The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 5

The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 5

O Allah, I take refuge with You from misleading or getting misled; making mistakes or being made to make mistakes; doing wrong or being made to act wrongly; and (from) acting ignorantly or being made to act with ignorance. O Allah Mighty is Your protection, Holy are Your names, Sublime are Your praises, and there is no god besides You. In the name of Allah, sufficient for me is Allah. I rely O Allah, and there is no power and strength except with Allah. O Allah, strengthen my heart and let truth appear on my tongue. We implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. I praise Allah, except whom there is none to be worshiped, who is the Ruler of the world. He is innocent and pure free from all blemishes, defects, flaws, or shortcomings. He gives refuge and sustains all.

Peace and blessings of Allah be upon 
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Khatim al-Nubiyyin our beloved Prophet and Messenger and his family. 
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We again call you and your men and your army towards Allah who is worthy of all respect and esteem.

I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice. You should accept it, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.
To all whom these presents shall come, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.

We continue to invite you to accept the obedience, sympathy, and love of Allah Who is One and Who is without an associate. You should follow his prophet’s and messengers (Peace (Salaam) on (all) the Prophets and Messengers) and should believe in the message of Allah which they have brought.

We invite you to translate and to share and send these transmissions to others insha Allah.

Now that we have looked Quran and hadieth and look at the Days of or the length of the day or days of Qiyamah and a day in this world as well as the days of creation in the proper perspectives

Re previous articles and posted below. Let us look further into this matter as well as the science.

The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 5

 Scalar Variance of Speed of Light

Km/sec is a scalar, however gravitational length contraction and time dilation make it impossible to represent the speed of light by a scalar. There is a difference between the radial speed of light and the tangential speed of light. The effects of gravitation can only be accurately represented by a tensor field. You can find an online solution.

Specifically, Einstein wrote in 1911 that the speed of light at a place with the gravitational potential φ would be c0 (1 + φ/c02), where c0 is the nominal speed of light in the absence of gravity. In geometrical units we define c0 = 1, so Einstein's 1911 formula can be written simply as c = 1 + φ. However, this formula for the speed of light (not to mention this whole approach to gravity) turned out to be incorrect, as Einstein realized during the years leading up to 1915 and the completion of the general theory. In the general theory of relativity the speed of light in a gravitational field cannot be represented by a simple scalar field of c values. Instead, the "speed of light" at a each point depends on the direction of the light ray through that point – and also on the choice of coordinate systems – so we can't generally talk about the value of c at a given point in a non-vanishing gravitational field. However, if we consider just radial light rays near a spherically symmetrical (and non- rotating) mass, and if we agree to use a specific set of coordinates, namely those in which the metric coefficients are independent of t, then we can read a formula analogous to Einstein's 1911 formula directly from the Schwarzschild metric. The result differs from the 1911 formula by a factor of 2...Now that we have derived the Schwarzschild metric, we can easily correct the "speed of light" formula that Einstein gave in 1911. A ray of light always travels along a null trajectory, i.e., with dt = 0, and for a radial ray we have dθ and dπ both equal to zero, so the equation for the light ray trajectory through spacetime, in Schwarzschild coordinates (which are the only spherically symmetrical ones in which the metric is independent of t) is simply:

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from which we get:

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where the ± sign just indicates that the light can be going radially inward or outward. (Note that we're using geometric units, so c = 1.) In the Newtonian limit the classical gravitational potential at a distance r from mass m is φ = -m/r, so if we let cr = dr/dt denote the radial speed of light in Schwarzschild coordinates, we have:

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Which corresponds to Einstein's 1911 equation, except that we have a factor of 2 instead of 1 on the potential term. Thus, as φ becomes increasingly negative (i.e., as the magnitude of the potential increases), the radial "speed of light" cr defined in terms of the Schwarzschild parameters t and r is reduced to less than the nominal value of c. The factor of 2 relative to the equation of 1911 arises because in the full theory there is gravitational length contraction as well as time dilation. Of course, the length contraction doesn’t affect the gravitational redshift, which is purely a function of the time dilation, so the redshift prediction of 1911 remains valid. Only the radial speed of light (in terms of Schwarzschild coordinates) is changed. 

