Spice Up Your Workplace: 13 Event Ideas For Your Corporate Calendars
Ryan Lewendon
Growth Marketing Manager @ Pinpoint | Helping businesses attract, hire, and retain top talent
Office managers are given the monumental task of running the office. While those on the outside often misunderstand the role as merely clerical, they are also heavily involved in the health and culture of the company. A good office manager embodies and promotes the values and the culture of the whole company.
An office manager is the one that knows the team best. After all, they’re the ones that everyone turns to for help whether it be a logistical matter or a workplace drama. It’s a people facing role requiring listening skills, patience and empathy. Since they know the thoughts, feelings and needs of their colleagues, they are perfectly positioned to shape company culture and improve team morale. This can be achieved by designing engaging and fun initiatives for the company. When done well, these initiatives can leave employees feeling fulfilled and cared for.
Spidey had the right idea when he said – ‘with great power comes great responsibility.’
Coming up with these initiatives can eat up into your workday. Something no office manager wants, especially with their ever-increasing to do lists. So without further ado, here are a few dates and events to pen into your corporate calendars.
10th – 16th June: Employer Branding Awareness Week
What better way to kick off this list than with an event that thrusts company culture into the spotlight. If you’re asking yourself what ‘employer branding’ is, CIPD offers this handy summary;
‘Employer branding is a useful tool to help organisations differentiate what they offer in the labour market, and recruit, retain and engage the people they need to succeed.’
That is, employer branding is the reputation of the company has for looking after its staff and creating innovative workplaces. A good employer brand will attract and keep the best talent.
Launching this year, it’s a week designed to help create and celebrate wonderful workplaces. You can get involved by booking a free 10-minute consultation with them or attend their masterclass at the Festival of Work. For a more low-key approach, put out a suggestion box and have a brainstorm session on how to improve the workplace. Chances are, as an office manager, you already know – so maybe this week is more about implementing strategies to make these ideas a reality! If I were you, I’d start by introducing Beer O’clock.
For more information, see https://www.employerbrandingawarenessweek.co.uk/
21st June: Bring Your Dog to Work Day
For any animal lover, this is one day to get involved with (even better if you can provide the pooch)! Into its 6th year running now, Bring Your Dog to Work Day aims to raise funds for the dog rescue charity All Dogs Matter, and international charity Animals Asia.
It’s self-explanatory how you can get involved. If you’re a dog owner, bring your dog to work – no more daydreaming about your dog at home all day, they can sit by your side and enjoy all the love coming their way. And if you’re not, today’s your chance at getting in a cuddle and a few selfies with your colleague’s dog.
As excited as I am to discover this day, it’s best to ask your employer first. If they need convincing, point their attention to all the benefits of having a pet around – reduced stress levels, increased satisfaction, better morale, boosted productivity and it’s all for a great cause!
For more information, see https://www.bringyourdogtoworkday.co.uk/
I also want to point out that this day coincides with Loneliness Awareness Week (17-21st June) run by Marmalade Trust. It’s another worthy cause to get behind – it acknowledges loneliness and reduces the stigma surrounding it. Dogs have long been known as man’s best friend. A coincidence? I think not!
For more information, see https://marmaladetrust.org/law/
All month: National Picnic Month
We’ve already had a couple of hot days recently, and here’s to hoping for many more! If you haven’t joined the hordes of people sprawled out in parks all over the country, then this is your chance. There’s a whole month dedicated to getting out, celebrating summer days and enjoying good food.
The best way to get involved is to rally your colleagues and take a half day off. Then, grab your favourite foods and drinks, some entertainment like your speakers or a frisbee, and essentials like wipes, sunscreen and of course, a blanket. And there’s your picnic – enjoy!
There are few better ways to wind down a busy week – think of it as your team bonding activity for the month! It’ll be all fun and games, but don’t forget to clean up after!
For more information, see https://www.nationalpicnicweek.co.uk/
30th July: International Day of Friendship
International Day of Friendship was launched in 2011 by the United Nations. We spend a large chunk of our time at work. It’s not only natural but important that our workplaces cultivate human connection and friendships. Work friendships provide better mental well-being, increased job satisfaction and stronger employee engagement. Quality friendships can impact on a person’s commitment to their jobs and lower staff turnover. It makes the office a better place for everyone.
Catch up over a coffee or lunch, offer to help with someone’s workload, say thank you or give your workmate a huge. Whatever it is; make sure your work family know how much you appreciate them this International Day of Friendship. Cheesy, I know – but all in the name of friendship!
For more information, see https://www.un.org/en/events/friendshipday/
16th August: National Tell a Joke Day
They say laughter is the best medicine, so it’s no wonder that jokes get a whole day of celebration. Laughter decreases stress, releases endorphins and boosts immunity.
The easiest and most obvious way to celebrate is to tell a joke or to laugh at one. If you want to make a night of it, grab your co-workers and head to a comedy club.
For more information on where to get your laugh on in London, see https://www.timeout.com/london/comedy/the-best-comedy-clubs-in-london-1
19th August: World Humanitarian Day
Although it falls in the same month, this day is no laughing matter. World Humanitarian Day pays tribute to aid workers who risk their lives in humanitarian service. It also raises awareness for millions of people still affected by humanitarian crises around the world.
These days, more companies are putting an emphasis on corporate social responsibility. World Humanitarian Day is a great opportunity for a workforce to band together and raise funds to support humanitarian work around the world. Each year a theme is chosen, so keep your eyes peeled on the United Nations website for how to get involved in 2019. Consider donating any money raised to their efforts, such as UNICEF (UN Children’s Fund), UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency), WFP (World Food Program), UN Women and much more.
