Speed Networking with a Purpose - Having the right IT Support
If you are a business owner or looking to start a business, then don't miss your opportunity to get tips from 7 professional services that every business owner needs, Legal, IT, Bookkeeping, Accounting, Banking, Marketing and Social Medial, then don't miss Networking with a Purpose.
Meet Lewis McKenzie II. Lewis will represent the IT seat in the upcoming Speed Networking with a Purpose event.
Lewis is the owner of ConstrucTech Global, LLC, https://construction-technology.com. He will share with you the services and benefits of outsourcing the IT function to assure your small business is using the latest technologies available in hardware and software to assure you are operating at optimal efficiency, while protecting your data.
If you would like to purchase a ticket to this event, go to: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/speed-networking-with-a-purpose-tickets-63168678217