The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 4
O Allah, I take refuge with You from misleading or getting misled; making mistakes or being made to make mistakes; doing wrong or being made to act wrongly; and (from) acting ignorantly or being made to act with ignorance. O Allah Mighty is Your protection, Holy are Your names, Sublime are Your praises, and there is no god besides You. In the name of Allah, sufficient for me is Allah. I rely O Allah, and there is no power and strength except with Allah. O Allah, strengthen my heart and let truth appear on my tongue. We implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. I praise Allah, except whom there is none to be worshiped, who is the Ruler of the world. He is innocent and pure free from all blemishes, defects, flaws, or shortcomings. He gives refuge and sustains all.
Peace and blessings of Allah be upon
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Khatim al-Nubiyyin our beloved Prophet and Messenger and his family.
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We again call you and your men and your army towards Allah who is worthy of all respect and esteem.
I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice. You should accept it, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.
To all whom these presents shall come, May peace be on the followers of the guidance.
We continue to invite you to accept the obedience, sympathy, and love of Allah Who is One and Who is without an associate. You should follow his prophet’s and messengers (Peace (Salaam) on (all) the Prophets and Messengers) and should believe in the message of Allah which they have brought.
We invite you to translate and to share and send these transmissions to others insha Allah.
Now that we have looked Quran and hadieth and look at the Days of or the length of the day or days of Qiyamah and a day in this world as well as the days of creation in the proper perspectives
Re previous articles and posted below. Let us look further into this matter as well as the science.
The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 4
Relativistic Time Dilation
The Quran states another verse in which angels traveling at a certain velocity, appear to experience slower time than humans.
Al-Ma'aarij 70:4
The angels and the Spirit ascend to Him in a day, the measure of which is fifty thousand years.
Here angels will experience 1 day while humans will measure it as 50,000 years (time vs. time and not time vs. distance as the previous lunar verse). This can happen if:
- Angels accelerate to relativistic speeds.
- Angels are in a strong gravitational field.
1. Outside gravitational fields this agrees with Einstein’s theory of special relativity, which says that a faster moving object appears to experience slower time. We as Muslims use Einstein’s theory of special relativity with the following verse in the Quran to assert that angels indeed accelerate up to the speed of light. Given this time difference (time dilation) we can calculate the speed at which that object traveled. We can verify if those angels really accelerate up to the speed of light, as claimed by us as Muslims, or not. Outside gravitational fields this speed turned out to be 99.99999999999981% of the speed of light:
(Where ?to is the time measured for a mover by a mover; ?t is the time measured for a mover by a stationary frame; v is the velocity of the mover relative to the stationary observer):
?to is the time experienced by angels (1 day).
?t is the time as measured by humans (50,000 lunar years x12 lunar months/lunar year x 27.321661 days/lunar month).
v is the velocity of angels in this case (which we intend to calculate and then compare to the known speed of light).
c is the nominal speed of light, 299792.458 km/s.
From the above equation we can solve for the unknown velocity:
This time dilation (time difference) shows that angels indeed accelerate to relativistic speeds; outside gravitational fields this is the same speed calculated from the previous lunar verse also outside gravitational fields.
We cannot calculate our local speed of light from this time dilation however we can calculate at what percentage of the speed of light those angels are traveling relative to an observer on Earth. By this we can compare a time dilation (50,000 years vs. one day) with a speed (12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day). We can do this by translating both of them to a common speed in km/sec. Outside gravitational fields 50,000 years vs. one day shows angels traveling at 12000 Lunar Orbits/Earth Day; it is the same speed in km/sec.
2. However inside gravitational fields 50,000 years vs. one day shows angels crossing a wormhole (?????) at a few meters/sec. This is a picture of a wormhole. The Quran says that angels use these wormholes to reach any place in the universe. An observer outside gravitational fields sees those angels passing by him at 99.99999...% of the speed of light (relativistic speeds, very close to the local speed of light), that is at But when those angels enter the gravitational field of a wormhole this observer still sees those angels entering the wormhole at 99.99999...% of the speed of light however that would no longer be at This is because in the presence of gravity the speed of light becomes relative. If he sees the speed of light in a wormhole at 10 meters/sec, for example, then he would see those angels traveling at only 9.999999...meters/sec, flapping their wings in slow motion, reddish in color and very dim (and in turn they would see him in fast motion, bluish in color and very bright).
