Special Report: Alarmnet down and what you should do about it March 14, 2022



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Special Report:?Alarmnet down and what you should do about it

March 14, 2022


Special Report: Alarmnet down and what you should do about it



???FYI alarmnet 360 is completely down. All Honeywell/Resideo alarm systems are unable to communicate to all central stations nationwide. The outage started at approximately 7 o’clock central time and is currently still ongoing.

???No idea when Resideo put the word out but I thought you might like to do the same. As of this moment it’s still out.

???As of this morning they are still down. I don’t need to tell you the ramifications of this but it’s a great day to be a Kirschenbaum contract user.?????Your contract clearly spells out that we are not responsible for the communication pathway.

????Anything that runs through alarmnet360 is down including fire alarms medical pendants etc.

???No known eta on repair.

Anthony Vanhorn

The Security Guy

Gleason TN




???All Alarmnet radios were out of order as of 10PM last night [March 13, 2022]. Alarmnet was hit with a random demand. Expected date for restoration of service is unknown at this moment.

???Alarmnet radio is used for all kinds of alarm system communication, from fire to burg to PERS. Alarmnet radios are often the only means of communication and sometimes its either primary or back-up. There are roughly 2 million radios not communicating as a result of this issue.

???Manufacturers, like Honeywell, wanted to be in the RMR business and built their radios to communicate through their receivers. Upon receipt of the signal Alarmnet automatically communicates with the central stations selected by the dealers.

???Do you face exposure for liability? Generally, no. Your K&K Standard Form Agreement makes it clear that you are not responsible for communication pathways beyond your control. Here the breakdown of communication affects all of the common carriers, such as Verizon, Sprint, etc., because all radios pass through the Honeywell receivers, and that's where the bottleneck is occurring because the receivers are unable to pass the signal through over the common carrier lines to the central stations.

???Could you have installed alternate communication with backup? Probably, and hopefully you have a Disclaimer Notice signed by the customer that you offered more equipment and service. However, even without this additional contractual protection you are likely in the clear, though that may not stop claims and lawsuits if the loss and damage is serious enough.

???If the downtime lasts beyond tonight at 10PM I suggest you notify your customers by email or text. You may be getting trouble signals and you should report them in your customary manner. Fire customers need to be notified and you probably should notify other customers, especially medical alert and PERS customers.

???Thank you Anthony for bringing this to my and everyone's attention.


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Ken Kirschenbaum,Esq

Kirschenbaum & Kirschenbaum PC

Attorneys at Law

200 Garden City Plaza

Garden City, NY 11530

516 747 6700 x 301

[email protected]




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