Be That Spectator.
Puneet Parashar - Organisational Happiness F.
Improving Productivity
#Happyessful Lesson (HL2):- Connecting with inner-self. It is said that great people greatly understand themselves that's how they draw sustained power to move on & on in life irrespective of all the good and all the bad of life. Take your foot forward to the first step of happiness by connecting yourself with your inner-self. How do we do this? It's simple! - Recall your cinema experience. Revisit how you watch all the melodramas of a movie in cinemas from your seat by sitting distantly from the screen. I am sure you would be able to easily appreciate all of that which actually happens in there with you - do allow me to revisit that ubiquitous - in movie theatre all the action unfolds on cinema's screen which is quite away from where you sit, you and the screen in theatre is two different entities yet whatever melodrama that unfolds on the screen is felt right inside you.
The ask here is to similarly see yourself in life, separate your self from your inner-self. Here yourself is that outer screen of cinema on which all the melodrama unfolds and your inner-self is one who's sitting on the seat watching all that melodrama. Once you become a spectator of your life it becomes easier to watch, observe, analyse and understand your life - doing this brings great powers in understanding and appreciating life enabling you to decode great lessons from life which gives sustained power to move on & on in life irrespective of all the good and all the bad of your life.
Conclusion:- Take your foot forward to the first step of happiness by connecting yourself with your inner-self. The more your are connected with your inner-self the more you sustain power to move on & on in your life irrespective of all the good and all the bad of life.
??Practice HL2:- Practice separating you from your inner-self. Practice watching, observing and understanding what is happening with you in life distantly from inside as you watch cinema from distant on screen.
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