A smaller time dilation (say 100 or 1000 years vs. one day) can also occur if we stand on Earth and angels stand on a pulsar or a neutron star.
Gravitational Time Dilation
Clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields (near bigger mass).
We as Muslims believe that Paradise and Hell are both much bigger and much more massive than Earth (but still much smaller than God's Throne). The theory of general relativity says that time should pass slower near an object more massive than Earth (clocks run slower in stronger gravitational fields). So according to general relativity, time should pass in Paradise/Hell much slower than on Earth. We as Muslims say that this is what Allah says. It is stated in the Quran that 1 day in Paradise/Hell measures a 1000 years on Earth:
They challenge you to bring forth that torture [in Hell] and Allah will not break His promise; a day of your Lord [Paradise/Hell promise] is like a thousand years of what you count
Here God promises those who do not believe in Hell and punishment that each day of their torture in Hell will measure a thousand years on Earth. So according to the Quran, time passes faster on Earth than in Paradise/Hell. But this agrees with the theory of general relativity which says that time passes slower near bigger mass. Paradise and Hell are much more massive than Earth and time should pass there much slower than on Earth.
Christians believe ( and/or in the bible it says) that God created the universe in 6 earthly days and rested on the 7th. We as Muslims believe that 6 days passed at God's Throne but we experienced 13.7 billion years on Earth:
We as Muslims believe that God is not bound to His Throne; rather He created it and set it as a reference. The Quran says that God's Throne is even wider than the whole universe; so how about the mass of God's Throne? God's Throne is much more massive than Earth. Time should pass there much slower than on Earth:
Our solar system is 4.567 billion years old. Earth started accreting concurrently with the sun and our neighboring planets 4.567 bln years ago. However the universe is 13.7 ± 0.2 bln years old. This places the age of Earth at one third the age of the universe (4.567 bln/13.7 bln = 1/3). We as Muslims say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that in God's Throne time Earth is 2 days old while the Heavens, Earth and everything in between are 6 days old (2/6 = 1/3):
[Quran 7.54] And your Lord, Allah, who created the Heavens and the Earth in six days and then settled on the Throne...
Those six days are on the Throne; so the frame of reference for creation is the Throne, not Earth.
[Quran 41.9] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days?...
Also those two days are on the Throne. The frame of reference for creation is still the Throne, not Earth. When God says that He created the Heavens, Earth and EVERYTHING IN BETWEEN (including you and me) in six days this means that He is referring to the period of existence. Earth has been in existence for 2 days (out of 6).
In God's Throne time, Earth is 2 days old while the Heavens, Earth and everything in between are 6 days old. This makes the age of Earth to be one third the age of the universe (2/6 = 1/3). Similarly in Earth time, the age of Earth is 4.567 billion years while the age of the universe is 13.7 billion years; this is also one third (4.567 bln/13.7 bln = 1/3). So it is the same ratio in Earth time or in God's Throne time.
We as Muslims believe that God sustains all living things. And all His commands to the angels to sustain man and animals were inscribed on the Preserved Tablet. The Quran says that not even a leaf would drop on Earth without it being previously recorded in this Preserved Tablet.
God says that He inscribed this Preserved Tablet before the creation of Earth started; He answered our prayers today (as commands for the angels on the Preserved Tablet) during the first four days since Earth was still smoke. After this He ordered Earth to form:
[Quran 41.9-12] Say: "Is it that you deny Him [Allah] who created the Earth in two days? And you claim others to be equal to Him? He is the Lord of (all) the Worlds." 10 He set on it (Earth) mountains, and bestowed it with blessings. And [Allah] estimated all its sustenance in four days, equally for those who ask (prayers) 11 AFTER THIS (Thumma in Arabic) [Allah] commanded the heaven and it was still smoke. He said to it and to Earth: "Come together, willingly or unwillingly." They said: "We do come together, in willing obedience". 12 So [Allah] decreed them as seven heavens (one above the other) in two days and revealed to each heaven its orders. And We [Allah] adorned the lowest heaven with lights, and protection. Such is the decree of the Exalted; the Knowledgeable.
God answered our prayers today since Earth was still smoke (the first four days). After this (Thumma) God ordered Earth to form. The formation of Earth took two days. So our prayers today are already answered on the Preserved Tablet since before the formation of Earth started. Also in the first two days God revealed orders to the seven superimposed heavens.
