Speed up your sample preparation with microwave enhanced systems
Analytix Ltd supplies sample prep & analytical instrumentation for the chemical and life science markets in UK & Ireland
Sample preparation can account for up to 80% of the total time to complete an analysis. Reducing this bottleneck must be a first priority for the laboratory and can be achieved using microwave enhanced technology that during the past few decades has moved from an academic curiosity to widespread acceptance across many application areas such as digestion, ashing, extraction, and synthesis. Benefits these systems can offer include increased sample throughput, safer working conditions, reduced operating costs, reduced solvent usage, and improved reproducibility.
Digestion systems
The Milestone ETHOS digestion systems are specifically designed for closed vessel acid digestion. With a choice of three different platforms coupled with a comprehensive choice of accessories, they additionally offer a complete first-class solution for microwave solvent extraction, organic and inorganic synthesis, protein hydrolysis, and vacuum evaporation.
Launching in 2023 is the latest innovation in microwave digestion, the UltraWAVE3 with Single Reaction Chamber (SRC) technology where 20 samples can be digested in under 35 minutes. Any combination of sample types and weights with different acid chemistries can be digested at the same time so there is no need to batch samples of the same type into separate runs. Minimal handling also speeds up the preparation stage. A top temperature of 300°C and an operating pressure up to 199 bar enables complete digestion of the most difficult samples.
Ashing systems
The Milestone PYRO ashing system is suitable for conventional ashing, sulphated ashing, loss on ignition (LOI), residue on ignition (ROI), fusion and all high-temperature reactions under controlled conditions. With a choice of three muffle types, ashing times can be reduced by up to 95% from hours to minutes using standard crucibles. Benefits include an integral exhaust system with no loss of heat to the laboratory plus odours are removed thereby eliminating exposure to the operator to fumes. Even temperature distribution across the muffle eliminates cold spots and ensures reproducible ashing across all crucibles.
New for 2023 is the inert gas option that enables heating of catalysts to a high temperature in an inert atmosphere for reaction studies.
Extraction systems
The Milestone ETHOS X extraction system offers extraction of environmental samples, total fat determinations in food products, and extraction of natural products all in a single platform.
Extraction of 24 environmental samples up to 30g in weight can take place simultaneously within 40 minutes and the use of 100ml low-cost disposable glass vials eliminates memory effects and cleaning.
Fat determination and extraction of foods is faster, safer, and lower-cost than traditional methods.?Accurate total fat determination can be achieved in just 90 minutes with only 25ml of solvent.
Fragrances and flavours extraction of natural products is substantially faster than traditional methods and eliminates the need for solvents plus reduces thermal degradation resulting in a higher purity of extracts. New for 2023 is the ETHOS XL that has been designed to process large volumes of botanical material through a simplified workflow.
All Milestone microwave enhanced systems are controlled via a full-colour touchscreen interface and offer full data storage and transfer to laboratory LIMS systems.
If you are looking to speed up your sample preparation contact Analytix for further information on 0191 519 4504.