On the other hand, if we define the tangential speed of light at a distance r from a gravitating mass center in the equatorial plane (θ = π/2) in terms of the Schwarzschild coordinates as ct = r(dθ/dt), then the metric divided by (dt)2 immediately gives:

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Thus, we again find that the "velocity of light" is reduced in a region with a strong gravitational field, but this speed is the square root of the radial speed at the same point, and to the first order in m/r this is the same as Einstein's 1911 formula, although it is understood now to signify just the tangential speed. This illustrates the fact that the general theory doesn't lead to a simple scalar field of c values. The effects of gravitation can only be accurately represented by a tensor field.

Suppose that you have a clock and a ruler (which is not rotating with respect to stars) and that you are not accelerating (inertial). Locally (where you are) you will always measure the speed of light at 299792.458 km/sec. However in the presence of gravity if I am at a different location than yours then I could measure the speed of light at your location to be any value smaller or greater than 299792.458 km/sec. It depends on where I am and where you are (it depends on locations). So in the presence of gravity the speed of light becomes relative (variable depending on the reference frame of the observer). This does not mean that photons accelerate or decelerate. This is just gravity causing clocks to run slower and rulers to shrink. (This might sound crazy however it is true.)

Islam & Life On Other Planets

We as Muslims believe that Earth is not a unique planet but rather God created several planets like Earth throughout the universe: 

(Quran 65.12) Allah is the one who created seven heavens and from Earth like them (of corresponding type); [Allah's] command descends among them (heavens and earths) so that you may know that Allah is capable of anything and that Allah knows everything. 

In Islam, Earth is not a unique planet. Other planets like Earth do exist throughout the universe. Actually the Quran says that other planets also have land animals: 

(Quran 42.29) And from His signs He created the heavens and the Earth; and the land animals that He scattered in BOTH of them (heavens and Earth); And He is capable of gathering them (in one place) if He wishes. 

So according to the Quran, the heavens have land animals like our Earth (not just angels). Actually the Quran says that some of those extraterrestrial creatures will invade Earth one day: There is a wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth with another planet. One day the creatures on that planet will use this wormhole to invade Earth:

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Allah gave a method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them 'Ma'arej ?????' (Quran 70.3) and describes how angels use them for long distance travel. Today we as Muslim's know that these 'Ma'arej' is what scientists call wormholes. This is a picture of a wormhole. See how angels can reach any place in the universe before you finish reading this sentence: 

We as Muslim's also believe that wormholes are not strictly for the use of angels. The prophet (pbuh) was taken through a wormhole once in the 'Israa & Me'raj' (Me'raj ????? is singular of Ma'arej) (Quran 17.1). In another incident the Quran describes a clan of 'Yagog and Magog' using a Me'raj (wormhole): 

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This clan (who didn't understand human speech) were wreaking havoc on Earth. They came from BEYOND the two dams that a human called 'Thu Al-Karnein' built. He built two iron dams; one at each end of a Me'raj. The ends of this Me'raj look like two shells (exactly like modern science describes the doorways of a wormhole):

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The wormhole is completely transparent however it carves its shape in whatever matter it is in. In this incident, it is in a mountain so it carved its shape, a shell, in the mountain; One shell at each end of this Me'raj. The two shells in this verse are the two entrances of the Me'raj.

Look up to the night sky and select a star as a destination. Can any human reach this star by just walking few steps? General relativity explained a mechanism to contract huge distances into few meters. Albert Einstein called this mechanism 'bridges' in space-time. Today scientists call them wormholes.

A wormhole acts as a shortcut connecting two distant regions in the universe.

God gave this method of transportation to his angels throughout the universe. The Quran calls them 'Ma'arej' (?????) and describes how angels use them for long distance travel. Today we as Muslim's know that these 'Ma'arej' is what scientists call wormholes.

