Specific knowledge and wealth
suman halder
Founder & Chairman ( Wealth Labs - Modern investment solution Lab), tokenizedlabs.org ( Hedge Fund)
There are two types of fundamental skills seen in human society that attract money or wealth.
First, common skills which may teach, driving, small shop owner, house painter, marketer etc are there common types of skills.
These types of skills paid a moderate amount of money. Why?
Here, follow the rules of input values equal to output values. Time is a fundamental fact here
if you work you only pain, again this one is also a time trap, simply hourly rate considered.
Anyone can demand a higher rate but they can't it is as if they demand more they may replace it so they don't get more.
We can build common skills by training and, unluckily, hugely competitive disadvantage saw here.
If you can build common skills and only depend on them, you may replace by others in the near future as a society can build common skills easily.
In a word, you can't make a sizeable amount of capital with these skills.
Second, specific skill is a skill that comes from passion, ideation, higher mental efforts, and creativity and it doesn't come from training.
As this skill has not come from training, so society can build your copy, they don't destroy your brands, your values, your creativity.
Only you can solve some specific problems, not somebody else.
Specific skills may be the proper use of media, coding, consulting, copywriting, public speaking, advanced communicating, advanced selling skills, etc.
Specific skills don't follow the rule input equal output values, and real-time freedom is here,
people can demand a higher amount of capital as there belongs less competition, only specific people can solve specific problems like the CEO, CTO.
Someone easily built wealth from these skills as capital may generate if you work or not work.
Wealth comes from specific skills. In the present time, wealth brings status, not a status that brings wealth.
We see influencers have some specific talents that bring people to follow them,
by gaining and holding public attention influence gains more.
Influencer they don,t make any products, just the leverage of social media, here they record video and podcast, the blog post that attracts wealth all time.