The Spectacular Biala Parochet
Custom #parochet for the Biala shul in Stamford Hill, UK. Shul designed by L. Schlessinger. Furniture by Lavi. Parochet by Chana Gamliel.

The Spectacular Biala Parochet

Here is a beautiful example of how a collaboration between the synagogue designer and the parochet designer can bring forth a true masterpiece.

The Biala Shul of Stamford Hill recently commissioned a parochet from me. They wanted semething flowery, perhaps a border, perhaps a 'web' of flowers. They also had a lengthy dedication text which included the names and seforim of the nine founding fathers of the Biala dynasty. How to incorporate all the names in a way that would give them kavod, but not overpower the entire parochet?

Well, here is your answer! Take a look at the intricate flowery web which weaves its way in and out of each of the names of the great fathers of Biala!

B"H. I'm currently working on the production and hope to show you a photo of the finished product hanging in the Aron Kodesh before Pesach.

Until next time,



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