Physicists know how a wormhole works but have never actually used one. Do you remember how a frictionless roller coaster works? That is, you start high and slow then you go down and fast but when you come back up again to your previous height you return to your previous slow speed? Well, the wormhole is the most efficient roller coaster you can imagine. Energy is not required to move through the wormhole, that is, you can simply switch off your rockets. Gravity accelerates you and pulls you through and then expels you the other side. You will feel like being swept by waves at the beach; nothing more. On your way through, gravity causes your clock to run slower and your ruler to shrink. Distant observers see you accelerating to relativistic speeds; as a result, your energy (and mass) increase dramatically in their view; but when you get out the other side everything returns back to normal (your clock, ruler...).

[Quran 70.1-4] Someone asked about the penalty that will befall the unbelievers; (A penalty) that has none to ward off; (a penalty) from Allah (who owns) wormholes [Ma'arej in Arabic] The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is fifty thousand years.

Any object passing through this wormhole will also experience this same time dilation (one day inside wormhole vs. 50,000 years on Earth) and not just those angels. This time dilation does not say how long it takes you to cross the wormhole, it just says that when you pass through the wormhole you age by this ratio.

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Time is Relative - Wormholes

The stronger the gravity/acceleration the slower the time.

We know from Einstein that my clock and your clock will not run at the same rate. Time (or rate of our clocks) depends on acceleration and/or gravity. If my clock accelerates and/or is in a strong gravitational field then it will run slower than your clock. So time is relative. Quran 22.47 compares time of Earth with.

Time is Relative - Age of Universe

Time is relative. We know from Einstein that my clock and your clock will not run at the same rate. Time (or rate of our clocks) depends on acceleration and/or gravity. If my clock accelerates and/or is in a strong gravitational field then it will run slower than your clock. Quran 22.47 compares time on Earth with time at Paradise/Hell (1 day vs 1000 years). While Quran 70.4 compares time on Earth with time in wormholes (1 day vs 50,000 years).

We as Muslim's believe that Paradise and Hell are both much bigger and much more massive than Earth (but still much smaller than God's Throne). The theory of general relativity says that time passes slower near an object more massive than Earth (clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields). So according to general relativity, time should pass in Paradise/Hell much slower than on Earth. We as Muslim's say that this is what Allah says. It is stated in the Quran that 1 day in Paradise/Hell measures a 1000 years on Earth:

[Quran 22.47] They challenge you to bring forth that torture [in Hell] and Allah will not break His promise; a day of your Lord [Paradise/Hell promise] is like a thousand years of what you count.

Here God promises those who do not believe in Hell and punishment that each day of their torture in Hell will measure a thousand years on Earth. So according to the Quran, time passes faster on Earth than in Paradise/Hell. But this agrees with the theory of general relativity which says that time passes slower near bigger mass. Paradise and Hell are much more massive than Earth and time should pass there much slower than on Earth.

Our solar system is 4.57 billion years old. Earth started accreting concurrently with the sun and our neighbouring planets 4.57 bln years ago. However the universe is 13.7 ± 0.2 bln years old. This places the age of Earth at one third the age of the universe (4.57 bln/13.7 bln = 1/3). We as Muslim's say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that in God's Throne time Earth is 2 days old while the Heavens, Earth and everything in between are 6 days old (2/6 = 1/3):

[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne...

Those six days are on the Throne; so the frame of reference for creation is the Throne, not Earth.

[Quran 41.9] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds."
[Quran 50.38] And we have created the Heavens and Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN in six days and We were not touched by fatigue.

All those days are on the Throne; the frame of reference for creation is still the Throne. When God says that He created the Heavens, Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN (including you and me) in six days this means that He is referring to the period of existence. Earth has been in existence for 2 days (out of 6).

We as Muslim's believe that God sustains all living things. And all His commands to the angels to sustain man and animals were inscribed on the Preserved Tablet. The Quran says that not even a leaf would drop on Earth without it being previously recorded on this Preserved Tablet. God says that He inscribed this Preserved Tablet before the creation of Earth started; He answered our prayers today (as commands for the angels on the Preserved Tablet) during the first four days when Earth was still smoke. After this He ordered Earth to form:

[Quran 41.9-12]  Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds." He set on it (Earth) mountains, and bestowed it with blessings. And [Allah] estimated all its sustenance in four days, equally for those who ask (prayers) AFTER THIS (Thumma in Arabic) [Allah] commanded the heaven and it was still smoke. He said to it and to Earth: "Come together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come together, in willing obedience". So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.
Quran 70.4 compares time on Earth with time in wormholes (1 day vs 50,000 years).

