Speech at Gala Dinner at the 3rd Australia Qipao Business Week“ 澳大利亚旗袍商务周”晚宴致辞
Good Evening! Ladies and gentleman, thanks for joining us for the 3rd Australia Qipao Business Week (AQBW), and attending this Gala Night with us. Mobile phones and any social media are welcome, as I don’t believe that I have any authority to stop any of you if you want to … but please be considerate, please don’t make it too laud, and make it silent and vibrant. Please put a hashtag, followed by #AQBW, when you post anything about tonight’s event in your preferred social media.
各位朋友、各位来宾,非常荣幸能够邀请大家来参加澳大利亚第三届旗袍商务周活动,同时感恩大家能出席今天的晚宴。今天的晚宴可以用手机,可以低头用社交媒体,因为我知道,时代不同了。请大家用社交媒体的同时,不要忘记加“井”字号+旗袍商务周 后缀,这样方便大家来跟进阅读。也欢迎大家在社交媒体上找到我的账号.
On behalf of Australia China Entrepreneurs’ Club and ABC World, I thank you for your continuous support and welcome to this Gala Night, a time to share business and commend entrepreneurial success in the Australian Chinese communities in 2018. There are always more outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs than we can actually give award, but let me congratulate those who are awarded tonight, and encourage those who may receive the award and due recognition soon if not next year. Go Aussie Chinese entrepreneurs!
1) AQBW is a platform for Cultural Exchange, but it is more of a business platform with a soul and responsibility.
1、旗袍商务周是个很好的文化交流平台, 更是一个有灵魂, 有担当的商务平台。
Australia and China relationship has experienced phenomenal growth opportunities, together with equally phenomenal challenges. This time last year, in this very place, I voiced my concern over the deteriorating Australia China relations, but the official tone of Australia at that time was still quite optimistic. It was until May 2018 that our then PM Malcolm Turnbull confirmed: “There was no visa refusal (of the ministers), but there is a concern”…However, there are great signs of improvement for that this year, with the newly announced New Foundation by our Foreign Minister, and I am only cautiously optimistic... Let me just do a small survey here, how many of us have heard of "Australia China Council" in Australia or have any dealings with them? oh, no...no... just two, Hon. Andrew Stoner, and Dr. Caroline Hong? A pity, as this was supposedly to be a main organization that help foster Australia China relationship in the past 40 years... Let me get back to our Australia Qipao Business Weeks, this platform is not a big platform, but it has not only helped many people to make a lot of business connections, but also has witnessed and facilitated many business deals between Chinese investors and local businesses.
过去三年,澳中关系充满大量机会,也深藏众多挑战。去年此时此地,同样在澳中旗袍商务周,我对澳中关系走向深深感到忧郁,即席演讲,表达我的担忧。而当时的澳洲主流社会都认为澳中关系不错,没问题。直到去年5月份,澳洲的主流报刊登出时任总理谭宝的头版标题:澳洲(部长)没有被拒签,但是澳中关系让人担忧。不过,近日有好转的苗头,近期,澳洲外交部长为了加强与澳中关系,拟拨款6千多万支持这方面的努力。但是,我就在现场做个市场调研吧:请问,谁听说过澳中理事会这个机构的朋友请举手?哦,只有STONER前副州长及财长,只有房梅花博士两位?从这个简单的市场调研大家就应该知道,目前这个澳中理事会是多么的不接地气?!这就给我们旗袍商务周提出新的挑战:应该做一个有灵魂,有担当的平台。 旗袍商务周已经到第三届了,通过三年的文化交流和商务交流,我们认识了很多新朋友,也促成了很多两国民间的交往合作。这三年来,我们通过旗袍的展示和带动,将中国更多的传统文化元素介绍给澳大利亚,也通过我们的传媒平台和线下活动,向中国推介澳大利亚的人文、历史。让两国人民增进了解、增进友谊,更多一些正能量,也符合两国人民的利益。今后,我们将会更多地把澳大利亚文化介绍给中国,让不同的文化碰撞出更多有意思的火花。
2. AQBW is a business with an attitude and love.
AQBW is based on the demonstration of both the Oriental and Western beauties in traditional Chinese Qipao, known as Cheongsams. While traditional beauties meet business platform, it results in fantastic chemical reactions. AQBW was able to raise funds last year for the Sydney Children Research Institute in Westmead and for the recent NSW drought, and our vip member, Cruise Wang, from Sutton UGG donated $100,000 to the rural aid on 14 August, 2018. With members from ACEC Club, and ABC Imedia, we have helped many high net worth investors, students, workers to realize their great Australia Dream.
3) AQBW is more a comprehensive service platform.
Every March or April, it is Australian Autumn, and Autumn is a season of harvest, and I hope the joy of harvest would last throughout the year, and we can assist migrants from China and other countries to settle here in Australia at any time of the year.
Australia and China relationship, our country to country relationship, is best reflected in its people to people relationship. It is you, him, her, us, and myself, who in critical time, becomes the equivalent of our country, It is our united us that shaped this great country down under, that we call Australia! We are so proud of ourselves as Australians to serve Australia and Australian’s best interests, because sometimes this may save our life. As how an Australian(rather than a US) identity can save our lives, please talk to me privately.
Therefore, AQBW has become a comprehensive platform, on which we can introduce Australian Culture and etiquette, as well as Chinese culture and customs. We need to learn how to bridge the divide, and make a difference, and we shouldn’t be too aggressive or offensive, especially to our largest trading partner and we do need to appreciate each other’s value, and contribute to the social advancement of both Australia, where we call home, and our country of birthplace, we call motherland. We have always on the lookout for better, more outstanding Chinese entrepreneurs each year. Please help us and refer them to us for the future.
China International Food & Catering Festival in Changsha China is your opportunity for an easier access to China’s 2nd and 3rd Tier cities, by competing smartly in a more receptive market for Australian goods and services. We believe that we can help you make this happen.
Last but least, don’t forget the opportunity to own a great piece of this Wonderful artwork that our fine artist has demonstrated to everyone at the network drinks. She is there, and would be most willing to assist you to appreciate the artwork. You may even become its latest owner, who knows? Thanks again for your attendance to night, and enjoy this great evening!
Senior Risk Analysis Consultant 4 American Dream
5 年Good for you, great for the guests and excellent for the economy
“Asia Business Connection”Business Magazine for Chinese HNWI>Wechat platform with 600K+ followers>Key Channel for Australian export marketing and branding to China>Key supporter and KOL in Australian Chinese community
5 年I actually enjoyed this very inspirational night and I liked the very personal stories of the award winners. Thanks for our wonderful team! Wae (Drina) Ng Carmel Soames Jody Liu Australia China Entrepreneurs Club (ACEC) Wiserich Events
Corporate Communications | Asia Specialist | PR Consultant to entrepreneurs and startups
5 年Heidi Han?
Executive Chairman | Barrie Harrop, Sustainable Outcomes, Placemaker, with social responsibility.
5 年Excellent paper Richard.