Spec Script: To Catch a Thief
For all local or international producers: I have written a spec script titled To Catch a Thief
Here follows a synopsis of it:
Dear Producer.?
I have just completed a film script named TO CATCH A THIEF that I would like to submit for consideration.?
Genre: Action Dramedy?
Logline: A harrowing- and elaborately planned escape from the infamous Robben Island prison, leads to one of the most daring heists ever envisaged. Will the brothers Andrews and their crew upstage a relentless adversary in the form of childhood nemesis Stephan Rutter and realize their dream??
This is a gripping tale of a present day “Robin Hood” like character Peter Andrews who, together with his brother Daff and childhood friends, overcome all odds to provide the necessary funding for burgeoning boxer Jake Haywood set to be a contender for the crown of champion of the world.?
Moments of intense desperation in fighting for breakthroughs, lead to childhood memories being triggered serving as catalyst to project gruel determination in the realization that political injustices in the form of the villainous system of Apartheid, can be overcome.?
I am a certified scriptwriter having gained extensive experience employed as a tourist guide working with international film crews and industry professionals. Initially my desire was to be an actor but destiny had it that “being part of the crew seemed the right thing to do”. Loved every moment…?
?If you are interested in reading the full-length screenplay of TO CATCH A THIEF (aka THE SOUL OF A LION), please let me know and I’ll send you a copy of the script.?
?Kindest regards,?
?William Boswell
If interested in viewing the full script you are welcome to contact me:
This is a gripping tale of a present-day “Robin Hood” like character named Peter Andrews whom, together with his brother Daff and childhood friends, overcome all odds in providing the necessary funding for burgeoning boxer (Jake Haywood) challenging to become the future middleweight champion of the world.?
Moments of intense desperation in fighting for breakthroughs, lead to childhood memories being triggered which serves as a catalyst to project gruel determination and the realisation that political injustices in the form of the evil system of Apartheid, can be overcome.?
With the pace being relentless, the quick wit and charm of Ntsiki(getaway driver), breaks the tension somewhat in dismissing the pre-conceived notion that women find driving challenging and giving Evil Knievel a proverbial “run for his money”.?
Peter Andrews evades the ever-tightening net of the law with cunning and guile in out-manoeuvring a lifelong adversary bought to life by childhood nemesis - Stephan Rutter. A manhunt ensues from the infamous Robben Island prison initiated by a daring escape with the motivation being the attendance of a National Championship bout involving the protagonists’ protégé.?
Not even a bullet wound deters this hero on a mission to exterminate the nightmares of a childhood filled with trials and tribulations, with his older brother Daff tight at his side to see it through.?
??Both the sexes are cast on equal terms with a vibe of opposing?temperaments leading to inspirational dialogue dispelling the?ancient myth of this being “a Man’s World”.???
Peter and his crew stage a meticulously planned sting on jeweller David Goldman but not without the past playing catch-up with a “resounding” finale being the end-game. From childhood friends to now wanted thieves, the Andrews Crew form an unbreachable bond in their quest to deliver an extra-ordinary service to a then poverty-stricken community.?
From the depths of despair, a united voice arose. A turbulent past is re-enacted with the vivid imagery of innocents being broken by decades of cruelty in the process being uplifted by those with sterling character forged by fire. We see a brotherhood evolving, a sisterhood being aligned.??
?This frequently sombre plot is juxtaposed against uniquely refreshing one-liners that’ll bust your sides. To Catch a Thief?? Keep wondering...??