Spheres of Awareness
We all exist at the center of our own universes. That’s how it should be. Surrounding us, in full 720 degree glory is our sphere of awareness.
These are the things that we know and the things we know we don’t know.
There’s also a sphere of concern (and I realize I am drafting off Stephen Covey here) since we may be aware of some things, but not be concerned by them.
However, the larger our sphere of awareness, the greater our potential to impact the world because we naturally see things in their proper perspective, which also gives us the capability to see how little things can impact big things (the butterfly effect).
One trick that I do is imagining that I am traveling out into space, passing all of the planets in our galaxy, going as far away as I can.
Then, I turn around and look back at earth and look at the room where I am sitting.
That helps keep it real and works the awareness extension muscles (at least for me).
The sphere is a balloon. By breathing in and breathing out slowly, we gradually, very gradually, expand our spheres.