A Special Questionnaire Edition
Greetings everyone,
With Black Friday and Single’s Day behind us, the new year is mere moments away!?
Considering all that’s happened just in the past month, we are bound to see some serious changes happen in the e-commerce logistics world in 2025. In order to prepare for what’s to come, we would like to better understand you, our readers.?
Specifically, we want to know what your main challenges were this past year, concerning your brand, and concerning logistics, and what you are concerned about going into the coming year.?
To make it easier to ask you these questions, we’ve put together a tiny survey (Survey Monkey estimates it will take you two minutes!) for those who have the time or inclination to fill it out.
Why fill it out? Simply to help us gain a little insight going into the new year(unfortunately there is NO special prize for those who participate).
To those who choose to fill it out, a very warm THANK YOU. Please find the totally anonymous survey here: 2025 E-Commerce Survey.
To those who would prefer not to, thanks anyway for reading our little newsletter. With that, let’s get into what happened this past month!
Black Friday and Single’s Day sales
Cyber Monday was the biggest e-commerce sales day to date in 2024. Mobile shopping accounted for more than half of Black Friday sales, and Buy-Now-Pay-Later use was at an all-time high (none too shocking given inflation…)
Shopify global sales broke records for Black Friday weekend at 11.5 billion USD. To give an idea of what holiday sales are expected to do globally: Adobe Analytics puts US estimated sales at 240.8 billion, Statista estimates UK spend of about 112 billion? USD, and Germany is expected to spend around 93 billion USD.
Earlier in the month, China saw Single’s Day sales outpacing pessimistic predictions, with YoY growth rates estimated at 26.6 percent. The boost in sales is great news for Chinese e-commerce retailers, but considering that this year’s Single’s Day sales event lasted ten days longer than last year, reported results may be slightly misleading.??
Trend Siting: The growth of TikTok Shop
How do shoppers discover new brands and products? More and more, TikTok shop is the answer.
On Black Friday alone, TikTok shop saw 100 million USD in sales, and the number of shoppers using the platform has increased 165% over this time last year.
From live shopping to discovering small brands, TikTok shop has a lot to offer shoppers now and into the future. In spite of recent discussions about banning TikTok in the states, sellers are flocking to the platform for its easy entrance and low fees. One concern? The platform is draining talent away from Amazon. Will we see backlash from this?
US presidential results: What will a Trump victory do to freight markets?
It’s not hard to imagine how certain tariffs proposed by the incoming US administration would seriously alter trade dynamics. 60% tariffs on Chinese products coming into the US is likely to reshape trade routes for many years to come.
The question is, how much??
One of the issues with the supposition that every US brand manufacturing in China is going to shift all production to Vietnam is glaring: Even if it costs everyone dearly, most brands just wouldn’t be able to do it.
Take shoe brand Steve Madden, for instance. Being a brand that manufactures in China and sells a good chunk of its shoes to US customers, the brand would likely struggle were a high tariff in place.?
Steve Madden, like many other brands, has begun trying to move production out of China, but it’s unlikely they will be able to become independent from Chinese production fully.?
Singpost sells Aussie holdings to PEP
This past month, Singapore Post sold FMH Group, which includes several key Australian logistics brands, to private equity firm PEP for A$1.2 billion.
Particularly considering the need for more quality players in the Aussie logistics market, many are questioning the move of selling to private equity instead of to another logistics company. This sale, and the reshuffling of the holding that is sure to follow, has the potential to disrupt logistics in Australia — whether for better or for worse, remains to be seen..?
We’ve published the following blogs this last month. Give them a read if you have a couple of minutes.
Want daily updates from CBIP? Make sure to follow me via Twitter (@Nbartlett_CBIP) and CBIP (@CBIPLogistics) for thoughts and conversations on the industry every week.
Until next month,
Nick Bartlett