Jan Prochazka
Abstract (14th International Conference on Soft Computing - Mendel 2007)
When Einstein arrived in the USA he expressed his general theory of relativity with two sentences:” People thought when we remove all matter from the Universe we will obtain empty space and time. I found out that the space and time will disappear together with the matter.”
How can this be? Surely the speed of light is a limiting factor of the theory of relativity. Translated, this speed limit curves axis of the Einstein’s relativistic system. When approaching the speed of light, photon or another particle of matter will become a black hole with an infinite mass. At the same time the three relativistic space axes are curved to an extent that they meet in one isolated point (black hole). In addition the forth parameter – time slowed down to zero (the clock stopped).
Is this really what we can observe in a real world? Do we see a massive black hole in the middle of a galaxy being eaten by a photon that has just become a black hole? If yes, what is bigger and more massive, the photon-black hole or the massive black hole eating thousands of big objects like our Sun constantly? If this is not happening, what happens when a particle like photon reaches the speed of light falling into the black hole and beyond that?
Key words: photon eaten by a black hole, matter waves, disproportions in theory of relativity, extension of relativity, ether, uncertainty principle, speed of dark.
Consider the following example. A photon or any other particle having dual character is accelerated to the speed of light near a black hole
To simplify the model let’s imagine a static black hole with a spherical distribution of gravity equal to the mass of the subject. We will position three observers along the direction of light in this experiment. One will be at the light source; the second one will sit slightly off the light signal at a point where the black hole gravity already affects the light. The third one will be straight on the Schwarzschild diameter (event horizon) of the black hole
For convenience we will use an extra strong He-Ne laser with 633nm wavelength aiming straight into the black hole (Fig1). All observers will monitor any changes of the beam wavelength. We will presume a hypothetical superconductive space with no resistance resulting energy losses to the beam.
The first observer will not see any changes until the gravity of the black hole starts to have an effect on the energy of the light beam. Then he will notice an increasing red shift as the beam looses its energy in his direction. From 633nm he will notice a change of the wavelength through infrared, microwave and radio frequencies to the point, when the beam enters the black hole on the Schwarzschild horizon. At this point the wavelength will be 300 000 km. The energy detectable backwards will be zero. Just a moment later, the matter part of light is accelerated to a speed higher than the speed of light. It will enter the black hole with tremendous energy. The first observer will see that the light turned off when it reached the Schwarzschild horizon. The material part of the light has disengaged from the wave function at this point. The light ceased to exist. This is analogical to a supersonic jet crossing the sound barrier. The difference is that speed of sound is not considered limiting for the jet plane.
If we went even further and placed a hypothetical mirror into the light, the beam would be reflected back to the observer. It would go through reverse changes of energy and if we assume no energy losses on the reflection, after a certain time, the first observer would detect his returning signal with 633nm, having no idea what dramatic changes the beam had to go through.
Our second observer will see a rollercoaster of changes. If he can see all the way to the source of the beam, he will start with 633nm. Suddenly he will notice 632nm when the beam reached the influence of the black hole. For a period of time the wavelength will get shorter and shorter as the energy of the beam moving relatively towards him gains energy from the black hole. Then the process will reverse after the light approaches his position. He will spot the 633nm somewhere again as the light continues moving relatively from the observer. The energy changes of the beam that he had viewed as positive so far are suddenly in negative values and from here he will see the same picture as the first observer (continuous increase of the wavelength to 300,000km and final disappearance of the light).
Our third observer will not see anything until he is hit by the beam with an extremely hard energy. The beam reaching the speed of light has a frequency close to perpetuity. This is how he would have seen the beam energy relative to himself – with the wavelength equal to zero. If he had looked to the other side of the Schwarzschild horizon, the beam would be moving as a stream of particles inside the black hole, probably unfolding their inner structure and being converted into pure energy of a different kind.
If the observer had a telescope enabling him to see the whole beam path he would have seen a constantly increasing energy of the beam relative to his position before he was finally hit with the particles with the energy equal to mc2.
If there was no force interacting with the light (in this case the black hole), every observer would see the same 633nm no matter what direction the light might have gone.
In the real universe we see black holes consuming matter in huge pieces as big as suns both continuously and very quickly. One has never been able to read about imprints of these subjects on the Schwarzschild horizon or about a noticeable slow down of the subjects fed into the black hole.
