Spicing Up The Marriage Bed (Ways To Spice Up The Marriage Bed)
Spicing up the marriage bed - Ways to spice up the marriage bed.
Making your sex life interesting through the years of marriage can be a challenge. It has truly become a challenge that most women are faced with finding techniques, tips, new ideas and many other ways to spice up your sex life and to please your man in bed. Here are some of them that you might find useful.
(1) Don't stick to the same old routine and change venues. It is a common knowledge that marriages and relationships can dwindle down or lose spark after a few years, so don't allow your relationship to follow the same path. Even in the bedroom, you have to find some ways to spice up your sex life and break that monotonous lovemaking routine. You can explore other exciting places to do the lovemaking or you can explore other positions. Indeed, it doesn't have to be always in the bedroom. Discover the many ways to please your man in bed as well.
(2) It may be through what you eat. Some effective ways to spice up your sex life may be through what you eat. If you are the cook in the house, adding some of the healthy aphrodisiac foods can be one of the great ways to spice up your sex life. Oysters are one of the best and most popular aphrodisiac that you may want to add in your diet.
(3) Check what you are wearing to bed. If you are now wearing that oversized T-shirt instead of that sexy lingerie, you might want to start spicing up your sex life by being sexy in bed. Keep in mind that men are easily turned on by what they see - so play with their eyes.
(4) It's all in the mind. Great lovemaking is aided by the power of the mind. If your mind is not conditioned to enjoy lovemaking, the act can eventually become a chore. Keep in mind that intimacy and lovemaking are major elements of marriage and keeping them burning alive is a great challenge in the relationship. You may want to condition your mind by practicing meditation or even learning to focus on the act, being aware of your body's sensations and really enjoying the act.
(5) Pay attention to the non-sexual ways of pleasing each other. You may say this is for women, but most men would surely appreciate some gentle massage after work. Hugging your partner and taking time to touch each other's body without getting to that sexual zones can be a great way too to enhance your intimacy and strengthen your relationship too.
(6) Yes, you can talk about it out of the bedroom. Putting the topic out of the bedroom can also be a good way to ignite the feelings and passion with one another. Learn flirting with each other. You can email him, talk to him on the phone, or some other creative ways to tell him how much you want him. Be careful with this tip though, especially if there are children around and when you are calling him on the office.
(7) And yes, you can talk dirty. Talking dirty has now become one of the ways to spice up your sex life, as it turns on men too. However, you have to be careful and learn how to say things, what to say and the right place to say it to make you successful in seducing and spicing up your sex life. Be careful also of some things that you should never say too. There are definitely dirty talks that can also turn off the partner, so be aware of them.
These tips can be simple but they can also be a good start in keeping the passion alive between you and your partner.
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Talking Dirty: How Can Talking Dirty Help Me Save My Relationship?
Sexting, or talking dirty via text message (SMS) is a hot trend these days. Daytime talk shows, such as Tyra, broke this latest fad not too long ago as something that mostly teenagers did. Sexting was suddenly "outed" and quickly became a juicy addition of our tech-friendly culture along with "friending", "tweets" and "exposed celeb pics". Preventative measures to save your marriage from problems of any kind - even a sexual affair - include keeping sexual passion and intensity in your love life before your even gets an opportunity to husband think of stepping out. So trust us, if you're wondering to yourself, "Will talking dirty help me save my marriage from becoming sexless, boring or even at risk for a sexual affair?", the answer is "Hell yeah it can!"
Now, chances are you've already been sexting before it had a name. Sexy, flirtatious texts sent to your husband were the perfect reminder of what he had waiting for him at home. Maybe things became more heated late at night if you were apart, such as during a long-distance relationship, or if he was deployed while in the military. And, of course, a few short, well-worded sexts could easily keep him up all night - in every way possible - if you were really good.
Either way, sexy dirty text messaging has probably been going on for as long as there has been text messaging. Learning how to flirt with a guy over text is the perfect way to drive your husband wild with passion for you.
Like any form of flirting though, less is more. Sexy wives who possess the knack to leave a little to their husbands' imaginations will always enjoy better reactions from them than those who just start talking downright dirty right away. Subtle hints that lead him on with spicy little tidbits mixed in when he's least expecting it will get a man right where you want him.
Juicy sexts at the right moment can seduce a man as well as a pushup bra or showing a little leg can. As in all forms of seduction and flirtation, it's all about teasing, building up emotional tension... and then shocking him, making him bite down on that hook and becoming yours.
Proper setup, buildup of tension and follow through will pretty much guarantee your husband isn't going to be thinking of anything or anyone else more than you for quite some time. Now of course, each technique and series of messages has to match the intensity of your relationship and your desired effect.
Don't worry about sounding like a porn star. Start out slow and sweet with a little flirting. Yes, we said flirt! Text your sexy husband an equally sexy message expressing how much you love and want to be with him. Keep your message short and sweet - "You made me feel so sexy last night" - and let his imagination run wild. Send him another message later on telling him something a little more explicit and flirtatious, "I love the way your lips taste."
When he responds, asking for more, either by text or email, don't hesitate to respond a little steamier than you last did. Remember, you want to gradually increase your raciness as a way to build emotional tension. You want him to start thinking about the last time the two of you made love, because the more he thinks about it, the more he's going to want an encore. So move slowly and deliberately, teasing him until he's crawling over to you and begging to devour you like his last meal before the electric chair. Now let's hope he has an appetite to match that dirty mouth of his!
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