The theory of general relativity explains why time at God's Throne passes slower than on Earth. General relativity explains why 6 days passed at God's Throne but we measured it as 13.7 billion years (that is each day at God's Throne measures around 2.28 billion years on Earth).
So according to the Quran:
God's Throne > Paradise/Hell > Earth
The smaller the mass, the faster the time
We again ask how could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have figured out that time passes slower near bigger mass and remind you all of this and new discovered things we keep finding are in the Quran ?
We are sure that time is relative, that is, the age of the universe is different for observers with clocks running at different rates. For example, there exists an observer who measures the age of the universe to be 3 billion years, however he also measures the age of Earth to be 1 billion years. But the Quran presented it as a ratio (1/3) and this ratio turned out to be correct for any observer (whatever the clock rate). If the Quran presented it in any other form other than a ratio it would have been wrong for different observers.
(The Christian Bible and/or the Bible puts the creation of Earth on day one; making the age of Earth equal to the age of the universe)
This makes their velocity relative to us to be zero (and not 299792.457999... km/s). But naturally occurring wormholes connect distant black holes; however at a lower time dilation (100 or 1000 years vs. one day) the two entrances of the wormhole cannot connect; hence a wormhole cannot form. So with the time dilation stated in the Quran (50,000 years vs. 1 day) and the fact that angels are moving then those angels have to be crossing a wormhole. The pulsar scenario or any other combination cannot do.
Pulsars, Black Holes & Singularity
General relativity predicted the formation of black holes from neutron stars. (Neutron stars are remnants of exploded stars, see Iron below).
Stars start their lives as huge spheres of hydrogen gas. But the pressure at the center of the sphere should be much larger than the pressure at the surface, right? When the pressure at the center reaches a certain level, the hydrogen gas starts fusing together forming heavier helium gas (then all the elements up to iron). This fusion process releases energy. This released energy heats up the inner core and pushes the surrounding shell of gas outwards. But just like when you on Earth throw a ball upwards it has to fall back to you, the outer shell of the star has to fall back to the core. The only difference is that the fusion in the core of the star makes the same core mass slowly occupy smaller volume. A smaller core radius and same mass leads to stronger gravitational forces. If the same thing was happening to Earth's radius then every time the ball returns to you it would feel a little bit heavier. A time will be reached when the ball becomes so heavy that it breaks your arm. But this is what really happens in the core of stars. A time comes when the gravitational forces in the core become so strong that they fuse the electrons with the protons and turn them into neutrons. This breaks down all atoms!
Up until the discovery of pulsars it was thought that no atomic nucleus can survive this gravitational collapse at the core. (Again note this was already in the Quran prior to its being discovered by man and/or due to new technology)
It was thought that the remnants of those collapsed cores consist of some electrons, some protons and predominantly neutrons (thus the name neutron stars). But the discovery of radio waves in pulsars means that neutron stars contain rotating iron cores! This means that the iron survived! Today we know that iron has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.
[Quran 57.25] ... and We sent down Iron, in it great might...
Iron and most of the elements on Earth came from outer space. Iron was known and used long before the Quran however it was not the best choice for weapons because it rusted and it easily bent. The miracle is that the Quran said "in it great might" at a time when they only knew that it rusted and bent. Today we know that iron has the strongest bound nucleus among all elements.
As more matter falls into a neutron star its mass increases; and as its mass increases its gravity increases. A point will be reached where gravity would have grown so much that not even light could escape, thus a black hole forms.
Most neutron stars discovered today are in the form of radio pulsars. They are called radio pulsars because they emit radio waves; we can simply connect a radio telescope to a loud speaker and hear a pulsar. Pulsars sound like someone persistently knocking.
So in short, we can hear a pulsar knock; and if matter continues to fall into this pulsar a black hole will eventually form. We as Muslims say that this is what Allah says. The Quran describes a star by "The one who knocks" and says that it is "The one who makes a hole". (Again in the Quran prior to any technology which in current times has now discovered and/or proves it. )
[Quran 86.1-3] And the heaven and the "Knocker" (Tarek in Arabic) 2 How could you know about the "Knocker"? 3 The piercing star (Thakeb in Arabic).
