Spectro Scientific Oil in Water Analyzers

Spectro Scientific Oil in Water Analyzers

Source: www.spectrosci.com

Note: Spectro Scientific's Infracal analyzers were known as former Wilks Infracal analyzers.

With over 4,000 oil and grease monitors in world-wide use today, InfraCal 2 Analyzers, originally developed by Wilks, have become a standard for the petrochemical industry. These essential tools ensure that oil content levels are below the regulated limit in water, drill cuttings, and soil. Both the InfraCal 2 TRANS-SP and InfraCal 2 ATR-SP are recommended for measuring oil in water, TPH in soil or FOG in wastewater.

The fact that InfraCal Analyzers over 10 years old are still operating in the corrosive environment of offshore oil rigs attests to their rugged, dependability. The analysis procedure takes less than 15 minutes and can be done by minimally trained personnel. They use field proven infrared technology for measuring oil in water, oil content in drilling mud or drill cuttings, TPH (total petroleum hydrocarbons) in soil and FOG (fats, oil and grease) in wastewater.

The InfraCal 2, the latest introduction to Spectro Scientific's easy to use analyzers, uses the same measurement technology as their InfraCal TOG/TPH Analyzers with added features such as data storage and transfer, multiple calibrations and password protection for instrument settings. The InfraCal Analyzers are stand-alone fixed filter infrared instruments that give results that are comparable to EPA 1664 and ISO 9377-2 and comply with ASTM D7066, EPA 413.2 and 418.1.

New High Range Measurement of Oil In Water or Soil

The InfraCal 2 analyzer with an ATR sample stage can now be used for measuring the 0.5-10% range of oil in water or soil. The sample is extracted using a solvent that does not have an infrared absorbance at the hydrocarbon wavelength and, therefore, does not require evaporation. Measuring the extract directly in the solvent, instead of evaporating off the solvent, allows for percent range measurements with the same ATR sample stage used to measure the ppm levels.

  • Measurement Range Water: 0.5 – 10%
  • Measurement Range Soil: 0.5 – 10%
  • Solvents: S-316, Tetrachloroethylene

Are you located in the Benelux countries and want to know more about the Infracal 2 analyzers please contact Benelux Scientific at [email protected].


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