Special Announcement...
This Day’s Thought will begin our 22nd year of ministry this coming January. We are so very blessed by you, our members, and we continue to pray that each day’s new message will provide inspiration and encouragement…and bring us all closer to the Lord.
November has long been our month of fundraising for the ministry. Accordingly, we prayerfully proceed to share our financial needs as we plan for our next year.
You have heard us often share, “We can do so much with so little, but we need that little so very much!” Thus, we ask that if you feel so led, you might offer your support to our efforts, so that we can continue reaching and touching people from all over the world with our Christian “seeds for the day.”
If you wish to contribute to This Day’s Thought, you may do so on our website donation page, at www.thisdaysthought.org, or simply click here: Make A Donation
Thank you all for your support and participation for so many years…it has meant so much to us…and may God continue to bless you in your walk with Him.
In His love, Greg for This Day’s Thought
And some recent testimonials from our members…
“I have truly been blessed by your ministry. Thank you for what you are doing in my life and so many others!”
“I hope you never have doubts about your ministry. It brings joy and encouragement to me and who knows how may others every day. Thank you.”
“Dear Greg, thank you for sending me your ‘daily thought’ every day, it feels like God himself speaking to me in a way that I can always understand! May He bless you and the people that help you!”
“Merci for this wonderful gift of every day! Lots of love from Holland, Amsterdam. You are God’s gift with all the nice messages that you send!”
“The Lord has placed a lot of good people in my life. I’m glad you are one of them.”