In my opinion the above theoretical experiments seem to parallel our actual observations of the working of the Universe. The speed of light is not considered limiting in this model; however, you might have noticed that duality and relativity in the model still exist. The energy is relative to the position and the motion of the observer or a subject, when the system is not in a balance state.
Mathematical model to describe the situation.
Einstein’s equation was certainly taken into account. Unfortunately, it is not suitable to express our model since it is limited by the speed of light. In this paradox, as the speed increases, the quanta of our laser beam would have relatively slowed down with the time slowing down, actually unable to reach the black hole in real time. In fact we would bomb the black hole by a stream of static photon-black holes that are not relatively moving anymore. To hit our observer number three with a photon would take infinity.
When Einstein does not work for us we need to take a look elsewhere.
DeBroglie concluded that if every electromagnetic wave has a mass, then every mass particle has to have a wavelength. The wavelength is related to the mass and velocity determined by this DeBroglie equation
and frequency
According to equation (2) a neutron with a speed 39000 m/sec would have a wavelength of 1?. This part is quite straightforward and easy to understand.
What about the speed of the wave of matter generated by this neutron?
DeBroglie further concludes that the speed of these waves can be expressed by
and finally the relationship between the speed of the particle (υ) and speed of the matter waves (V) can be expressed by
This means a serious conflict! If the speed limit does not allow any material particle to move faster than light, then the wave must go faster than the light! It does not make sense that the mentioned neutron, hardly having any significant energy, generates a wave and pushes it through space eighty thousand times faster than the speed of light. Additionally, how can such slow neutrons keep up with the wave? Does it mean the wave does not need the particles to co-exist?
It also does not make sense that the same neutron if going slower or faster will generate waves with different speeds. Additionally, if the neutron slows down for any reason the speed of the matter waves generated by the neutron will also change drastically. Another conflict with the real world seems to be that big objects like a moving baseball can create ultra-ultra high frequencies although they hardly posses any energy.
Our presented model considers a dualistic system and cannot use any mechanical laws to describe it. The speed limit seems to be the greatest obstruction. Is there any way out?
? Einstein has to make a black hole out of a photon and also curve completely the axis of his relativistic system when reaching the speed limit. Another relativistic ping-pong question is about velocity and mass of photons. If they cannot move as fast as the light, why is it that the wave can? Does the light leave the quanta behind? If the photon mass is zero, why is it that it has a velocity and the light is bent by massive objects?
? DeBroglie’s waves of matter have to move faster than the speed of light and obviously must leave the material part behind the threshold when they cross the speed limit. Moreover they never have to cross the limit, they were already born (generated) faster than the light.
? The third issue is as serious as the two previous ones. It can be concluded from the theory that a particle like a photon must be engaged to both – electromagnetic and matter waves, each of them having different energy and speed.
There seems to be an easy way out.
These conflicts can be fixed if we assume that Einstein and DeBroglie talk about the same waves and the waves have a dual character!
If we use the Einstein equation E=mc2 and substitute for c2 from DeBroglie Vυ=c2 we will obtain
A particle of mass m moving with a velocity υ as a part of a wave moving with a speed V has an energy E.
How this translates to our model of a black hole eating light.
Since there is no speed limit for the particles we can suppose that the mass of the photon or another particle is constant. We have no speed limit for the wave but if we want to operate within the electromagnetic wave range we need to respect speed of light all the way to its borders. Speed of light in vacuum is constant.
Then we get two variables - the energy and the speed of particles. In our model we can see that the energy of the light beam is drastically increasing towards the black hole. This would mean that the stream of particles associated with the wave is going faster and faster. The system of wave-photons (electromagnetic radiation) gains energy from the black hole.
When, finally the photons reach the speed of light, V=c and υ=c, they have just achieved the maximum energy that the electromagnetic wave can have E=mc2.
After this barrier, the particles move faster than the wave and literally disengage the light. There is no electromagnetic light beyond this point but the photons move forward with tremendous energy. We can only speculate if the photon and other elemental particles will change their consistency. They may have been converted into energy of a different type or just be accelerated and shot out of the black hole at the poles in a form of a very high energy impulse.
Importantly, according to the thermodynamic laws, the photons must have the entire energy that they have accumulated during their journey into the black hole. That includes the energy when they were a part of the electromagnetic wave plus the energy that was applied on them after they left the light.
would be a perfect fit for our system. Unfortunately, there is one important defect in such a theory. In our model, the particles or quanta move slower or faster relative to the wave. They should always move with the same speed unless we install another component into the system - flip-flop ether!
Dualistic Ether.
