Special Edition: Par4TheHeart " It's Personal"

Special Edition: Par4TheHeart " It's Personal"

My Mission: Promoting Health and Awareness

“Most say “can’t” I say “why not?” I have 3 to 30 years to live based on historic medical data, and I will make every 24 hours count. My mission is to impact and change lives through food and health awareness until our Father in heaven calls me home..”

- Z Harper aka Harpdiesel

ESRD has totally altered my outlook on life, longevity, and health. Now, I’m on a?mission to educate my fellow millennials and the broader community about the paramount importance of a healthy diet.

There’s no one person or entity to blame for the prevalence of processed foods; they were and continue to be a convenient part of our culture. Many of us grew up on a seemingly innocuous diet of shelf-stable foods such as TV dinners, Pop-Tarts, cereals, canned foods, and soups. But the sodium and phosphates commonly found in these foods are silent killers, exposing our bodies to harmful preservatives that wreak havoc over time.

It is crucial that we seek out healthier options such as vegetables, fruits, and whole foods, especially as we age. Without our health, nothing else matters.

In sharing my journey, I hope to inspire others to prioritize their well-being, to advocate for themselves, and make informed choices that nourish the body and spirit. Our collective health is the foundation of our future, and together, we can create a world where nutritious, wholesome food is accessible to all.

At 40, with four children ranging from ages 11 to 19, I still have so much to live for—graduations, weddings, grandchildren, vacations, and creating lasting memories with friends and family. I intend to live to see these moments and more.

My Journey with End Stage Renal Disease: Raising Awareness and Seeking Support

End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) is a serious condition affecting the kidneys–critical organs that filter waste and extra water from our blood, release hormones that help control blood pressure, and generally work to keep the body healthy and in balance. When someone has ESRD, it means their kidneys are no longer doing these jobs properly.

In my case, my kidney function has dropped to a mere 9%, which means my kidneys are failing. Because of this, I now undergo dialysis treatments three times per week to remove toxins and extra water from my blood, with the dialysis machine effectively replacing the role of my kidneys. Each dialysis session takes up to four hours to complete, which means I now spend a significant portion of my life hooked up to tubes in a hospital.

What’s more, the ongoing costs associated with regular dialysis are outrageously high. For a single dialysis session, I’m billed $3,468, which adds up to an eye-watering $541,000 every year.

As arduous and costly as these treatments are, they’re absolutely essential to keeping me alive and healthy until I can receive a kidney transplant. Unfortunately, donor kidneys aren’t exactly easy to come by. Most people spend years on the transplant list waiting to be matched with a donor. Some people don’t live long enough to get the chance.

To raise awareness about ESRD and gather support for people like me who need a kidney transplant, I’m organizing Par for the Heart & Kidneys | The Harper Benefit Golf Classic. In partnership with the American Kidney Foundation, this event?will bring people together to help shine a spotlight on ESRD and those affected by this condition. We want to inspire others facing similar challenges to seek support, to remain hopeful, and to cherish the relationships that provide strength and comfort in times of need.

A timeline of my ESRD diagnosis

My early life: A focus on health and fitness

Throughout high school, I was a dedicated student athlete and actively participated in various sports. My commitment to physical fitness continued into college and throughout my early 20s while I was involved in club sports, worked out and lifted weights regularly, and took excellent care of my body. During my annual checkups, neither me nor my doctor ever had any concerns about high blood pressure or other health issues.

From my mid-20s to the age of 39, I continued to prioritize health and fitness as a lifestyle. As an active parent, my commitment to physical activity not only benefited my own well-being but also set a positive example for my children. Despite my busy schedule and balancing work and parenting, I always made time to take care of my body.

The first signs

In May 2023, I experienced a sudden and severe nosebleed. After seeking medical attention, doctors assured me that I was healthy but suggested that I might consider taking blood pressure medication as a precaution. Two weeks later, I found myself back in the emergency room with another prolonged nosebleed. This time, I was prescribed blood pressure medication.

A turning point: The onset of severe symptoms

Fast forward to March 26, 2024, just shy of my 40th birthday. I woke up feeling extremely dizzy and nauseous. After vomiting water and lying down for about 30 minutes, the symptoms subsided. However, from April 21 to April 25, I experienced what I thought was food poisoning; I couldn't keep any food or liquids down. On April 26, I woke up with double vision and measured my blood pressure, which had skyrocketed to 278/188. My wife urged me to go to the ER, and my daughter drove me there. This visit marked a significant turning point in my life.

The diagnosis and its impact

It was during my hospitalization in late April that I found out I had hypertension, a condition associated with high blood pressure. That means I developed hypertension some time over the course of 11 months, and had no idea until it was too late.?My kidney function had deteriorated to just 5% in less than a year. Without functional kidneys, life is unsustainable.

Doctors informed me that a human needs at least 10% kidney function to survive. Their goal for me is to achieve kidney function into the teens, but my aim is to reach 50% to avoid dialysis and the need for a transplant. Based on statistics with my diagnosis, I have 5 to 30 years to live if I remain on dialysis for the rest of my time on earth. The life expectancy of someone with a healthy kidney transplant depends on a number of variables, but the outlook is measurably better.

Persevering and finding strength with ESRD

My ESRD diagnosis was totally unexpected and shockingly fast. It’s been a challenging journey, to say the least, but it’s also been a profound learning experience, teaching Leeann and me the true meaning of resilience, commitment, and unwavering support. We are truly living the vows we made to each other on our wedding day—through sickness and health and everything in between.

Together with our four children, we’re also living the highs and lows that come with managing a chronic illness. This experience has deepened our bond and taught us the value of a supportive community, the power of love and dedication, and the strength of our family. It has also reinforced the need to advocate for our health and the necessity of proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices.

It’s so important for everyone, regardless of their perceived health, to understand ESRD and how it impacts people's lives. By raising awareness and offering support, we can make a positive difference for those dealing with this serious kidney disease and give others the knowledge and power to prevent it in their own lives.

Join us

Date: October 14, 2024

Location: Treesdale Golf & Country Club

1 Arnold Palmer Dr, Gibsonia, PA 15044

Registration for golfers: 10am

Shotgun: 12pm

Cocktail Reception: 4:30pm

Celebration Reception: 5:30pm - 8pm

(includes auctions, keynote speakers & awards)



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