Turning the light on

Turning the light on

When you enter a dark room and cannot see anything, the first thing you do is find the light switch to brighten the room. Regardless of how long the room was in darkness or how dark the room was, the act of turning the light on changes the setting. The fact that you know where the switch or the light bulb is located is useful; but not enough. The act of flipping the switch is the catalyst for brightness.

The same is true with behavioral changes.?

  • You may know about your behavioral quirks.
  • You might have read several books on the skills you need to acquire.
  • You have attended umpteen workshops and online classes on leadership & communication.
  • You already know what to change based on peer feedback.
  • You may have great insights in a coaching session

We turn on the light in our lives through conscious behaviors. Information is useful, application is fruitful.

What’s the #1 area that needs work in you?

What tiny action could you take today toward that goal?

How will you hold yourself accountable to make it happen?


