Speexx Exchange: The digital learning event for HR and L&D
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The #1 platform for people and workforce development - language training and business coaching at the modern workplace
The Speexx Global Newsletter offers HR and L&D professionals?around the globe a wealth of news, interesting articles, and content on the latest trends in HR and corporate business in English, Spanish, French, German, and Italian.
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Speexx Exchange: The digital learning event for HR and L&D
Register now for free online or in Berlin for this years Speexx Exchange - the event for curious HR and L&D minds who?want to make a difference.Join top industry experts and peers and be inspired, exchange ideas, and network – both offline and online! SpeexxExchange is our very own hybrid thought leadership event for curious HR and L&D minds.
Read more on the English Speexx blog.
Horoscope de l’apprentissage : quelles compétences votre signe astrologique devrait-il apprendre cette année ?
Quels sont les points forts typiques des différents signes du zodiaque et quelles sont les professions qui conviennent particulièrement à chaque signe ? Quelles sont les points de vigilance des signes du zodiaque et comment les surmonter avec quelles compétences ? Jetons un coup d'?il aux étoiles !
En savoir davantage sur le blog fran?ais de Speexx.
7 Vorteile einer Lernplattform – So nutzen Sie das volle Potenzial Ihrer PE!
Mentoring ist der strukturierte und organisierte Wissenstransfer von einer Person zur anderen mit dem klaren Ziel, Wachstum und Entwicklung zu f?rdern. In diesem Artikel beleuchten wir die Vorteile von Mentoring im Unternehmen, die kleinen aber feinen Unterschiede zum Coaching, die Auswirkungen auf Unternehmen und ihre Mitarbeitenden sowie ein spannendes Beispiel aus der Praxis.
Lesen Sie mehr auf unserem deutschen Speexx Blog.
Il coaching: la forza invisibile che muove le aziende del futuro
Presentazione dei risultati della prima ricerca nazionale sul Business Coaching in azienda realizzata da Speexx in collaborazione con BVA Doxa e Politecnico di Milano.
La ricerca rivela che l’84% delle professioniste e dei professionisti HR considera il coaching uno strumento essenziale per lo sviluppo delle persone in azienda. Con Alessandro Pegoraro, Speexx Coach e presidente di EMCC Italia, scopriremo in anteprima i dati per comprendere l’impatto del coaching sulle performance e sul potenziale dei team. Inoltre, conosceremo le strategie più efficaci per implementare un programma di coaching nella tua organizzazione.
Scopri di più sul blog italiano di Speexx.
Formación digital en idiomas para empresas, ?conoces sus ventajas?
En este artículo te mostraremos las principales ventajas de una formación digital en idiomas integral, actual y accesible.
Lee la entrada completa en nuestro Speexx Blog en espa?ol.
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Looking for your next career move into the learning & development space? We’re growing fast and looking for curious individuals to add to our open work culture.
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Eager for more Speexx content? Don't worry! We'll have fresh content for you again in the next edition!
Head of People & Organization @HOLON
4 个月Julia Buchmann klingt interessant! Ich habe mich angemeldet.