Speed & Uptime
Ali Salman
Innovating Modular & Pre-Fab Solutions for Infrastructure, Energy, Mining, Housing, and Healthcare | Modular & Prefab Real Estate Development
We live in an interconnected world powered by informational technologies. In this world,?a strong always-on presence on the web is an absolute necessity for success.?
Without a website that runs smoothly and is accessible at any time of the day, any web-related investments could quickly go to waste and the entire company could come to an abrupt stop.
Most?major brands including Google, Ebay, Microsoft, Twitter,?and the below-mentioned Amazon have suffered downtime.
A few years back in 2013?Amazon?went down and they reportedly lost $66,240 every minute they were out of action. Ouch! It’s not the first time the Internet giant has suffered downtime.
According to?a large survey conducted in 2007, Amazon made around $29,000 every minute. That means that their two hours of downtime back in 2008 led to a loss of $3.48 million.
For example, a?99.9% uptime equates to a?yearly downtime of 8.76 hours.
Another aspect that is harder to put into dollars and cents and is difficult to measure is the?negative impact on reputation and credibility. That is much harder to measure, but that doesn’t make it any less important.
The question is do you have a plan in place to make sure your website loads fast and up 99.999% of the time.