The Arabic word "Thukb" means a hole; "Thakeb" means the one who makes the hole. The Quran is describing a knocking star that makes a hole.
All stars will eventually die. They will either directly collapse on themselves and become black holes, or their remnants will merge with other stars that will eventually become black holes, or if external mass falls into those remnants they will blow up and leave black holes... So black holes are the destiny of most stars. Actually our solar system formed out of debris of a star 100 times more massive than our sun that exploded and became a black hole. At the center of black holes (collapsed stars) lies a location called the Singularity. An observer far away from a black hole sees the events near a back hole in slow motion. If he shines a beam of light into this black hole he will have to wait forever but still this beam of light will never reach the singularity. The singularity is a location in the future of stars where gravity goes so mad that space and time become indistinguishable. From general relativity we know that this is a location where the structure of spacetime becomes singular (hence the name singularity). However singular (Ahad in Arabic) is one of God's 99 names. In the Quran God swears by the locations of stars which turned out to carry His own name:
[Quran 56.75-77] I swear by the locations of stars, 76 it is a great swear if you knew, 77 it is a noble Quran...
Here God swears not by the stars but rather by their locations (mawakeh in Arabic). Today we know that the future of those locations is singular, that is, they carry God's own name: "Ahad".
We again ask you how could an illiterate man (Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)) who lived 1400 years ago have figured out Pulsars, Black Holes and Singularity and knew all of this or is this a book from The Creator who is All Knowing?
[Quran 26.2-6] These are the verses of a clarifying Book. 3 You might be frustrated that they don't believe; 4 If We wish, We hand down from the heaven a sign (proof); their necks to it remain subdued. 5 And every new revelation they were given from The Most Gracious (Allah) they dismissed. 6 They disbelieved (the Quran), so they will receive the news of what they have been mocking.
Dark Energy, Redshifting and Expanding Universe
Science says that the universe was created in a Big Bang 13.7 billion years ago, is still expanding today, and billions of years from now it might collapse by its own gravity with a Big Crunch or continue expanding forever or end in a Big Rip. As Muslims we say that this is what Allah says. The Quran says that on the first day of creation, God made the heavens and Earth meshed together, tight and compact (Big Bang), continues to expand it into the universe we know today and at the last day God will recompress it into its original state (Big Crunch).
About the first day (Big Bang), Allah says:
[Quran 21.30] Do not those who disbelieve see that the heavens and the Earth were meshed together then We ripped them apart? And then We made of water everything living? Would they still not believe?
In the Quran the Heavens expanded from a single point.
The Christian Bible (and/or the current existing altered versions of Bible) says that in the beginning God said "Let there be light" Genesis 1:3. Well it turned out that in the beginning photons couldn't travel at all. After the Big Bang the universe was primarily Hydrogen, Helium and a tiny bit of Lithium. However when a gas is too hot it becomes ionized (loses the electrons) and becomes opaque (like today's smoke). In the beginning the universe was opaque to visible light (non-transparent). After 300,000 years the universe cooled and it became transparent to visible light. For other wavelengths it was opaque for a billion years. So "Let there be light" turned out to be false. However the Quran said that in the beginning it was SMOKE:
[Quran 41.11] Then He directed himself to the Heaven when it was SMOKE, and then said to it and to Earth: "Come willingly or by force" they said "We do come willingly". .
How could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known that it was just smoke after the Big Bang how can you not see what it says and that in fact its the truth?
About the expanding universe, We as Muslims say that Allah told them about this expansion 1400 years before it was discovered:
[Quran 51.47] And the heaven, We built it with craftsmanship and We are still expanding.
Scientists just confirmed the existence of "Dark Energy", a mysterious repulsive force that acts in opposite to gravity. As the distance increases the attractive gravitational force decreases but this mysterious repulsive force increases. This repulsive force is pushing galaxies apart; the greater the distance the greater the repulsion. Scientists today do not know what this "Dark Energy" is, but they know that it is causing the entire universe to expand at an increasing rate.
Do you remember how a rose opens up? That is, the outer petals move outwards more than the inner petals? Imagine that those petals have galaxies on them and that we are at the center of the rose. Now imagine this rose opening up; the farther out the petals are the faster their recession away from the center (where we are). Well this is exactly how the universe expands around us; the farther out galaxies are from us the faster their recession away from us.
[Quran 55.37] If the heavens ripped and it were a rose like paint...
