Speed of SUCCESS
Success is never about doing things exceptionally well, it all about doing things little better than yesterday inch-mile"
In this common era of stereotypes, everyone is a part of the rat-race of becoming successful and the funny part of this that they merely know the meaning of success. It may vary individuals to individuals and how one defines his/her success will make him/her successful.
We must understand success is not something which can be achieved in 180 flip or overnight. Becoming successful is an evolution, which happens in pascal motion. One needs to move in angstroms daily towards it. Be must move in Turtle speed, I believe that is the only way to achieve a sustainable success except for some cases of serendipity, ‘process’ still remains the norm in every domain.
So, pull up your socks and relax, sit down, take a deep breath, control your dopamine rush and make a S.M.A.R.T. (S=Simple, M=measurable, A=achievable, R=realistic and T=time bond) target of success.
Only a SMART target can and will make you successful. The irony is when we decide to change something, we want to change it at figure swap, we stick to the plan for a week or 2 and then we came back to where we were and it goes on and on and on. It’s a journey which is best relished when taken. Don’t make it look like an event that happens accidentally or suddenly, it is a momentum that builds bit by bit and seconds by seconds, and finally results into an event which is the actual outcome of a process.
So have a SMART target and be SUCCESSFUL
Lokesh Vishwakarma