its own.
2. Despite the fact that the spiders are attacked, discriminated and trouble they continued their efforts (without any assistance) to rebuild,
We do face difficulties such as discrimination and attacks and trouble at work and society. Many of get carried away by these and stop peruse our goals. Perseverance, grit, & resilience is the lesson taught to us by Spider.
3. The Web created by Spiders are for their livelihood also as it is used to catch insects for their consumption. If a bigger insect is caught in the WEB, the spider instead of fighting it will release the insect.
We should use our discretion where to fight where to let it go for successes.
4. Not all spiders spin webs; in fact, only half of the spiders do. Web spinners use silk to ensnare prey. Other species of spiders hunt their victims or lurk and wait for prey to come to them.
Humans are amazingly adaptable creatures. The adaptability is blessing and curse. We believe we can do anything and pass on this to kids which is not true. We have limitations based our personal, biological, intellectual, emotional, cultural, and economic conditions or status which we need to understand.
5. Spiders are hard workers. They are the world’s most important predator of insects, keeping swarms of pests at bay. The lesson is Work daily, work diligently, and seek satisfaction with daily duty while preparing for a bigger catch.