Special Issue - Seasonal School Issues on China
Galileo Galilei Italian Institute
Development and Investment in Scientific Research and Academic Cooperation Project between Europe and China
The Seasonal School "Issues on China - Innovation, Society and Culture" is a five-day intensive programme that introduces modern China's economic, social, political, and legal issues through the lens of leading research activities promoted by Sant’Anna Institutes.
Participants will have the opportunity to develop the necessary background to comprehend China's history and current challenges.
More specifically, the 40 hours-long school will be characterized by a strong multidisciplinary approach and will be focused on the encounter with people, countries, way of thinking and systems connected with China.
The Seasonal School will explore Chinese innovation ecosystem, geopolitical and international relations, and legal systems to ensure disciplinary and intellectual diversity, in order to guarantee the pluralism of disciplinary and intellectual perspectives.
Since China has become a more assertive actor in the international order, shaping its own system of alliances and building new regional and commercial architecture, the Seasonal School will allow European and Italian scholars "outside China" to examine the evolution, prospects, and challenges of this change.
Teaching methodologies
Lectures, led by experts from Sant’Anna faculty and distinguished specialists from the academic and business environment tied to China, will be complemented by an introductory course of basic Chinese language and culture offered by professional native-speaking instructors.
Students can attend lectures, Q&A sessions, and workshops in this interactive, cross-disciplinary learning environment.
Who should attend this Seasonal School?
The Seasonal School welcomes motivated undergraduate and postgraduate students from any university and degree programme (e.g. law, political science, life sciences, medicine, and engineering).
Alberto Di Minin
Key Teaching Staff
Giuseppe Martinico, Andrea De Guttry, Emanuele Sommario, Francesca Capone, Antonio Frisoli
Pisa Confucius Institute Teachers – in collaboration with Galileo Galilei Italian Institute, Chongqing
To apply and for more information, please visit this official link
WHY THE SEASONAL - Introduction to the event by Coordinator Professor Alberto Di Minin
WHY THE SEASONAL - Voices from Pisa
PROFESSOR ANTONIO FRISOLI - Full Professor of Engineering Mechanics and Robotics at Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
China is one of the most technologically advanced countries, where there have been significant investments to equip itself with industrial infrastructures for the development of advanced manufacturing, new energy vehicles, rail transport, robotic technology and artificial intelligence. For this reason, getting to know China is extremely interesting to also understand how the system of research, technological transfer, innovation, and industrial production works, given China's ambition to become the world's leading manufacturer.
From a cultural point of view, China has an important millenary culture, and also offers from this point of view some extremely interesting ideas for not only cultural but also professional growth.
PROFESSOR GIUSEPPE MARTINICO - Full Professor of Comparative Public law at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, Pisa
Studying China also from a legal point of view is important to overcome some clichés that characterize an overly Eurocentric approach to law and to analyze some phenomena of global relevance, such as, for example, the "Belt and Road Initiative" .
MARCO BONAGLIA - Executive Director Galileo Galilei Italian Institute
The "Seasonal School - Issues on China" represents something unique in the panorama of China Studies in Italy. It will bring to Pisa some of the best and renowned experts on contemporary China for five days of frontal lectures, workshops and debates on a global power on the rise. China is a interesting "laboratory" in many fields - academic cooperation, research, innovation and new technologies, tourism - and the students of the Seasonal School will be taken by hand to discover the country and its characteristics in changing times.
IDA FIORE - Programme Manager of the Confucius Institute of Pisa
Students should participate in the Seasonal School "Issues on China: Innovation, Society and Culture" because it offers a dynamic and intensive program that critically analyzes the economic, social, political and legal aspects of modern China through the School's advanced research perspective Saint Anna. This interdisciplinary event provides a deep understanding of the challenges and prospects of China's evolution in the global context, through the eyes of European and Italian experts with extensive experience. Additionally, Chinese language classes are offered, contributing to a more complete understanding of Chinese culture.
The Seasonal School is dedicated to the memory of Filippo Nicosia, former Italian Consul General in Chongqing, a professional, curious, competent diplomat our team had the honor to work with in the past and who passed away in 2020.
Here are some messages by his former colleagues or friends in Chongqing, who had the opportunity to closely work with him over the years on many projects.
Working with CG Nicosia in Chongqing was an exciting training ground for me from both a professional and personal point of view. Despite our different professional experiences and regardless of our respective roles, we have always worked together in complete synergy and alignment. An experience that I remember with great nostalgia.
Consul General Filippo Nicosia is remembered as a true and very dedicated professional Italian Diplomat, respected and honored by many friends and colleagues. His passion and love for China and it’s people was felt in all his endeavors, both business and personal. He had a deep understanding of the culture, constantly continued learning that was only complimented by his Chinese language skills & love of the country. Always athletic he similarly participated in many challenging sporting activities and competitions that extended across many provinces. We thank and honor him for his many great achievements and his friendship.
Filippo was very dedicated to his work and mission as an Italian diplomat, and thought me the importance to have a clear vision and to aim high. I remember his commitment to never stop learning, after many years in China he would still be studying the language, reading books, and trying to understand its culture and its politics more. During his years as CG, Filippo was able to combine work with participating in sports competition, excelling in both, an inspiration and a reminder that we should go after our dreams and value our passions.
Filippo was the model of a public official serving his country and carried out his function with determination and modesty at the same time. It didn't matter whether the knock was a young student or a successful entrepreneur, his door was open.