SPECSAVERS AT OPTRAFAIR 9th/10th & 11th April- Visit the stand as the future of EOS is in your hands!
The world of High Street Optometry is changing and we are committed to delivering enhanced optical services across the country for the benefit of patients and practitioners alike. If you are an Independent Optometrist or a Practice owner who are equally passionate about excellence in Optometry or if you have already made a name for yourself in enhanced services, and if you believe in providing great value to customers, we would like to talk to you.
The opportunity to discuss and to tailor make a solution that will fit both your clinical and commercial aspirations does not come round very often so why not find out more and start that discussion.
Visit us at Optrafair or call John Scott on 07788 303078 or Jerry Dunn 07799 581281 as we will be delighted to have that initial discussion.