Here God assures skeptics about Paradise: if the heaven ripped open like a rose then Paradise will as surely contain so and so... Today we know for sure that the universe is expanding around us like a rose.
Do you remember how an ambulance siren sounds like when it approaches you? And how it sounds like when it recedes from you? The sound pitch changes, right? Similarly when a light source approaches you or recedes from you its colors change. If it is approaching you the colors shift towards the blue, and if it is receding from you its colors shift towards the red; the faster it recedes the redder it appears. Today we know that galaxies are rushing away from us from redshifting of their light. The more distant galaxies are the more reddish their colors appear. Do you remember how paint looks like when it is applied? That is, the colors' intensity is not even but rather it changes with distance?
Similarly the more distant galaxies are the more reddish their colors appear to us. This is because the farther galaxies are the faster they are receding from us (like rose). The Quran describes it as: "Rose like paint", that is, its color varies with distance.
All observers anywhere in the universe also see the universe expanding away from them the same way (like a rose). Hence everyone in the universe thinks that he is at the center of the Big Bang!!! This is because the Big Bang did not have a center. See, if you continue walking on Earth in the same direction you will circle Earth and eventually come back to where you started; right? Similarly when you continue traveling through the universe in the same direction you might come back to where you started; we still don't know this for sure. But what we are sure of is that every observer in the universe thinks that he is at the center of the Big Bang; every observer in the universe sees the universe expanding away from him like a rose.
Moreover, scientists today use the same word "ripped" to describe how the universe expands (the same word that the Quran used 1400 years ago). See this zoomed in fabric, imagine there is a map printed on it. Now stretch this fabric equally in both the x and y directions. The distances between the weaves increase however all distances on the map remain proportional, right? Well this is exactly how the universe expands around us: All distances increase however they remain proportional. This is how expansion of spacetime occurs. This is why scientists say that this Dark Energy is "ripping" the Universe apart.
Now how the universe will end in the future is a different story. It might end with a Big Rip, Big Chill or a Big Crunch, depending on this Dark Energy.
NASA recently ruled out the second scenario (No Big Rip; see also: Universe Today). This leaves the universe with only two possible endings: Big Chill or Big Crunch (first and third scenario), depending on what this Dark Energy turns out to be.
However today this Dark Energy is ripping the universe very slowly (when compared to the Big Rip or the Inflation that occurred during the Big Bang).
About the last day (Big Crunch), Allah promises:
[Quran 21.104] On the day when We will fold the heaven, like the folder compacts the books, and as We originated the first creation We shall return it; a promise (binding on Us); surely We will deliver.
Here God promises to make this Big Crunch not by gravity but rather by folding the Heavens like a book, that is, by the same mechanism He controls wormholes. This means that this Big Crunch can begin and end in a fraction of a second!
Also after this Big Crunch is over, God promises to recreate those heavens and Earth once more before Judgment Day:
[Quran 14.48] On the day when Earth will be swapped by another Earth and so will be the heavens; and all (creatures) will resurrect before the One Dominant God.
[Quran 36.81] Is He not, who created the heavens and the Earth, capable of creating others like them? 82 Yes, indeed! He is the All-Knowing Creator. 83 His command, if He wanted a thing, is that He only says to it, "BE" and it becomes! So glorified is He in whose hands is the dominion of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.
We again ask you to ponder on how could an illiterate man who lived 1400 years ago have known about Redshifting and Expanding Universe?
Please see and/or go to The Speed of light and Time as explained in the Quran Part 5
The time has come to choose will you not fear Allah and obey Him? Insha Allah you will pick the correct side.
I have thus discharged again my duty of conveying His message and advice.
If you like what you hear may you accept it and if not you can disregard it.
Allah Knows Best
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May He, for whom you have loved me, love you.
Barakal-lahu feekum
Unto Allah I commend thy faith, Thy trust and the consequence of thy work,
Allah Hafiz
Allah’s Property Mujaddid
Mahmoud Muhammad Ibrihim
(Of Sinai Peninsula )
3 年Assalamu alaikum; Dear brother, I would like seek your permission to copy your work and use it in my book, which I aim to write in order to enlight fellow muslim about scientific miracles in the holy Qur'an.? ? I would be glad to receive your response, thank you. Hamza Ali ,? Kano, Nigeria