For more information, see https://www.un.org/en/events/humanitarianday/ and https://www.un.org/en/how-donate-united-nations-system/
19th September: Hug Your Boss Day
Depending on your relationship with your boss, this might seem like a strange one. Founded in 2008 by Tip Top Job, it aims to promote healthy workplace relationships. The idea is that hugging your boss reflects a positive relationship, which can lead to increased morale and better productivity.
Get involved by giving your boss a hug or get your whole team involved and organise a big team hug in. Don’t forget to take a snap and upload on to your socials with #hugyourboss or #hugyourbossday.
For more information, see https://www.nationalhugyourbossday.com/index.html
23rd – 29th September: Recycle Week
Environmental concerns have been thrust into the nation’s agenda – for good reason! Plastic in the ocean, pollution, deforestation, waste disposal, water scarcity, reducing levels of biodiversity, climate change – the list continues. We’ve become more conscious of environmental problems that threaten our world. Unless you’ve got your head in the sand, we can all agree on the importance of solving these major environmental issues.
Enter Recycle Week. Now in its 17th year, Recycle Week is aimed at getting everyone to recycle more by highlighting the environmental benefits of recycling and offering ideas to implement changes at home and in the workplace. This year’s theme is ‘Recycling. It’s in our own hands.’ Get involved by putting into place some changes – such as removing ‘under desk’ bins and installing single waste and recycling points – and aim to make recycling the norm!
For more information, see https://www.recyclenow.com/recycling-knowledge/recycle-week-campaign
4th October: Byte Night
Byte Night is an annual event run by Action for Children that sees individuals and businesses come together to tackle youth homelessness. Throughout the course of several months, those involved commit to raising funds before the event culminates in the nation’s largest corporate sleep-out. These funds go towards getting youth off the street by providing essential support, accommodation, education and skills to live independently.
This year, Byte Night is taking place on the 4th October across various locations around the UK. A team usually consists of 5 people, but there’s no limit if everyone wants to get involved. Fundraising can be done as an individual but getting creative and fundraising as a team can do wonders for team bonding in the office. A great idea to meet or exceed your target is by asking your company to match the funds raised.
For more information, see https://www.bytenight.org.uk/
7th – 11th October: National Work-Life Week
National Work-Life Week is run annually by Working Families to showcase how employers and employees can focus on wellbeing and work-life balance. A third of the UK workforce – roughly 11 million people – is made up of parents. Traditional approaches to the workplace often prevent people with caring responsibilities from reaching their full potential. More and more people want sustainable and flexible working environments, whether that be the option to work remotely or simply being able to leave on time.
Use this week to start a conversation with your boss on how your workplace can provide a good work-life balance. Run a lunchtime discussion around work-life balance or offer training for managers on how to manage flexible staff. Highlight examples of people working flexibly in your workplace. Showcase family-friendly working policies in staff newsletters.
For more information, see https://www.workingfamilies.org.uk/nationalworklifeweek/
All Month: Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! It’s a worldwide annual campaign that highlights the importance of breast awareness, education and research. Awareness and funds will help support life-saving research and support for those affected.
Hold a bake sale* at work, participate in ‘wear it pink’ day (18th October), have a lunchtime workshop for your female colleagues on recognising signs and symptoms of breast cancer, or secure a corporate offer with a breast screener program for staff.
For more information, see https://www.wearitpink.org/about/breast-cancer-awareness-month
*Coincidentally, 14-20th October is also National Baking Week. Two birds, one stone – we love it!
6th November: National Stress Awareness Day
It’s safe to say that everyone has felt stressed at some point. It’s, unfortunately, a normal part of life. With several tasks to juggle and deadlines looming, work can be one of the biggest stressors. The first Wednesday in November is National Stress Awareness Day. It’s an opportunity to acknowledge what makes us stressed and learn how to manage it.
Stress can snowball into depression and anxiety. Help de-stress your colleagues by helping set up a ‘Stress Awareness Space,’ where they can share their thoughts and feelings when they feeling stressed. It can even be an opportunity to invite professionals into the workplace to run seminars for stress counselling, advice or relaxation. After all, we’re all in it together – and the sooner we realise it, the sooner we can eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health and tackle it head-on.
For more information, see https://www.mind.org.uk/workplace/national-stress-awareness-day/
10th – 16th June: Diabetes Week
Diabetes Week is an annual week to raise awareness of diabetes and funds to support the work of Diabetes UK. Diabetes affects 1 in 15 people in the UK. Combine our increasingly sedentary lifestyles (read: sitting in front of a screen for hours at a time) with poor nutritional habits (read: eating out with workmates, after work drinks) – it’s no wonder diabetes is on the rise! If you don’t have it, it’s almost certain that you know someone who is living with it.
Eating well, moving more and losing weight are all ways to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Some ideas for the office include having a nutritionist come in to discuss healthy meal options, or getting active with your colleagues by forming a sports team or organising a before work workout!
For more information, see https://www.diabetes.org.uk/get_involved/diabetes-week
… and then there was December! Officially the last month of the year and fast approaching Christmas and New Years celebrations – I’m sure everyone has their hands full and doesn’t need any more events in their calendars!
If you’ve used a few ideas on this list, then by the end of the year you would have flexed your creative muscles, improved workplace culture and helped social or environmental causes – not to mention, you’re probably everyone’s favourite person in the office at this point! All in a day’s (or a year’s) work!
Keep in mind that these were just a few days in the year that I thought was worth mentioning. There are still many more we’ve left off the list that may be better suited to your company’s culture and values. If this list didn’t quite hit the spot, a quick browse online can come up with a much longer list of awareness campaigns and frivolous days of celebration. Go nuts!