Specialised Investment Fund (SIF) #278-267*
Bertrand MARIAUX
Lawyer Admitted in Luxembourg & Paris - Avocat à la Cour - Liste 1 LL.M. (hons) - bertrandmariaux.com
A specialised investment fund (“SIF”) is a multipurpose vehicle which can be used for all asset classes. It provides flexibility and fiscal efficiency. It usually qualifies as an alternative investment fund (“AIF”). The SIF is reserved to one or several well-informed investors (as defined by the law). SIFs that have appointed an EU alternative investment fund manager (“AIFM”) can market their securities or partnership interests across the European Union.
References: Article 1(1) of the amended SIF law of 13 February 2017; Which Structures Are Mainly Used in Impact Finance?, August 21, 2020, Bertrand Mariaux.
*Article #278-267:
*Podcast #278:
*YouTube Video 267|:
Bertrand Mariaux, Avocat à la Cour, LL.M. (hons.)
Prestation de serment (Swearing-in oath): Luxembourg (2011), Certificat d’Aptitude à la Profession d’Avocat, école de Formation professionnelle des Barreaux de la Cour d’appel de Paris (2009), Bond University (LL.M. (distinct.), International Legal Practice, 2010), Université Sorbonne Paris Nord & University of Limerick (Master in European & International Law - major in economics, 2008), certified Expert in Microfinance (Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, 2015), social entrepreneurship (University of Oxford, 2015 & The Wharton School of Social Policy & Practice, 2014) and social & solidarity economy (International Labour Organization Academy - Social & Solidarity Economy, Organisation Internationale du Travail - économie Sociale et Solidaire, 2017)