Specific points on HBase (BigData)
Abhishek Choudhary
Data Infrastructure Engineering in RWE/RWD | Healthtech DhanvantriAI
Hbase which is ideally evolved from Google big table and an alternative of RDBMS in BigData stack is actually has a great potential.
Well I can't document it all here but few things which I realised while working on it -
HBase prefers Denormalisation which leads to duplicate data but it keeps the Duplicate Data together and if Space is getting cheaper why not making things simpler and efficient
Hbase database modelling itself is very technical work but if anyone understands the Row Key concept or what should be the Row Key , rest Columns or Column family in HBase will be very simple to make, so make it a point that Identifying attribute is always the ROW KEY
One-to-many parent child relationship can be build by maintaining children in the same row as the Parent, in a column family as nested entities.
Read more on - https://hbase.apache.org/book.html