The Quran says that when angels travel they experience different time than ours:

[Quran 70.4] The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is fifty thousand years.

Here angels will experience 1 day while humans will measure it as 50,000 years (time vs. time and not time vs. distance as the other lunar verse). This can happen if:

  1. Angels accelerate to relativistic speeds.
  2. Angels are in a strong gravitational field.

1) Outside gravitational fields: This agrees with Einstein's theory of special relativity, which says that a faster moving object appears to experience slower time. We as Muslim's use Einstein's theory of special relativity with the following verse in the Quran to check whether those angels really accelerate up to the speed of light or not. Given this time difference (time dilation) we can calculate the speed at which that object traveled. We can verify if those angels really accelerate up to the speed of light, as claimed by us Muslim's or not. Outside gravitational fields this speed turned out to be 99.99999999999981% of the speed of light:

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(Where ?to is the time measured for a mover by a mover; ?t is the time measured for a mover by a stationary frame; v is the velocity of the mover relative to the stationary observer):

?to is the time experienced by angels (1 day).

?t is the time as measured by humans (50,000 lunar years x12 lunar months/lunar year x 27.321661 days/lunar month).

v is the velocity of angels in this case (which we intend to calculate and then compare to the known speed of light).

c is the nominal speed of light 299792.458 km/s.

From the above equation we can solve for the unknown velocity:

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This time dilation (time difference) shows that angels indeed accelerate to relativistic speeds; outside gravitational fields this is the same speed calculated from the previous lunar verse also outside gravitational fields.

We cannot calculate our local speed of light from this time dilation however we can calculate at what percentage of the speed of light those angels are traveling relative to an observer on Earth. By this we can compare a time dilation (50,000 years vs. one day) with a speed (12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day). We can do this by translating both of them to a common speed in km/sec. Outside gravitational fields 50,000 years vs. one day shows angels traveling at 12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day; it is the same speed in km/sec.

2) Inside gravitational fields: This time dilation shows angels crossing a wormhole (?????) at a few meters/sec.

This is a picture of a wormhole. The Quran says that angels use these wormholes to reach any place in the universe. An observer outside gravitational fields sees those angels passing by him at 99.99999...% of the speed of light (relativistic speeds, very close to the local speed of light), that is at But when those angels enter the gravitational field of a wormhole this observer still sees those angels entering the wormhole at 99.99999...% of the speed of light however that would no longer be at This is because in the presence of gravity the speed of light becomes relative. If he sees the speed of light in a wormhole at 10 meters/sec, for example, then he would see those angels traveling at only 9.999999...meters/sec, flapping their wings in slow motion, reddish in color and very dim (and in turn they would see him in fast motion, bluish in color and very bright).

A smaller time dilation (say 100 or 1000 years vs. one day) can also occur if we stand on Earth and angels stand on a neutron star (or resist their fall into a neutron star; gravitational time dilation). This makes their velocity relative to us to be zero (and not 299792.457999... km/s). But naturally occurring wormholes connect distant black holes; however at a lower time dilation (100 or 1000 years vs. one day) the two entrances of the wormhole cannot connect; hence a wormhole cannot form. So with the time dilation stated in the Quran (50,000 years vs. 1 day) and the fact that angels are moving then those angels have to be crossing a wormhole. The pulsar scenario or any other combination cannot do. Learn more: 

Quran 32.5 is time vs distance; this gives us speed of angels which turned out to be the speed of light. However Quran 22.47 and Quran 70.4 are time vs time (no distance); this is time dilation. We know from Einstein that my clock and your clock will not run at the same rate. Time (or rate of our clocks) depend on acceleration and/or gravity. If my clock accelerates and/or is in a strong gravitational field then it will run slower than your clock. So time is relative. Quran 22.47 compares time of Earth with time at Paradise/Hell (1 day vs 1000 years). While Quran 70.4 compares time on Earth with time in wormholes (1 day vs 50,000 years).

How could an illiterate man prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who lived 1400 years ago have figured out Time Dilation and the core of Relativity?

