Special edition: Hidden Heroes
At the beginning of its life, the Internet was filled with many words and no images. A nightmare for Gen Z, for sure.
We are now used to adding photos of everything: food, animals, children, and places. It’s such a common thing.
But 50 years ago, things were completely different. And this man began the change of how the Internet looks today. The year is 1974, and the man is Nasir Ahmed.
Another Hidden Heroes is revealed - it's the second to last.
Let me summarize our efforts in one quote:
It took him almost 50 years to be recognized,” Ahmed’s wife Esther said in a recent interview. "But what he appreciates the most is not the academic recognition. [It’s] the people, the teenagers—my own son is now telling me: ‘I’ve never thought about the impact my father had.'"
You can read the full story about Nasir here: Hidden Heroes