Speed of En Masse Operations
James Steven Bird
I build desktop and real-time applications for data acquisition, recording and analysis in research / industrial environments
Just in case you thought I was kidding in the article on en masse operations, I decided to offer some proof of the speed advantages they can give you.
I used the Timing Template vi (Click to download the template ) to measure the time it takes to multiply an array of DBLs by two, both with a loop, and without. ?I set up the timing VI to create an array of 1000 random numbers, and then time the multiply operation.
First, the loop method, where you auto-index every value out of the array, multiply it, and auto-index it back in:
As you can see, this took 7.47 uSec per loop. ?Not all that shabby. ?But just removing the loop lets the en masse operation do it:
Holy Speed Demon, Batman! ?That’s 0.77 uSec or about ONE TENTH the time!
Now, I’m not guaranteeing that all such operations will save you that much time, but if you have a chance to use them, then you should!
It’s easier on you and easier on the hardware!