(According to the Christian Bible and/or the Bible Current altered versions David bought a plot of land on which the temple was to be built. One chapter says the price was 50 shekels of silver, another chapter says the price was 600 shekles of gold. So according to the Bible price is relative).

We as Muslims also believe that wormholes are not strictly for the use of angels. The prophet's (pbuh) night journey used a wormhole once in the 'Israa & Mi'raj' (Mi'raj ????? is singular of Ma'arej).

God says that those wormholes are doors in the heaven that contract interstellar distances into walking distances; the resulting scenery is bizarre: God says that those who do not believe in the message will not believe it even if He showed them a bigger sign. He created beautiful towering structures in the heavens. If He opens for those nonbelievers a door in heaven and lets them continue passing through it to those distant structures, they would not believe that they really got there by simply walking few steps. Instead they would think that they are just optical illusions:

[Quran 15.13-17] They do not believe the Message, like those who preceded them; Even if We [Allah] opened upon them from the heaven a door and they continued passing through it they would say 'Our sight is bedazzled, rather we have been bewitched'. It is We [Allah] who have made towering structures in the heavens and made them beautiful for beholders. And We protected them from every evil spirit accursed.    

Here, they wouldn't believe their own eyes thinking that what they see is not real. They wouldn't believe that they got to those heavenly structures by simply walking few steps. But God insists that what they see is real and not illusions (that is, they really got there).

[Quran 21.104] On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver.

Here God promises to make the Big Crunch not by gravity but rather by folding the Heavens like a book, that is, by the same mechanism He controls wormholes. This means that this Big Crunch can begin and end in a fraction of a second!

Big Bang & Big Crunch

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The universe was created from the cosmic singularity by a Big Bang.

The Christian Bible and/or the current altered versions of the bible says that in the beginning God said "Let there be light" Genesis 1:3. However this turned out to be false. The universe was opaque to visible light (non-transparent) and photons couldn't travel at all. After the Big Bang the universe was primarily Hydrogen, Helium and a tiny bit of Lithium. However when a gas is too hot it becomes ionized (loses the electrons) and becomes opaque (like today's smoke). In the beginning the universe was opaque to visible light (non-transparent). After 380,000 years the universe cooled enough and it became transparent to visible light. For other wavelengths it was opaque for a billion years. So "Let there be light" turned out to be false. However the Quran correctly said that at the beginning it was SMOKE, that is, a hot non-transparent gas:

[Quran 41.11] Then He directed himself to the Heaven when it was SMOKE, and then said to it and to Earth: "Come willingly or by force" they said "We do come willingly"

How could an illiterate man Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who lived 1400 years ago have known that it was just smoke after the Big Bang?

The universe was created in a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago. The Quran says that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together, tight and compact (Big Bang), continues to expand it today and at the last day God will return it to its original state:

Expanding Universe

The universe has been expanding ever since the Big Bang.

Astronomers just confirmed the existence of "Dark Energy", a mysterious repulsive force that acts in opposite to gravity. As the distance increases, the attractive gravitational force decreases but this mysterious repulsive force increases. This repulsive force is pushing galaxies apart; the greater the distance the greater the repulsion. Scientists today do not know what this "Dark Energy" is, but they know that it is causing the entire universe to expand at an increasing rate.

[Quran 51.47] And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expandin

[Quran 21.30] Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?
In the Quran the Heavens expanded from a single point.
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There are three possibilities to how the universe could end: Big Rip, Big Crunch or Big Chill. NASA recently ruled out the first scenario (No Big Rip; see also: Universe Today). This leaves the universe with only two possible endings: Big Crunch or Big Chill, depending on what this Dark Matter and Dark Energy turn out to be. In the Quran God promises to make the Big Crunch:

[Quran 21.104] On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver.

Here God promises to make this Big Crunch however by folding the heaven like a book. From General Relativity we know that gravity is curvature of spacetime, but wormholes are equivalent to folding spacetime like a book.

Since God promises to make the Big Crunch by folding spacetime like a book then this is the same mechanism He controls wormholes. This means that this Big Crunch can begin and end in a fraction of a second!

