Spec article of a fiction mafia book:
Greg Spielman
Premium Ghostwriter Helping Content Creators Tell Their Stories and Grow Their Credibilty
Some people on LinkedIn are looking for freelance writers, and some are even looking for fiction writers. Now, fiction can sometimes be hard to do because your job is to grab the attention of your reader and keep it. So, if you are looking for a freelance writer to help you write a fiction book, then maybe you will like this one.
Chapter 1: Spec article
Marc woke up after he heard squeaking coming from the stairs in his house. Marc looked at the alarm clock: 2 a.m. Marc knew he should not be hearing anything. Someone was in his house. The creek was faint, but he still heard what he heard. He slowly and quietly reached over and pulled his 40 caliber Glock out of the drawer in his nightstand by his bed.
He already had a silencer on the gun, so it would be quiet. The noise in the hallway was getting closer. Marc quietly slid out of the bed and hid between the bed and the wall. The steps had stopped outside of his bedroom. It would only be a few minutes, and when they came in, he would be ready. He slid the safety off. It did not take long; they kicked his door in and came in firing. Two men and they lit his bed up..They stopped firing once they realized no one was in the bed.
Marc stood up and leveled his gun. The two men saw him but Marc was faster than them. Marc put a round in the shorter in the shorter guy's head. Down he went. The taller guy next to him turned towards Marc, but Marc fired first and hit him with what they call a double tap, to bullets center mass in the chest. Down he went.
Marc heard a noise downstairs, which meant two things. First, there were more people here, and second, they would be coming upstairs next. Marc quietly climbed over both bodies and hid in his bathroom, where he could see them when they came upstairs. In his mind, he was doing what he was trained to do.
He had used three rounds, which meant he had twelve more left. He had made one mistake, though. He should have grabbed the guns from the guys he just killed. Suddenly, he heard a creak on the stairs. Marc squatted and waited. A guy was coming up the top of the stairs. The guy yelled out, "Nikko! Antonio!"
No answer. He slowly walked to the bedroom and stopped when he saw the guys were dead. He backed out of the room and looked down the hallway. He started making his way down the hallway towards the bathroom. Marc could take a shot, but he wanted him closer. The guy did not disappoint. Marc leveled his gun and took a shot, again in the head, and down he went. Three down and four rounds. Marc still had it."
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