We need to look back to Einstein’s philosophy mentioned in the abstract above.
Imagine a hypothetical limiting situation. We have a pipe, select an empty part of the universe and immerse the pipe in it. Then we will hermetically close the pipe and pump out the few hydrogen atoms that were still trapped inside. The pipe is perfectly straight and 300 000 km long.
Then we will cool down the walls of the pipe to absolute zero. We are very close to conditions where the space-time continuum should not exist anymore. There is no matter inside the pipe, we have absolute vacuum and at zero Kelvin, nothing can move anymore. The inside of the pipe is now shielded even from electromagnetic waves.
Now we will shoot a 633 nm laser beam through the pipe. What is going to happen?
I believe that even every relativistic physicist will bet on the light going through the pipe and hitting the detector on the other side a second later. Moreover it will be super conductively transferred from one end to another with no energy losses. ???????????????Einstein was absolutely right when he removed the mechanistic view of propagation of light. He summarized his argument: “Light waves are transverse not longitudinal! Or, in other words the “jelly-like” character of the ether must be considered. This is very sad! We must be prepared to face tremendous difficulties in an attempt to describe the ether mechanically.”
??????????????Then he shows us his relativistic model, based on duality of matter and empty space: “The electromagnetic wave is a transverse one and is propagated with the velocity of light in empty space.”
Note: The direction of the impulse generating transverse waves (the source) is at a right angle to the propagation of the wave. If the source oscillates in the vertical direction the wave will spread in the horizontal way.
??????????????Einstein denies the mechanical ether. There are no mechanical particles in our pipe so we definitely can confirm he is right. Furthermore we know that light is propagated like a wave in empty space. Our pipe is empty and the wave went through. We can confirm it if Einstein meant matter-free. And finally we know that propagation of a transverse wave requires the “jelly-like” environment. If Einstein left us with absolutely empty space we would be in great trouble again.
??????????????In some sense the space cannot be empty. There must be an interaction if it can transport the transverse waves. The emptiness (vacuum) must oscillate like a jelly upon a light impulse to transport the wave.
Moreover, we will find a shocking fact that if the wave can have a different speed than the photons associated with it, the photons must be generated from the vacuum by some kind of a flip-flop effect which must occur with the speed of light! When we send a light impulse 0.0001 second long (30 km length) it propagates with the speed of light on the front and also ceases with the same speed on the tail.
Our task is to find a model which shows how the discussed parts of the problem may work all together.
?A very simplified idea is very much an analogy of electricity generated in a conductive wire.
Using this model, the light consists of an interaction of:
??????????????There also must be a relationship among the energy of the source, speed of the wave and velocity of the photons. They all create the electromagnetic light and each of them gives it specific characteristics.
It is not difficult to imagine that an impulse of energy of certain intensity generates a continuous flow of photons moving the same direction as the wave being a part of it.
The continuous motion of the photons is instant. As soon as the impulse has generated them from the vacuum, they immediately start moving in the direction of the wave (from the impulse source). This “push effect” will be critical for the wavelength of the light.
Focusing just on two extremes, light with maximum energy (mc2) would be a case, when the impulse has created a wave and photons move as fast as the wave. As soon as the photons flow slower than the wave, we notice a wavelength. It is clear that light with an extremely short wavelength must have a very high energy because the material part of the wave is moving very fast. Depending on the power of the impulse, the photons can move very slowly relative to the speed of the wave. When the wavelength gets longer, the photons flow slower and such a light does not have very high energy (for instance the radio waves).
??????????????If we consider dual ether and admit the possibility of moving faster then light outside the light boundaries, we can also consider our model situation and use our equation
??????????????If the electromagnetic system is in a state of balance and there is no force interacting with it, we may conveniently operate within the speed of light. However, we do not need to respect the speed limit anymore. We have in fact replaced the relativistic system with an inertial system by removing the speed of light speed limit.
The axes of the system are no longer curved, therefore making complicated cases easy to calculate in comparison to the relativistic method. ?
??????????????Looking carefully at the above equation (6), it removes the principle of uncertainty from quantum physics and lets us calculate the energy and position of the photon and elemental particles using the Maxwell equations. This allows us to determine the energy and the position of the particle at the same time.
Energy in our model is relative depending on the position of the observer. Waves work just like any other waves and the dualistic character of the entire system has been preserved.
??????????????There is however one important question. If the ether exists is it static? ?If not, what is its speed? “What is the speed of the dark?”