Special Moments
Yesterday, I woke up to more snow, considering last week buried us, this was really not much to worry about, The snow was extra soft and easy to shovel, after cleaning off the car and the driveway, I decided to take a ride.
It was one of those perfect days, the snow was completely white, the sky was clear, just a natural beauty, the temperature was rising, and the trees were already starting to shed the snow like rain, I hurried to take the pictures, it was going to change fast, then disappear, the sky was ocean blue, and the snow laid perfectly on the branches, the sun was shining, and I felt the presence of this natural power.
Nature can be brutal and destroy in a moments notice, it also can be the most wonderful eye candy, it leaves me in awe, and strengthens my beliefs, in the powers beyond my comfort zone, I absorb it, embrace it and remain grateful for my ability to be a witness to it. Pay attention to the special moments there are way more of those than you realize.