Also after this Big Crunch is over, God promises to recreate those heavens and Earth once more before Judgment Day:

[Quran 14.48] On the day when Earth will be swapped by another Earth and so will be the heavens; and all (creatures) will resurrect before the One Dominant God.
[Quran 36.81] Is He not, who created the heavens and the Earth, capable of creating others like them? Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Creator. His command, if He wanted a thing, is that He only says to it, "BE" and it becomes! So glorified is He in whose hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.

 (See how Wormholes work, and Time Dilation experienced by angels inside a wormhole)

Thu Al-Karnein brought iron blocks and split them equally between the two ends of this Me'raj. He melted the iron into two dams, one dam at each end. Once this Me'raj became inaccessible to that clan they could no longer wreak havoc on Earth. One day this dam will break and Yagog and Magog will wreak havoc on Earth again.

(Quran 18.92-99) Then he (Thu Al-Karnein) followed a direction 93 When he reached between the two dams (inside the Me'raj) he found BEYOND them (ma dunihima in Arabic) a clan that cannot understand speech. 94 (The local humans) Said: 'O Thu Al-Karnein! Yagog and Magog are spoiling Earth. Shall we pay you tribute and in return you build between us and them a barrier?' 95 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'What my Lord endowed me with is better (than your tribute), so supply me with manpower to build between you and them a sediment. 96 Bring me blocks of iron'. When he (Thu Al-Karnein) split the iron equally between the two shells (the two doorways of the Me'raj). He said: 'Blow (on the fire)' until it became ablaze. He said: 'Bring me (the molten iron) to pour it'. 97 So (Yagog and Magog) could no longer access (the shell on their side) nor pierce through (their iron dam). 98 (Thu Al-Karnein) said 'This is a mercy from my Lord: but when the promise of my Lord is due, He will make it into waste; and the promise of my Lord is true.' 99 On that day (when that dam becomes waste) We [Allah] shall leave them (Humans and clan of Yagog & Magog) to flow like waves one into the other; (Then) the trumpet will be blown, and We will gather them together.

The word "saddain" in Arabic means "two dams" however it was mistranslated to other languages as "two mountains". Another word "sadafain" in Arabic means "two shells" however it was also mistranslated to "two mountains". The common mistranslation of the Quran presents wrong stories in other languages. Please refer to Arabic Quran. 

The clan of Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams (ma dunihima) and not between them (ma baynihima). So if they are 'beyond them' how then could they be trapped?

They can only be trapped if the second dam is not on Earth. The second end of this Me'raj can be on Earth, but it can also be anywhere else in the universe. In this particular case it has to be on another planet. So Yagog and Magog are trapped beyond the two dams but not on Earth; they are trapped on another planet. Someday these dams will break and Yagog and Magog will invade Earth from that planet.

Life in Islam is not bound to Earth. Other planets have life like Earth. And all living things and non-living things glorify Allah:

(Quran 17.44} The seven heavens and the Earth and everyone in them glorify Him [Allah]; and there is nothing that doesn't glorify HIM thankfully; but you (humans) do not understand their glorification. He is Compassionate, Merciful.
(Quran 16.49-50) And to Allah kneels what's in the heavens and what's on Earth, of land animals and angels, and they act with no arrogance; 50 They fear their Lord above them and they do what they are ordered.

There is a wormhole right here on Earth that connects Earth to another planet that has life.

We again ask you to ponder on how could an illiterate man the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) who lived 1400 years ago have known about these things that are new to science even in our times and can be found in the Quran?

Please see and/or go to The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 6
The time has come to choose will you not fear Allah and obey Him? Insha Allah you will pick the correct side.

I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice.

If you like what you hear may you accept it and if not you can disregard it.
Allah Knows Best

?????????? ????? ????????????? ???

                              May He, for whom you have loved me, love you.

Barakal-lahu feekum

Unto Allah I commend thy faith, Thy trust and the consequence of thy work,


Allah Hafiz

Allah’s Property Mujaddid

Mahmoud Muhammad Ibrihim 

(Of Sinai Peninsula )


Just started reading this series. Totally hooked and fascinated. Amazing work. May Allah guide you and help you in taking this research to more and more people.



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